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Everything posted by Phil1111

  1. But....but...but... the Supreme Court that trump stacked himself with conservatives! Newsmax, OAN and Q will tell you how to think with updates this evening. On how Soros and the deep state corrupted, then stole everything. Don't forget to send money to OFFICIAL ELECTION DEFENSE FUND! President Trump needs YOU to step up to make sure we have the resources to protect the integrity of the Election! For a short time, ALL GIFTS 1000%-MATCHED! Please contribute ANY AMOUNT IMMEDIATELY to the Official Election Defense Fund and to claim your 1000%-MATCH! Ron its critical according to Donald trump's website. In addition trump matches your personal donations 1000% One thousand percent matching. Only for a short time! Donald trump's integrity. The election's integrity. Its all dependent on donations. Oh! hold on there is fine print not evident from his website: Trump's new political action committee is called Save America, and it will receive 60% of every contribution to Trump's Official Election Defense Fund. The remaining 40% of each contribution goes to the Republican National Committee. "It's only if a contributor has reached the $5,000 legal limit in contributions to Save America that any part of their contribution would go to Trump's recount fund," Fischer said. He says that means the average small donor reacting to Trump's plea to fuel his legal defense isn't actually helping to offset the costs of recounts or other legal expenses. And a leadership PAC, unlike an official campaign committee, enjoys a lot more leeway when it comes to how its money can be spent. "This can help further [Trump's] political agenda," Beckel says. "It is something that he could use to dole out money to like-minded candidates and includes spending money for expenditures that would be prohibited if it was campaign cash, because campaign cash cannot be used for personal use." Fischer says the language of the Trump campaign's fundraising emails could severely mislead his supporters.
  2. I thought Soros owned that company?
  3. Phil1111


    Q isn't a religion? Why wasn't I told? It has scripture. Worship of social structures. Symbols, rituals, sacred stories, beliefs and spiritual experiences.
  4. Phil1111


    About Q or religion?
  5. Phil1111


    I'm not "fabricating my own metrics". That is a good site although US v Canada at 30 days post hospitalization is more useful: The US is .998 Canada 1.12 of course Canada spends a fraction on care v the US.
  6. Some lawyers are honest I know. Another factor is they don't want to be associated with abuse of the system.
  7. Phil1111


    Thats true but you compare apples to apples. I don't see any US figures for active cases. I use the NYT Hospitalized is not the same as unrecovered. It doesn't include self isolation, etc. So total diagnosed cases to total deaths in both countries factored for population ranks them both equally.
  8. Phil1111


    Mortality divided into total cases. US v Canada
  9. Phil1111


    Canada is 11 percent of US pop. This is where i get my info: So something doesn't jive.
  10. Phil1111


    Manitoba used to be the Canadian poster child for responsible covid behavior. Now its among the worst. Somebody was bringing cases in and the Mounties are in charge. Contrary to rumors that they "always get their man". I doubt it.
  11. Rats likely found out trump didn't like to pay.
  12. Phil1111


    Canada currently has 24% of the covid cases that the US has per population. Canada currently has 40% of the covid fatality rate that the US has per population. Canada has 11% of US pop. Perhaps single payer health care has better health outcomes. Perhaps a socalist-commie Prime Minister is better than a trump one. Where was that trump death clock? Actually the trump death factor correction comes within about 3% of the overall Canadian death rate.
  13. Phil1111


    Seventy one million Americas say it won't be corrected on the 20th.
  14. Even better "one of the president’s friends told me. “It’s all so bizarre.” "This person, who speaks to the president often — or, more accurately, who listens and says uh-huh as the president speaks — said that Trump is not just done for, but done. “He wants to lose. He’s out of money. He worries about being arrested. He worried about being assassinated,” they said. “It hasn’t been a great experience for him. He likes showing people around the White House, but the actual day-to-day business of being president? It’s been pretty unpleasant for him.” “A lot of what Trump says is the opposite of what he means. That’s true of all of us, to some extent,” the president’s friend said. But when Trump said he didn’t mind losing to Biden, even though he famously hates losers of any ilk, his friend believed him. “He doesn’t believe losing is shameful — quitting is bad. Losing isn’t,” this person said. “He’s afraid. He’s the most insecure, afraid person ever. He’s too afraid to be president. He’s afraid to exercise power. He’s afraid to do the job. It’s why he’s overbearing and crazy — he sabotages himself constantly because he hates himself and wants out. He’s always trying to hurt himself. That guy commits more self-harm than anyone I’ve ever encountered.”
  15. Good one. I had to think for a minute to figure out WTF was going on. Covid iso is taking effect.
  16. I'll put you and Wendy on matching nail guns and have at it. Its usually not about what a person says it is but more deeply rooted psychologies that drive decision making. Many people will be well off but be driven for more. Because their parents suffered financial setbacks late in life and suffered thereafter. As an example.
  17. Forgot religion, fear, racism, isolationism and minuscule tea party government. Selfishness isn't illegal. When someone else who supports trump said their spouse was a higher up employee of the pharma/health industry. That explained allot about their support for trump-GOP. Yes and above. Having said all that Biden needs to address some of these issues. Anti-immigration is not all about Bannon-Miller racism. Biden needs to sell the fiscal advantages of immigration, etc. Sell the fiscal advantages of single payer medicine, etc.
  18. Americans had midterms to send trump a message and they didn't. In this election there was still 72 million votes for trump. Enough to win every single election in American history except his one. You should check the two quoted stories I made in the last week about why trump voters support him and his messaging. Yes its policy but its more about interpersonal values.
  19. You can be certain that the evangelicals will be passing around the collection plates on Sundays. All to raise money for the election. The Dem mobs have to be defeated, no annihilated.
  20. Well it is the heart of evangelical country. They scream, cry and speak as if they were living in the time of Nero. That trump is their crusader ready to slay the heathen mobs.
  21. Or the last few on the GOP side who cared about the constitution, service, America. John McCain for example.
  22. Gonna have to get Wendy a nail gun for all the nails she is driving home.
  23. Why don't you just come out and tell the truth. i.e. I'm self employed, I created my own job, I get nothing from the government. I believe in the smallest government possible. I look after my kids, my wife, my family, my friends. I expect others to do the same. I'm paraphrasing but why don't you expand? If necessary?
  24. Trump has cleared the decks at intelligence and the pentagon.Media is speculating that mid-east troop withdrawals are afoot. My first thought would be nuclear technology for his best friend MBS. Because a golden parachute for his exit from office courtesy the Saudi's would be nice. Arms deals using fake security concerns are my thoughts on it. Others suggest a distracting military issue. Trump Stacks the Pentagon and Intel Agencies With Loyalists. To What End?
  25. Phil1111


    The next step will be an electron microscope to find those straws that support Q.