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Everything posted by Katinka

  1. Thanks for all the input folks. The consensus seems to be work it! I hoped to get more input at the dz but too windy last weekend. Hopefully this weekend! I do wonder about the screw thingies on the sides, might mean the visor fit is adjustable. No instructions came with helmet and so far, no answer from Parasport. Still...rather have it stay closed than fly open :D peas, out.
  2. Anyone else have this problem? Gorgeous brand new and great helmet, but I can't get the freakin visor up??
  3. Florida afternoons, my neptune says it's 104, crammed in a full plane, 200 lb. guy in front of me, another behind, sweat dripping down my face, sweaty handshakes all around ~ yeah! It's all good (til somebody farts!) I don't like people getting in my space normally, not at the store or bank, etc. Eight of us jostling for couch space the other night watching skydiving videos when we realized we could just stack up like on the plane! It's part of what I love about skydiving: this is your family, squish in! Just stay away from me under canopy
  4. Great ideas on what to do with your logbook! It's your journal after all! From my own - limited/newbie - experience, I did some tunnel time between AFF4 & 5 and my instructor told me to enter it. Helps instructors know what's going on with you. And believe it or not, a year from now, you will need help remembering! Loved the idea of taping the boogie bands, I have mine taped on the inside of the bathroom mirror. Will be moving them into the logbook now! Thanks! Also, I have fun collecting signatures and phone numbers and funny drawings in mine.
  5. Registered................check hotel........................check weather looks good....check Looking forward to a great weekend!
  6. Hi! I do know exactly what you mean. I did my first skydive at 53, happily married with two grown kids, lots of life experience, lots of great times. There is nothing to compare to skydiving. You can't explain it to a non-skydiver. Beyond even that, I've read many posts, especially from women, that this sport brings you back to who you are. Or maybe even, who you were before husband, kids, job, the daily grind. It's the thrill, new again. You want more of it. And, yes, daily life is dull by comparison. You just jumped out of an airplane - how cool is that!? Go do it again!
  7. Thanks for that! Made my day. btw ~ how ya doin?
  8. Oh cool, a thread I can add to! I just got some Keen's and I love 'em. Air blows through but lots of tread and toe bumpers Be sure to snug 'em down though. I forgot to cinch them in and lost one in freefall. Luckily, we have an awesome pilot because the shoe landed right smack in the middle of the runway.
  9. After 20 jumps, my nerves got so bad I quit for a year. Just kept thinking of all the things that *could* go wrong. I've been back for about a year now, and it comes and goes. I am ALWAYS nervous first jump; always after being away a couple of weeks; always if there are a lot of new variables. After a couple of jumps, I'm the one saying let's go again! Sometimes I'm nervous about landing (after some ignoble landings on my part); sometimes it's performance. Always on the ride to altitude, I'm the one with the blank stare. But once that door opens, everything goes away. I love that total focus, can laugh about things going to hell, and then there's that wonderful canopy ride, just me and the breeze! BTW: I think I met you that weekend, and I was so nervous about the upcoming jump I didn't really get to talk to you.....
  10. cool! okay, let's try this question....friendly dropzone for a newbie 100 jump wonder, first time venturing from home!
  11. Hello north west skydivers! This Florida flatlander is planning a trip to Washington, and I would love to do some jumps there as well. Any opinions on being able to get a view of Mt. Rainier on the way down??
  12. If the three wise men had been women: They would have asked directions, arrived on time, helped deliver the baby, cleaned the stable, made a casserole, brought practical gifts, and there would be Peace On Earth.
  13. ...and for those lucky enough to jump at Sebastian.... we had 18 under canopy to watch the entire launch!
  14. Katinka

    Post yourself

    I wanna play..... me at my other favorite place
  15. Has anyone ever received the free gear bag, t-shirt, etc. that is supposed to come with a new gear bundle?
  16. Hey there ms. dinosaur: started at 54, taking my time, have a long way to 500 jumps, but watch out...
  17. "I think that a braked approach, for the purposes of student training, should mean that you set up your final to be short, and fly in 1/2 to 3/4 brakes for a few hundred feet (which allows adjustments when you see you will be short or long), but you still go to a full flight toggles up condition for the last 100-200 feet or so." So, on cross, do a braked turn to final and then keep toggles 1/4 or so down ( I usually do a very conservative turn with toggles about to my ears) and that should keep enough drive to flare on landing?
  18. To complete my A license requires a braked approach and landing, but I've been told over and over to keep my hands up and canopy in full flight on final by instructors. A Crew guy just suggested to brake a bit (shoulder?) until I feel it, slowing down approach to better judge when to flare. I have been having problems with my last few landings, so I'm looking for opinions. I do plan to take a canopy course, but right now I'm uncurrent from fear of landing!
  19. I am just starting out and would love a canopy ride like you describe! Care to share the canopy size/wing loading that created this love affair?
  20. Hey! Another oldie! I'm 53 and also just starting out. Finally finished AFF and have now done some solos. Winds, family, holidays, work, rain: I think the worst is over now. All week I dream about my next jump but I'm still getting nervous when the time comes. I wish you much joy in this sport and agree that the canopy ride is the most awesome thing ever. Of course, I jump at "Florida's most scenic drop zone" so I'm pretty spoiled. Good luck with the rest of your training.
  21. Thanks for your insightful reply. I think you are right about my particular fears. Although I am lucky to have family support, and my instructors have certainly been first rate, it becomes clear that you are totally on your own up there, and must rely on yourself and your equipment. Looking up statistics and reading about incidents both helps and creates more fear. Yes, there is always some explanation, sometimes the person did something "stupid"; I know I am capable of doing something "stupid"! I don't have that young person's invincible - it can't happen to me - feeling because I've already had things in my life happen that I thought wouldn't happen to me. I also try to be aware of what all the others are doing, just so I can stay out of the way, but I don't have the skills yet to get out of the way. I hope to start soon with packing and spotting and all that good stuff, because I am sure you are right in that the more knowledge you have the safer you will be. The main setback has been currency, which I have seen discussed many times on these forums. Work, weather and family commitments have now kept me grounded for 5 weeks. It definintely gets harder the longer I stay away. What convinces me to keep going is that I am constantly thinking about skydiving. I check out the skies on the way to work, think about dive flows all the time, read everything I can get my hands on....I'm hooked!