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Everything posted by Trent

  1. Again, Google "percentage of black votes for obama" or something like it for an example. I'll remind you that I didn't ask my question about any specific candidate or race, it was a general question that I though of since we have a party with a racial split among the nominees. Oh, hello again!
  2. Well, for one... the numbers I've seen made me ask the question. That was reason enough to wonder if people were indeed different. Also since this would be the first time a black candidate is so close to the presidency, it's the first time race has really been an issue. Also, in that very article something important to note... "Obama's lead over Clinton among black men is more than 50 points, and among black women, once a Clinton stronghold, Obama has an 11 point advantage." And in other articles just in that google search, the numbers are more skewed towards Obama. Well, yeah, because it seems that people find that pretty interesting/curious. I do. Made me ask the original question... which, btw did NOT mention Obama or any specific race. It is a non-issue because there isn't a racially split pair up for nomination yet. I'd be just as curious if there was. Oh, hello again!
  3. So then the stats are meaningless? That's all we have to go on at this point and that is what my question was based on. If we keep going this way, people won't be satisfied until polls include absolutely everyone or else they'll be called invalid. Oh, hello again!
  4. Google "percentage of black votes for obama" and you'll see a wide variety of articles on the subject. At this stage, since there hasn't been a general election... unless they're just polls, it's from the dem primaries. Does that make any difference? Oh, hello again!
  5. Yes, however, it DOES seem unlikely when you see percentages of black voters going to Obama in the 70s to 90s. What would you say if it were Obama v. McCain and 90% of white people voted for McCain? Would you say that it was JUST because they really really thought he was the best candidate? Really? I don't think it's ALL about race, but percentages like that are pretty curious to me... Oh, hello again!
  6. There are lies, then there are polls. But let's have more fun. Since Obama seems to get 70 to 90% of the black vote.... my answer to your question is yes. There just might be some people who will, under no circumstances, vote for McCain because he's white. That would make him unelectable to them, wouldn't it? Oh, hello again!
  7. I will be more specific next time so we can avoid any confusion. Oh, hello again!
  8. I don't. I would never vote for someone only because he was white. Any way I look at it, it's someone putting race above all else. And for bill, while the numbers may be different, I'd tend to think the percentages are more important since you're comparing to different sized groups. Oh, hello again!
  9. He seems to. That's your favorite candidate!! What's his name again? Would you think there's more black people voting for Obama because he's black than white people voting against him because he's black? Be honest. Oh, hello again!
  10. You need to ask Farrkahn about Whitey. I bet he'd say differently. Maybe you guys met two different people? I just want to clear it up though... so if I vote for McCain, I'm a racist since we always elect white guys. If I vote for Obama or Hilary, I'm being progressive since they're not white guys. Did I get that right? Oh, hello again!
  11. I see a lot of talk about people who DON'T vote for him being racist. I see the title of this thread saying how HE is facing racism. Well, I can bet that he's getting more of the black vote than hillary is getting of the white vote. Why is that? Is it because white people are so damned racist? I just see more about how whitey is a racist when there's pretty strong evidence that it's worse from the other side in this case. I never said Obama was a racist. I don't know him well enough. (Does anyone really?) I'm not whining, I'm laughing at all the bullshit constantly flowing from your dem friends. Oh, hello again!
  12. That's a pretty stupid comeback. What candidates this close to a nomination previously have been non-white? If we're talking about Obama, I bet there are more non-black voters voting for him than there are black voters voting for the opposition. Racism, yeah. You're right. Oh, hello again!
  13. I hate starting threads really, but I just wanted to throw the question out there.... Is it racism when a candidate of a certain race gets 70%-90% of the votes from people of his/her same race? Coincidence? He/She is just THAT in tune with them? What would you call it? Oh, hello again!
  14. You know, the evil overlord Xenu...? I'll save you the $40,000 they'd screw you out of before they'd tell you about it... Oh, hello again!
  15. Cthulu man! Lovecraft! Come on... smart people need to read the scary ones too!! Oh, hello again!
  16. Bailouts are a terrible idea. Unfortunately there isn't a politician out there that will stand up and say that since the whiners would talk about how he hated people who have been broken by economic conditions instead of their own greed and poor decision making. It's ALWAYS been popular to promise handing out money. Some people are just realizing how bad the culture of the "I'm-Always-The-Victim" has become in this country. No worries, there will always be the responsible people around to pay for everyone else's mistakes, healthcare, welfare, etc... right? Oh, hello again!
  17. I've got a bunch of his books. He's awesome. I HIGHLY recommend "Holidays in Hell" Oh, hello again!
  18. Yeah, that's for sure. Watch though, the government will give them tons of money to take it over, a-la Lockheed Martin and FSS... only much much worse. That could be the new way to disguise airline welfare. Oh, hello again!
  19. Here's my conspiracy theory if they pass the user fee BS: Thousands of GA people and flights will stop using ATC services since they'll be charged if they do. Airlines will have more "close" calls than normal and piss and moan about how these uncontrolled GA aircraft (who are still following airspace rules) are getting in the way since they're not in contact with ATC. This will be a safety hazard to them as well as cost them money for the maneuvering they'll have to do. Joe public and the morons in congress will buy into every word the airlines say and GA will disappear, unless you can afford to pay for ATC, which will shortly be in airline hands and all but unavailable to the GA pilot. I've already written my senators and congressman, but I left the conspiracy part out! Oh, hello again!
  20. So, if you have an out of state ID, what are you doing voting in another state? I'd hope that you'd have to have and ID that backed up your eligibility to vote in the precinct to which you're registered. Otherwise, it's feasible that John Smith from Kentucky could go vote for John Smith from Virginia, voting twice and screwing someone out of a vote. Oh, hello again!
  21. I sent letters to my senators and congressman today... Oh, hello again!
  22. So, in a town where there has never been a murder... should there be no law against it until one has been committed? Making it MORE difficult to defraud our voting system is good. Isn't it? It is telling to see what groups are against making sure those who vote are indeed those that are registered. Oh, hello again!
  23. - The toilet paper. It's just never as good, even in well developed countries. - Like Kallend said, General aviation. - Opportunity. - The middle class. Nah, I don't really care to explain much other than the toilet paper one. Oh, hello again!
  24. Again... I wonder why it is too much to ask for someone to go get an ID before they choose our next leader? I have a feeling that many people just disagree because they're disagreeable to anything that happens when "their man" isn't in office. Oh, hello again!
  25. Well, you knew he was a tool back in his punching reporters days, then had it proved again when he went over to circle jerk with Saddam. I'm not surprised. Oh, hello again!