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Everything posted by Steeler

  1. Ok, I`m going for it tomorrow morning by myself. I had 2 people interested but when I mentioned a date, they came up with reasons they couldnt do it (money, wife wont let me, etc....). I just hope there is someone else taking the FJC too. BTW, I`m a nervous wreck!!
  2. I have a date already picked out. If I cant get someone to go with me on that date, I`ll do it alone. Either way, I`m doing it. I`ve wanted to do this as long as I can remember, time to quit dicking around.
  3. Good, the less people I have to worry about the better. Not that I`m non-trusting, I just dont want to stress out too bad about other people taking me out. I`m so pumped about it, now I gotta find somebody to take the course and jump with!!
  4. Thanks for the replies. I`m sure once I make my first jump, I`ll be hooked! When working to get your "A" license, is it a requirement to do formation jumps?
  5. Hello all. I`ve never jumped from an airplane, yet, but I recently decided that I was going to do a static jump. After lurking aroung this site for a while I am starting to wonder if its something I really want to do. I will admit that before finding this site I thought that it would be as simple as taking a course, taking a plane ride, jumping out, and floating peacefully to the ground. Now I see that there is quite a bit more to it than that. I understand that skydiving is a dangerous sport, but it really suprised me to see so many posts about malfunctions and cut-aways. I guess it kinda spooked me a bit at the idea that I might have a problem/malfunction at an early jump #. I still want to jump, but I am going to have to talk one of my buddies into doing it with me as I really dont want to go alone. I have a million questions, but I wont make this post a book.