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Everything posted by Trae

  1. I'm a bit confused about this satan thingy. Saint Nicholas or Santa Claus and good ol' St Nick are apparently one and the same?????? Satan wanted God to share his power with the rest of the angels but got kicked out of heaven for thinking like that. Now we only worship Santa Claus for one day a year when we're supposed to worship god and the heavenly choir all the time. It seems like Satan was just a 'power to the people' type angel....punished by a jealous selfish goddy. Not sure about this as a very drunk irish priest taught us this and some other confusing things. Now it seems like heaven would be a very boring place to be with Santa Claus's version of hell being much more enticing. I suppose hell is where ol' St Nick don't visit much.
  2. If when and always....... In reply to kallends "Don't worry about it, when you patent that perpetual motion machine you will have the last laugh." Not worried at all actually and still laughin' You might of missed it or something but the perpetual motion machine has already been invented You're standing, sitting, (shyttin,) in it PS if you're still havin' a bit of trouble with the attempted physics lesson ---(ie perpetual motion? ) it's called the Multi-verse and its a bit bigger (& smaller) than you and poor little ignorant me . See you out there ..unless you're still stuck down here. edited cause i can
  3. Not jumping today... ..cause I saved $400 this weekend by not goin' anywhere near a DZ
  4. Perhaps some-one can help me out here? Did I taunt too much? Recently in the wing-suit forum (the singing suits thread.) I recieved a 2nd warning ( NO 1st warning that I recognised as such ) for apparently out of line comments following what I preceived as multiple assailants on a personal level. Some how I had offended (PA'd ) the Laws of Physics. Of course I may just be paranoid delusional or high on magic mushies as some of my perceived attackers stated. To me my warning appeared a bit unfair as my assailants continued on with their implied and stated put-downs UNWARNED where-as my rebuffs were deemed PA's. At the time I thought everyone was having fun...until I was told to take my foot out of my mouth. Thing is it tasted like some-one else's foot. Is it 3rd strike and you're out?
  5. wow airtwardo, Good on you and yours,
  6. Black Crows amoungst the Black Sheep..or ...Daeth threats and other abberations to get to know and love. This is a bit of sharing as regards some real life experiences had by little Trae. I realise my stuff is nothing new or uncommon but as this is a skydivers forum and I’m a skydiver (however part time ) I feel that perhaps I can share this here and vent some angst . This is also in the hope that any others who have had similar experiences will be further empowered to feel that it’s not always the ‘baddies’ that win the day. As to any ‘seek professional psychiatric help’ type advices’re missing the point you’d be off topic in my opinion and way too late anyway. The topic here is about what happens to some of us out here not necessarily how to deal with it on a personal or otherwise level. I’m hoping that some of you may see some of the more eccentric amoungst us in a more compassionate & understanding light. You know the ones I mean.... the ones that don’t seem to fit into the often clicky crowd . The black crows amoungst the black sheepies. Story time with Uncle Trae As a child growing up in a working class neighbourhood in a sizeable city the concept of threatening others life and livelihood was not a new one. Stealing back stolen toys and dodging attacks from older people was par for the course before school age. Getting held up on the way to kindy school for your lunch or mince money was an accepted every day occurance.( you learn to dodge & yeah at least we got fed.... usually ) Opposing families were organised in ’milk money’ gangs and used their children as run arounds picking up any left out items or encouraging them to pick things up from their ‘friends’ houses or back yards.( lucky weren’t we having a yard to be stolen from) My father was heavily involved in a political party . While he slept at night I got to answer the late night calls . These consisted mainly of the silent treatment but as time progressed they got more inventive. The whistle and returned silences on my part also got more inventive as the years went by (out freak the freakers). After the first couple of calls these went unreported as my father wasn’t interested as he dealt with these types on a face to face basis at his workplace and during his leisure moments. I felt good saving my family from the sordid details dished out at nite over the phone. As a child I found it perplexing that what I was being taught at school appeared to have little relationship to what was happening outside school. Got to look forward to the nite callers knowing that out there somewhere some-one or gang of some-ones wished my family harm as a constant expression of their consciousness. These people were our so called ‘country-men’. As I grew older I got to get a bit of shovin’ and did a bit of shovin’ back. Older still and the shovin’ turned to shivin’. Getting shot by slug guns replaced the rock throwing and sling-shotting and then bullets started flying. A broken tooth or two became a slug in the eye turned into bullets past your ears. Sit in the wrong chair or get pissed in the wrong company and you’d wear it . In a crowd it was always good to know who your friends were and to keep them kinda close . Often if you got lost you could find your friends later at the hospital. You also learnt to follow your intuition.. A bit of eye contact with the wrong person and... ....I learnt to run when I had to especially when the circus was in town. Over time the naughtier children killed or neutered themselves off with datura or heroin and the air got a bit clearer. My running abilities turned into bike riding skills . Then I discovered skydiving and parachuting.
  7. Not answering a question here but more just proposing a hypothesis. Hypothesis(s). The attaker will not consider it a PA no matter what as for them they are decidedly ON TOPIC. The attackee will ALWAYS consider it a PA even if it is completely true. Any viewers will either laugh at the increased enjoyment level seeing the victim getting nailed or boo at their hero being lampooned or exposed or yawn in boredom at yet another 'storm in a teacup.'
  8. Fear as the Mind killer. As Mr Frank Herbert noted in his “ Dune’ series of books “Fear is the Mind killer.” I’ve been reading more of some magazines found in da attic. Here’s a bit of a summary. “There appears to be a tendency with the current war on terror to see enemies everywhere even where they don’t exist. There are some worrying tendencies with the type of thinking that espouses ‘you’re either for us or against us.” The use of ‘ terror tactics’ as a political tool also appears to be on the increase not just in the USA but all around the world. It appears that governments can reduce the ability of contrary views by simply implying or outright stating that such views give ‘succour to the enemy”. In some cases it has become very unclear just who the enemy is . Other examples of societies that have relied upon keeping their citizens in a perpetual state of fear and ignorance include Nazi germany and Stalinist Russia. In these thankfully defunct societies any dissent was usually crushed before others could be influenced by such”free’ thoughts. eg anything which questioned the official line or what we now see as propaganda. Such tactics reduce or eliminate the ability for any middle ground and their aims are usually total power for the ‘free mind’ fearing perpetrators. Now they just call you crazy or perverted a weirdo etc.. These tactics also tend to polarise opinion and belief and in so doing are very capable of creating the very events and mental atmospheres which were originally feared. Such self creating prophesies tend to blur the minds ability to determine where this all came from in the first place. Other examples of such polarity creation and it’s direction against ‘the enemy’ include : --the persecution of the Jews in Nazi germany. --attacks against environmentalists who may lower corporate profits --the censoring of alternative views in the media This can often go under the guise of giving the people what they want. What some people often manage to forget is that this is what they’ve been told to want...either by peer pressure (any-one thinking different must be delusional etc) or by fear & terror closing down their reasoning faculties. The spreading of fear and false information can end up creating a population unable to tell the difference between an enemy and a friend. From some studies such an environment can historically produce an isolationist mindset (hide behind a missile barrier) or a Empire creation get out there and get them before they get us type way of thinking. Such pre-emptive strike mentality is now being used by governments around the world against their own free thinking citizens by muting and silencing dissenting voices in the media and in society. The re-emergence of bigots in the media as spokes people is another indication of such tactics. When seen from a simple citizens perspective such thinking looks about on the mental level of that bully in the sandpit at the playground that a lot of us may have dealt with as children. In some countries social services have been drastically reduced further broadening the gap between rich and poor. The poor often aren’t organised enough to run a Tvbroadcasting or other media network to proclaim their own often alternative views. Thanks Mr Herbert for putting it so simply.... Fear really could become more than just the mind killer....for some out there it has already become THE killer and something worthy of real fear .....unreasoned anti -terror fear based reactionary politics wielded by perhaps well meaning but sadly semi-deficient emotionally impaired ( but usually very rich ) politicians the world over. Whose gonna pick up the pieces this time? Humpty dumpty?? These old books are great if a bit dusty .... Sadly it’s getting harder to find such contrary views in our current media.
  9. The 3 safest and most boring conversations to have at parties or a lot of DZ's. How drunk you got last night . How drunk you are NOW How drunk you're gonnna get tomorrow PS you can substitue any other adictive substance aduse effect for drunk or mix them together if you like. Works everytime. Ps have been known to indulge so yep ..I'm a hypocrite
  10. G'day sirenormac ,Ta for your considered non-inflammatory replies ...appreciated. I agree the 3 ring system is brilliantly simple and has transformed and simplified the cut-away process..and no doubt saved heaps of lives. I've jumped using cape-wells and tape-wells (1 1/2 & 1shots) and am glad to see their replacement . I'm just a nit-pickin' perfectionist etc... as to the slotted flaps ---- Of course canopies already have flaps we just don't call them that. Slotted ones are just more efficient in some applications. Back to the pressure thingy.... Basic idea. ***Redirecting high pressure internal air downwards in order to enhance lift ..mainly at high speeds. Admittedly any advantages may be minimal AS previously stated ; --Admittedly the loose fabric of a normal canopy MAY absorb any lift advantages here . Not having done any experiments applying this to full size canopies any application to parachutes of this idea has untested results. As to there being no excess pressure within a ram -air wing ...well Ok... the pressure build up does just keep providing a tighter skin which can potentially have its own lift advantages or if the canopy balloons the changed shape can add its own drag. This is most apparent with older canopy designs with fat trailing edges which get fatter as the speed increases.. This is partly why I referred to the wings fabric absorbing some of the effects of this concept. However at high speeds the extra pressure (past a certain pressure point) could still be diverted downwards giving xtra lift without having to distort the rear of the wing as in with the ‘flaps’.. Simple physics..the downwardly pumped air creating an opposite upward lift. Admittedly other effects may reduce the advantages as has been pointed out . As originally mentioned this could be more applicable to wing-suit designs that incorporate stiffer wing surfaces while still employing ram air principles. This concept appears to work just fine with a stiffish wing surface.... in my little tests anyway.. My experiments (in a wind-tunnel powered by a leaf-blower ) show some apparent improvements in lift as the tufts indicate some movement as described. If air is moving downwards out of these vents without distorting the airfoil then it seems likely that some xtra lift is being created. Of course for complete validation of this idea more sophisticated tests would be necessary. . Whether these improvements are maintainable during different flight modes or only available at certain speeds and attitudes is still to be determined. You may remember I mentioned this as a form of air flap. The design simply redirects built up pressure from the ram inlet and front internal portion of the airofoil in a downward direction through the rear or the bottom wing (through micro holes or simpler well placed one-way vents ). ***The idea of having say only the rear 1/3 of the wing airlocked ( behind the vents) is to provide some stability in the rear aerofoil shape as well as giving the wing increased flare power due to the pulled down sections maintaining a ‘better ‘ shape. It is also proposed that the airlocked ‘flaps’ could use the vent hole locations as a more definite hinge/ pivot point. This could potentially provide a stiffer and less deformable ‘flap’ for flaring purposes as well as more definitely closing the vents during the flare. **The original idea of redirecting the increased internal pressure achieved during higher speeds forms the basis of a follow on idea where the drag created by the wingtip vortices can be minimised by redirecting internal pressure in way that reduces these vortices. This very well may provide more benefits than my original idea. This is definitely easier to visualise than describe. The creation of the wingtip vortices is (apparently) largely due to the remixing of the upper low pressure and lower high pressure air as it passes over and past an aerofoil sectioned wing. This movement is generally inwards on top of the wing and outwards beneath it (ie HP to LP). By introducing higher pressure into these vortices at specific locations it is intended to minimise the power of these tip vortices. In particular this idea is applicable to wing-suit design although some canopy advantages could also ensue. More than just an idea and yes I am aware of the winglet designs that already do this. Using ram air pressure redisribution may be able to achieve some similar effects. Conservation of energy is a bit of a given isn’t it ?? This is more about redistribution of energy. The variables in these ideas are many and varied and include such things as inlet design taking into account different flight modes and attitudes ,outlet design and placement, deformable aerofoil concepts (airlocked flaps , possible slotted flaps, pop up slats). Also the basic aerofoil shape is a huge variable as thinning the aerofoil and sharpening the trailing edge often does provide better speed, lift and flight advantages. However I feel the apparent effects of the original idea of redirecting pressure would still be present . I’m having fun with the visualising of these ideas and am not so ready to listen to supposedly informed (but unsubstantiated) negative views as the complexity of this collection of ideas encourages me to keep an open mind. Complicated?? ..yeah OK... at the moment but out of it all it is hoped something more solid and easily defined and who knows even useable may be produced. That is being creative after all. Wishful thinking ?? it all the time. Cheers.
  11. Nicely informative reply Billvon, .....didn't realise the human brain synapse polarised wave front thingy was so slow...brainlocks now take on a new meaning for me. A related thing regarding thought processes in the brain involve a couple of potentially conflicting viewpoints. One of these is that the brain is where all of our thoughts are either processed or stored or whatever. The conflicting(?) viewpoint is that the brain is just the receptor/ transmittor or something similar to a radio transciever.--------- This is the one that gives thought the ablity to travel at well beyond the speed of light as it is capable of travelling in a medium still relatively unknown to us where ordinary physics doesn't apply .(eg in dreams, into the past , future or different presents imagined or otherwise.) Hard to prove such given the rules of this physical reality. My guess is its a mixture of both these ideas without the exclusion of either. This then makes our ability to tap into the 'unknown' apparent on a different level and in a different way, The hardwiring in us could be little more than a tempory storehouse and computing centre doing little problem solving jobs for the greater universes. Some may call this evolution in action ......or not
  12. in reply 2"Looks more like special relativity to me. ' I've had it explained to me that the laws of relativity break down when the human mind is applied to the equation. Sort of like eastern mysticism meets western scientism. This thought concept goes a bit like "one thing faster than the speed of light is thought. " I suppose it could be argued that thought itself is only propogated at the speed of brain synapses firing which is ? the speed of light. ? Our human physical world is affected and created by the power of thought so perhaps as such should be included in any physical equations. Just some thoughts.
  13. Ta for the criticisms, All taken on board and some of it thrown back overboard. Most of my knowledge of aerodynamics comes from direct experience tinged with an admittedly ancient flare for Dynamics of Machines and such.(you gotta love those multi -paged equations used to decribe the forces and motions of moving pinned levers and such in 3D.. I know I do) Yes flaps will slow you down with their extra drag etc. (I too said that in my little blurb )...yawn I feel most of your criticisms here are a product of misreading and misunderstandings on your part perhaps due to my poor grasp of the written english language... perhaps not. You can think I'm just a dummy and sprout those inferences what? As for the mindless argument bit ..that sounds like an opinion to me not a fact. AS for the 'three ring ' system. I agree with what you've said here.... mostly but that doesn't make the deficiencies go away. I can put it all together usually but I see a lot of other people who can't. In the mechanical field any design that can be put together incorrectly is design deficient....self explanatory and taught during my time at University . You must know that a lot of advanced mechanical designs can only be assembled correctly otherwise they just don't go together... these features are usually designed in- not just happy accidents. It's my feeling that the three ring system is not perfect and as such can be improved on. This sounds logical to me but I'm sure the opposite could be argued . However I didn't come here for an argument just to share 'a little flight of fancy' .(I still think its got some merit by the way) I know the engineering mind often has trouble with creativity cause it's bound by all those "laws" and "rules". I feel a bit sorry for the apparently negative personal responses (mindless, absurd, etc )I've had from just mentioning an idea.( that brought out negative responses from me..etc rebound etc etc ) I have learnt something here though and hopefully will continue to do so. Cheers.
  14. Does playing Ist person shooter games over the web count as relying on general relativity? As in being wiped before it really happens by people you don't even see as their time reference is different and they get to fire their bullets , reload and walk away before their target even knows they've been got. Is this a form of virtual relativity?
  15. I just lerve replying to my own posts Cheers you guys ....good to get a laugh , some ironic amusement and just a bit more truth sharing. Shropshire ... like yer reference to Tara H. but am yet to taste your beer Left out the Britisher's uncanny ability to maintain a semblance of order in a wobbly world....nicely done.
  16. Fuel in Oz has been selling at about $1..10 -$1.30 litre($Au) ( about $5 + gal ) Recently a station started selling it for (Au) $0.75litre Lineups round the block and beyond. This stuff had a large % of ethanol in it. (50% ? ) The sugarcane farmers are getting excited.
  17. Things to really love & respect about the British (limeys, pommies etc ) CAUTION-OPINONS - ABOUND-AHOY-WAY Feel free to add to this as the Bristish did create the free world after all. Enough joking now for the serious bit. - They produce the most amazingly skilled and dedicated aeromodellers in the world. -Large portions of their population are renowned for showing restraint in adversity. -their fair and dark skinned (I suppose should just say multi- skinned) beauties. -The toughness and tenacity of most of their male population. -The fact that they are no longer ruled by the Romans. -They produce some of the keenest & most knowledgable skydivers in the world as well as having an excellent safety record. -the S.M.L.E.(all marks) ...100's of thousands (millions?) of mens constant and ever loving companion in times of need last century...& onward. -The fact that they know how to laugh at themselves while at the same time being capable of deadly seriousness. -They produced the Symbiosis 4way team in the 1980's ...the bestest most smoothest national 4way team EVER. (do yourself a favour & find a copy of their training tape...those set rounds were just SO GOOD. -One day it appears they will leave Ireland in peace not pieces. -The way most of them love the Queen .(You should know most of us would do just about anything for her given the chance) -Basil Brush, The Goodies , Monty Python, those very unusual comic books, lots of movies and movie stars. -Lots of them actually seem to know how to write , read and talk Engleesh. Oh wait ..what's happening ..we're not supposed to like the limey beggars but you just can't help it sometimes. "true the streets broad and narro' singin' cockles and mussels alive alive oh...." Cheers ps One for you Mike
  18. in reply to 'Had I thought about all the commotion this would have caused, I would'nt of posted my thoughts. ' I don't think you did the wrong thing. I found your information interesting and it furthered my understanding of a slightly more obscure part of our sport. More freeflying and more freedom of information to us mature adults I reckon . Thanks for sharing like you did.
  19. in reply to "Life without the courage for death is slavery.' Sorry to be a little bug of topic here but it's uncanny how much you look like a friend of you know or are related to a Darren who happens to be a stick fighting instructor? -----you could be his brother the resemblance is so strong. It sometimes get strange when people keep looking like old friends. Ciao
  20. MMMMmmmmmmm ......................................................OK I feel like I can be trusted to stay on topic here...I'll give it my best shot anyway... in reply to " First off, the principle that a ramjet operates on is simple. It is in essence just a venturi with a fuel injector. The venturi itself adds NOTHING to the system. It's the energy from the combusting fuel that gives a ramjet the ability to accelerate." This isn't completely correct. A ram jet will only operate when it is already at a speed where the air entering the inlet is compressed sufficiently for the jet to work( and then it can be accelerated as you say by burning fuel in the compressed air and expelling it out the back at high velocity ) Therefore the inlet shape DOES have something to offer by actually taking the place of the more normal compressor stages that are used in say a double shaft jet turbine. If you just light up a ram jet motor on the ground while it is static the air is not compressed enough for the ramjet to operate. ie ramjets NEED to be accelerated to an operating speed before they will work. ..very efficiently at high speeds apparently because they have bugger all moving parts. in reply 2"you then use the remaining kinetice energy (speed) to generate lift. " The energy being added in my now archaic idea is similarly produced by xtra speed achieved during a dive....excess energy which may have previously not been required for inflation or even available during a flare due to the limits that the present designs have in this respect. As regards the top skin this is where approximately 2/3 of the lift is generated the extra speed by providing xtra inflationary forces and having an excess of these forces is not such a problem as 'assumed' (in my visualisation). It is these extra or excess forces (available due to the higher diving speeds being achieved) which I am proposing MAY be useable to help create lift rather than just ballooning the canopy (thereby creating extra drag)with the extra air being forced into the front inlets at those higher speeds. By improving the micro boundary layer on the bottom surface somehow eg pushing higher pressure through the 'pin holes" it is potentially capable of upping the lift factor. (sort of like a fluid flap) Similarly on the top surface some form of micro boundary layer improvement may be obtainable similarly to say a slat or blown wing (on a micro layer level) I know these concepts are already being used's just that they're normally provided by jet efflux not the extra energy available during an extreme swoop or wingsuited flare as I'm proposing. The trick here and the difficulty of achieving this design in the real world would be a fairly complicated balancing act as of course the canopy has to maintain enough internal pressure to keep a suitable wing shape. Just because no-one has integrated such concepts into a canopy or wing-suit design is not an argument against their potential validity. Whew ...... This is teaching me ingleesh as well as aerodynamics ...who would have guessed.? Not me.
  21. in rep 2:'i understand what u r sayin', but i have to disagree. this information should be restricted." yep fair enough ...I can see where you're coming from too. Whenever anyone else is likely to be badly affected due to our actions I suppose some caution is advisable. Such restrictive methods can go into strange over -controlled unnecssarily elitist spaces in my experience. Sort of like a false piousness or even superstitious behaviour and thoughts. It also seems that people will just have a go anyway and then not have the benefit of prior knowledge and so be more likely to make mistakes. Some form of well informed disclaimer may be the middle it's not really little kiddies we're talking to here. I've seen some pretty grotesque freefall 'toys' tossed out of planes eg roadkill and weird gross shit often by so called 'freeflyers'. I suppose just caring enough to express our views and allowing others to do the same is also a good starting place for achieving the 'respect for the ball' mentioned in this thread.
  22. Trae

    a bit of fun?

    & one for any ockers out there for any others that's the Australian prime minister in front suckin' up to his deputy the treasurer with whom he's in a little power struggle at the mo......
  23. Trae

    a bit of fun?

    In reply 2" found already" OK.... then even though that link failed ah need to do some more fun sharing ...hope yo' all don't mind