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Everything posted by Phil1111

  1. Because their crying keeps interrupting the counting.
  2. Hey thats the same way those other well know fascists felt in late 1944!
  3. and I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express once! I love this camaraderie!
  4. You mean all those playmates,porn stars, bankers,Russian mob members and none would vote for trump?
  5. Why was evidence included before?
  6. Imagine the depths of the deep state with eight years of Biden/Harris. I don't know why MAGA pro trump protestors are protesting in front of these ballot counting locations. Because boxes of fresh ballots are coming in the back door.
  7. Agree, trump serves up what his base thinks will work that day.
  8. Oh Brent, democrats aren't conspiring against the white mid-west nuclear family.
  9. Will trump supporters hold trump to this promise? “Running against the worst candidate in the history of presidential politics puts pressure on me,” Trump told supporters at an airport campaign rally in Macon, Georgia. “Could you imagine if I lose? My whole life – what am I going to do? I’m going to say I lost to the worst candidate in the history of politics.” Trump said he might not feel so good after an election loss to Biden. “Maybe I have to leave the country, I don’t know,”
  10. Today in America there is an office filled with Guy Fawkes. No its not a Antifa hideout. Its called the NY Attorney General. Think of it as a rule of law version of Bill Barr. The trump ship is going down and trump will get his.
  11. trump,Brent and others in the trump base have redefined politics into a new realpolitik.Whereby no prisoners are taken and no quarter is given. Accept it. While I agree with Joe in a prior post whereby he made reference to using a hammer on the GOP. The democrats need control of the senate. While the NYT is showing currently a tie in the senate 48-48. Proper address needs control of all three branches in order to educate the GOP about real, real, realpolitik. That being constitutional amendments to give equal rights to every voter. Not more rights, more power to GOP states that scam the vote, stack the courts and rule like kings. Proper address to the parade of conservative SC judges, beholden to the 1950's christian identity. The bad hand Biden has to deal with is covid, a struggling economy and voters that expect some relief from four years of trump. The bad had the GOP has to deal with is trump. Who everyone knows ain't going anywhere. The problem for the GOP is the trump cancer. His tentacles have woven themselves through the body GOP and have attacked its entire system.
  12. trump is holed up in his trumpenbunker paranoid about January 20th, pay no attention to it. But expect more nonsense.
  13. Why change what works? You pack your main the same way all the time because?
  14. trump readies thousands of attorneys for election fight. Dozens of lawyers from three major firms have been hired. Thousands of volunteer attorneys and poll watchers across the country have been recruited." A politician decides he needs in-house counsel, so he interviews a young lawyer. “Mr. Peterson,” she says. “Would you say you’re honest?” “Honest?” replies Peterson. “Let me tell you something about honesty. Some friends lent me $85,000 for my education, and I paid back every penny the minute I tried my first case.” “Impressive. And what sort of case was that?” “My former friends sued me for the money.”
  15. As an experienced salesperson you probably understand the mechanisms and motivators that really drive decision making of people. Polls and pundits miss the fundamental deeply rooted drivers of people. Successful salespeople do. Variously defined between 4-10 reasons the real drivers are: Fear-safety Greed Status Need-problem Dream-pleasure-vanity Make a statement-forget our problems Fatigue-capitulation to a problem Thats why business, corporations create "focus groups" why trial lawyers conduct mock trials in important cases. To ascertain what is really driving the decisions of prospective jurors from a community. To ascertain what would drive big settlements for their clients.
  16. This is why polls get it wrong so often. There are some well educated and some smart people in SC. What is often missed in the equation is what really drives the psychological decision making in people. IMO democrats loose 4-7 % of voters on the abortion issue alone. This is commonly called single issue voters. That regardless of what a person says when push comes to shove there is one issue driving their vote in the ballot box. Democrats lose another 4-7% on the gun issue and another 4-7% to outright racists. The GOP owns these votes so democrats concede 15% right off the bat. Then the EC and gerrymandering, vote rigging and other scams. Rig the house the senate and the presidency to another 5% more or less. Then we get to real economic and social issues that penetrate the fog, the b.s., the pandering, posturing, misinformation in the voters mind. These issues require constitutional amendments. So if this election results in Biden and senate control. He had better not piss away another four years.
  17. If there is one concept that this close vote indicates. Its that the democrat platform is too radical for too much of America. Or that the democrat agenda needs to have more education and a better sell associated with it. The frustration of voters such that they remain with trump. Overlook $6T in deficit spending and covid mismanagement. Has been severely underestimated. Corruption of the vote and the state and the electoral college only goes so far. The indifference in voters in their personal efforts to thoroughly understand complex issues. Only goes so far. Assuming Biden wins. He should directly seize the issues that brought trump support. That would include China trade and others. The fact that this was not a blue wave in the face of trump's personal corruption is too obvious to ignore.
  18. Other republicans looking on. They still think he's a part of the family.
  19. er... the GOP would have to step up gerrymandering, lawsuits, courts stacking, etc. "In Pennsylvania, Democratic candidates took 51 percent of the vote across the state’s 18 districts, but only five of the seats. In Wang’s model, the odds against Democrats emerging at an eight-seat disadvantage are 1,000-to-1. And Pennsylvania was not alone. According to the Election Consortium analysis, gerrymandering helped Republicans secure 13 seats in just six states – including Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Virginia and North Carolina – that, under normal rules of engagement, Democrats would have won." trump Supporters airdvr and turtlespeed go to heaven St. Peter greets them at the Pearly gates and asks if there is anything in the universe they'd like to know before meeting God. The fist guy asks, "What was really in Hillary's emails?" "Nothing incriminating really", replies St. Peter. turtlespeed turns and whispers, "Wow, this goes higher than we thought."
  20. Slaveowners 240 years ago living of the work of others. GOP today living of the work of Blue states.
  21. Why are Trump supporters usually first to the ballot box? Because they’re always Russian
  22. Why do you think trump will modify the behaviors he's used for 74 years to bully and get his way? That with a landslide for Biden he won't tweet and yell fraud? Call his supporters to close down the streets and protest? A more appropriate title to the thread would be Tomorrow it has to be Biden. Never in the history of the Economist(link above) has it specifically called for a US candidate that it favors for president. It was first published in September 1843. I understand you have good intentions in that statement. But the GOP are the ones before a dozen courts in the US last week. Seeking to destroy the democratic rights of voters who have every right to that core American right. trump will most certainly not be as gracious as Obama was in welcoming trump to the office. He will most certainly use every power he has left to obstruct any change in his office. In the peace of the US. When Biden assumes office trump will not vanish. He will continue to do what he does best. To lie, sow divisions in America and attempt to scam an advantage from the status quo.
  23. I wonder if Stephen Miller reads Mein Kampf in the mornings for inspirations. “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” The above originated with Mein Kampf of course but it was Goebbels, Hitler and later Donald trump that used it to best effects.