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Everything posted by Steeler

  1. Damn, thats exactly how I felt on my 1st one. I didnt remember anything about those 3 or 4 seconds, but after a few days, I dont know why or how but I remembered exactly what happened. No trouble remembering on my 2nd one. Actually my 2nd was more nerve rattling than the 1st.
  2. Ok, I`m obviously not an instructor and maybe I shouldnt be posting in here but I have a stupid question. What is up with the "pre-" stuff? Is "first" a jinx or something? Somebody fill me in please.
  3. May be he had something on his mind... May be he didnt hear you... May be he was just tired. Whatever it was, please tell me, oh sensitve new jumper, why should ANYONE, let alone someone who HAS seen it all, pay attention to every single person on the DZ? If you expect an accomplished skydiver to pay you respects now, when you have 18 jumps, I want to see how your attitude changes when you get a few thousand jumps and see hundreds of new jumpers come and go. IF you get there of course. If I walk past someone and say "hello", and they ignore me, then they are an asshole. Period. Come on, its a greeting! If you are too tired to say hello in return, then I sure hope you are done jumping for the day.
  4. This is dead on. I went to the DZ last night, didnt jump but just hung out, asked thousands of questions, listened, and learned a ton and made some new freinds. I think it really helps with the anxiety when you really feel like you KNOW the people on the plane with you and they areent all just of bunch of strangers.
  5. Yep, I had (am having) the same trouble. Going by yourself sucks, but thats the only choice we have.
  6. Having only 2 jumps, I am afraid of everything until I`m under canopy. But what really gets me is the climbout. The skinny ass little step and almost losing my grip on the fat strut of the Beaver due to sweaty hands freaks me out. I dont really care much for the roller coaster belly feeling when I let go either, but for some reason I keep coming back for more.
  7. My bad, my math was a bit off. So that makes it 15 or 16 bucks then.
  8. Made my 2nd S/L today, its amazing how much more stable you feel when you arch!!! Wow, this one was fun. Sorry but I just want to tell somebody since I have no buddies that jump. Its hard going home after a jump and not having anyone to relate to.
  9. Dont mean to hijack here but what is "coming off the hill" and what is the difference between funneling and floating?
  10. My instructor told me today that when I get on freeeefall he wants to put me in a 190. I weigh 170. I told him he wa the boss, but I sure like that 300.
  11. All that have responded. So my next question, what wing loading would be considered hp?
  12. Is there anyone here that has high jump #`s and still jumps a big fat canopy? Sorry if this is a stupid question, but I read all about tiny hp canopies, swooping and all the other fast stuff but I see myself in the future just enjoying the ride and landing straight in. Maybe I will think differently when I get a few hundred jumps, but I sure hope not. This sport is dangerous enough, I would like to limit the risk as much as possible.
  13. Yes I would imagine that would definately be more difficult. Just curious, what kind of aircraft are you jumping? BTW, I did that geeking on the veiw thing too. Took me a few seconds to realize I needed to quit sight seeing and look at my instructor.
  14. My first (and only) exit was pretty ugly. I was kicking and swimming. I`ve made that jump at least a thousand times in my head since I think I have finally figured out why I did that. I think that in my mind I wanted to be belly to earth so bad (the exit was hanging from strut) that I was looking towards the ground trying to "swim" to get level. I`m going to try to do nothing but arch on my next one, even if I have to close my eyes for a few seconds.
  15. Yeah, thats it!! Except I think my words right out the door were "Holy f-ing sh*t, OH NO!" And I said it
  16. Well its great to hear that I`m not alone! I think it was just a case of "fear of the unknown". I didnt have any trouble on the climbout, but when he said "GO", to be honest I didnt even want to let go. I was freaking terrified. I had to make my hands let go of the stut. Then it felt like I started going into a backflip, but I dont think I really was. Wierdest damn feeling I`ve ever had in my life, and I want more.
  17. I made my first static line jump Labor Day, the whole ride to altitude I`m thinking "arch, count" over and over in my head. So after exit, what do I do? Nothing. Just fell like a rock kicking and swimming like an idiot. I completely forgot the arch, count, etc. I didnt get my brain turned back on until the canopy was open and my line twists were cleared. Is this normal or am I doomed from the start? I am hoping that my next jump I can relax a little more and do what I need to do, but now I`m afraid I might be more nervous for my second jump than I was on the first.
  18. Well, I just got back from my first jump, WOW!! What an amazing experience! I was kinda taken back by how fast everything happens once you are on the plane. We take off, next thing I know, I get a head butt from my instructor and out I go. I`m not sure which was more frightening, the ride up or hanging from the wing just before letting go. I`m really pissed at myself for my bad exit though. I completely forgot to arch and count, ended up "swimming", like the guy on the training video. What an embarrassment, but I did manage a stand up landing. The notes in my log book read "good climbout, kicked an swam on exit, did recover stability." Funny thing is, I dont remember regaining stability. After the 1/2 hour it seemed to take for the canapy to open, I had a few line twists. I was terrified of line twists, but was really suprised how easy they came out. I think on my next jump, I will be a little calmer and maybe I wont forget to arch. Cant wait!! Thanks everybody for the encouraging words, now I`m hooked!!
  19. Just curious, what was the reason the 2 said they wouldnt do it again? I know I`ll be hooked as soon as I get my first one under my belt!
  20. Hope to see ya in Bardstown, I know I`ll be spending a lot of time there from here on out!!
  21. Hello Jeebuzzin. How far are you from Bardstown Ky? I just took my first jump course there Sunday but it started raining so I didnt get to jump, but I`ll be there this weekend for my first. Relly good people there and excellent training!! Check it out,
  22. Well, took the FJC, then it started raining. Have to wait a week!
  23. I`ll be jumping at Greene Co Sport Parachute Center in Bardstown Ky.