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Everything posted by Phil1111

  1. Water... its a non issue. "The San Diego County Water Authority has agreed to buy at least 48,000 acre-feet of water from the plant each year for about $2,000 an acre-foot. An acre-foot equals about 326,000 gallons, roughly enough for two families of four for a year." So $1000 a year for a family of 4. Thats 68 cents a day per person for clean potable water. It cost to treat fresh water from a river anyway. Thats like the calculations that it takes "The thing is, nuts use a whole lot of water: it takes about a gallon of water to grow one almond," The water goes back into the groundwater that the tree doesn't use and the tree removes CO2 and produces o2. The sky is falling, the sky is falling.
  2. You must have suffered a TBI at some point and either gone untreated or failed to develop a cognitive response to accommodate your disability.You have forgotten your training. Clearly beer is an important part of post jumping recovery. It has the necessary carbs, protein and muscle relaxants for proper post jump recovery.
  3. I'd appreciate a pm when you post your next video. Thanks for that.
  4. I dispute that secretaries or phone operators conspired to provide bogus ratings. That was done by executives. Corruption, coverup and money. The full equal to sex in making the world go up and down, up and down, up and down.
  5. There is a multi national meeting in Brussles today meeting discussing how to stop ISIS from moving their money around. ... Donations from wealthy supporters, mainly Saudie Arabia and Qatar. Blackmail and theft from people in their controlled areas. IS is supposedly the best funded terror organization ever. ... Just look at history, lots of North Americans were very happy to do business with and make money of the Nazis. "WASHINGTON — In highly unusual testimony inside the federal supermax prison, a former operative for Al Qaeda has described prominent members of Saudi Arabia’s royal family as major donors to the terrorist network in the late 1990s and claimed that he discussed a plan to shoot down Air Force One with a Stinger missile with a staff member at the Saudi Embassy in Washington."®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news
  6. Dude its facts its not anti any thing its just pro truth. This whole idea of good guys and bad guys is asinine to me. I live in the US i love bacon, boobies and am anti traditional to every culture i have been a part of. That doesn't give me the right to force my view on others, or to vilify them. I know people who look at our way (the American way of life) as horrific, instinct based,materialistic and lacking any spirituality. that's their right to think that and not want to become us. To each there own. Also when we confuse understandable grievances and make it about idealism were fucked. That is what happens on both sides. They are both wrong. I don't have to pretend that all our troops are super heroes, everything we do as holy to love the US, i am sorry that some have a ferry tail standard i don't. We kill people we do it for our comfort, we do it so gas is cheap food is cheap and we all enjoy a good standard of life. All you have to do is see what percentage of the world is the US population, and then pic any major resource and see what percentage we use. Its not opinion its math. I think all of the desperate and horrific action, at least a vast majority of it is motivated by desperation and a shitty life by the individuals living in that area. It is so much easier to hate when your hungry then when your full. All I can say is wow Yeah bacon,boobies and skydiving.Three things the US has that the daesh caliphate will never have. Gotta love these forums.
  7. If the pilot rumor mill is correct, the aircraft was still listed as being owned by Cirrus of Duluth, MN and was being delivered to a new customer. The other rumor was that a pump failed so the pilot couldn't transfer gas from the ferry tank to the main tank. I've only done one ferry flight in my lifetime (one too many) but all of the setups I have seen include a manual hand pump to use as a backup. If so these systems are usually quite reliable and the same version is installed in multiple a/c types for ferry flights. 11 miles short. Too bad for a/c at least pilot OK so the net is more jobs at Cirrus and a loss for the insurer.
  8. You will appreciate this: A little more of what will remain:
  9. You're wrong. You are a humanist and you care for others. Most people would want to associate with you. But the average person has problems defining the politics of this situation and region. Daesh, the current self defined name of the Islamic State directs these videos to define who they are. They clearly state their policy in public documents as well. "One should remember that enslaving the families of the kuffar — the infidels — and taking their women as concubines is a firmly established aspect of the Shariah, or Islamic law.” Indeed so: “When a child or a woman is taken captive, they become slaves by the fact of capture, and the woman’s previous marriage is immediately annulled.” (Umdat al-Salik O9.13) “Shocking: ISIS Official ‘Slave’ Price List Shows Yazidi, Christian Girls Aged ‘1 to 9′ Being Sold for $172,” by Johnlee Varghese, International Business Times, November 5, 2014 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):" On the other hand there is the Government of Syria, led by Assad. "Protests in Syria started on 26 January 2011. Protesters called for political reforms and the re-instatement of civil rights, as well as an end to the state of emergency which had been in place since 1963"... By the end of January 2012, it was reported that over 5,000 civilians and protesters (including armed militants) had been killed by the Syrian army, militia (Shabiha) and security agents, while 1,100 people had been killed by the anti-government forces" A government supported by Russia, Iran, Jordan(Default Hezbollah puppet government). All these governments, members on U.N., UN security council and financiers of the war that led to Daesh.
  10. To be fair, while that does suck it's not an Obama thing, it's an every politician thing. In fact, so far the only political figure I've seen who stood up and said 'hang on a minute, this guy was a fucking cunt' is an ex-MP who doesn't have to toe the party line any more. Everyone else is still in thrall. Apparently if they let us keep our military bases there it doesn't matter that they're worse than most of the people in the region that we're using those bases to attack. 'refers to politics or diplomacy based primarily on power and on practical and material factors and considerations, rather than ideological notions or moralistic or ethical premises." ... ... called Realpolitik
  11. Here is a dated interview with Conan and CK. Strange I don't see any of your interpretation of 'i am awesome' Perhaps you are confused. Keep in mind that its a Hollywood Movie. Chris Kyle was a real person. Nobody should think that the actors in The Big Bang Theory are real PhD's. Chris Kyle awards: Silver Star ribbon.svg Silver Star Medal (2) BronzeStarV copy.jpg Bronze Star Medal (Valor; 5) Navy and Marine Corps Commendation ribbon.svg Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal (1) Navy and Marine Corps Achievement ribbon.svg Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal (2)[3][4] "Kyle paired with FITCO Cares Foundation, a nonprofit organization which created the Heroes Project to provide free in-home fitness equipment, individualized programs, personal training, and life-coaching to in-need veterans with disabilities, Gold Star families, or those suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder" Some further reading:
  12. "By the fullest accounting, which is different from usual budget figures, the United States will spend more than $1 trillion on national security this year. That includes about $580 billion for the Pentagon’s baseline budget plus “overseas contingency” funds, $20 billion in the Department of Energy budget for nuclear weapons, nearly $200 billion for military pensions and Department of Veterans Affairs costs, and other expenses. But it doesn’t count more than $80 billion a year of interest on the military-related share of the national debt. After adjustments for inflation, the United States will spend about 50 percent more on the military this year than its average through the Cold War and Vietnam War. It will spend about as much as the next 10 nations combined—three to five times as much as China, depending on how you count, and seven to nine times as much as Russia. The world as a whole spends about 2 percent of its total income on its militaries; the United States, about 4 percent."... “My concern is this growing disconnect between the American people and our military,” retired Admiral Mike Mullen, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under George W. Bush and Barack Obama (and whose mid-career academic stint was at Harvard Business School), told me recently. The military is “professional and capable,” he said, “but I would sacrifice some of that excellence and readiness to make sure that we stay close to the American people. Fewer and fewer people know anyone in the military. It’s become just too easy to go to war.”
  14. Don't the "winners" always get to "right" history? IMO Kyle took certain liberties with some facts. If i disassociated with everyone who didn't do that on occasion I'd be alone. I don't think he was a "hero", more that he was just very good and dedicated to his job.Does ego go with JSOC or special forces? Sure it does just like it does with some skygods. On balance setting aside God, hurrah AMERICA, he was a dedicated soldier and he died trying to help others. There are probably F-15 pilots that killed more enemy combatants. His story, on balance, worth telling. Read the book, waiting for an online view of the movie.
  16. Are they going to come down? Kerosene-Type Jet Fuel Prices: U.S. Gulf Coast 2014-12-26: 1.634 Dollars per Gallon
  17. Background checks for sporting events. What will they think of next! Imagine if they had background checks for NFL games. They would have to cancel everything.
  18. +1 This is not a racial issue. It's a socioeconomic, lack of education, lack of respect for others, no responsibility, no accountability issue. Making this racial disrespects and insults all African Americans. Mostly right. I thought Brown was on his way to school he just skipped some classed to partake in a little strong arm robbery before classes. The socioeconomic,well he was going to be a thief before retiring to the Missouri Department of Corrections.
  19. Phil1111

    ATC humour

    ATC: "Cessna G-ABCD What are your intentions? " Cessna: "To get my Commercial Pilots Licence and Instrument Rating. ATC: "I meant in the next five minutes not years." Tower: "Eastern 702, cleared for takeoff" Eastern 702: "Tower, Eastern 702 switching to the way as we lifted off we saw some kind of dead animal on the far end of the runway." Tower: "National 63 cleared for takeoff...did you copy the report from Eastern?" National 63: "Roger, Tower, cleared for takeoff... yes, we've already notified our caterers."
  20. Phil1111

    ATC humour

    True conversation heard at Hanover Airport. The young woman in Tower has recently finished her training and is still not completely at ease. BA XXX is at holding position runway 09R. Another aircraft is doing approach procedures for a landing on the same runway. Tower wishes to expedite take-off for BA XXX: Tower: BA XXX, are you ready for a quickie ? BA XXX: Lady, I'm always ready for a quickie, but first I have to fly this plane to Helsinki !
  21. I had same setup except a very nicely made aluminum housing with DUAL ac altimeters. All very confusing.