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Everything posted by Trae

  1. in reply to 'Trae, keep it on topic and keep the inuendos and shit slinging to yourself. You said you had a thick skin about your idea and no one has attacked you in any way so don't start throwing barbs at others for replying to your idea. If you think your idea isn't being understood, I encourage you to explain it better and not take offense if others present facts that contradict your idea. This is #2. _________________________________________ Dude I've got my foot firmly out of my mouth as you previously suggested Didn't even realise no 1 was no. 1....but now I do Cheers Bye's now
  2. Whoa messy beach alrite.... Here's something else to do between clean up chores
  3. as skydivers you'd think there'd be more support for such a motion as repealing gravity...... it's certainly got my vote
  4. in reply to "you have no respect for the ball."
  5. in reply 2 kelpdiver's :'are you eaglerider? (what that the id for that whack job going on about the Jews being behind the London bombings? was he banished?) me no whack job kelpy fish, me just stupid effer, said must be true flying not swimmin, That's not a raw nerve is it ????
  6. in reply 2:' Sure, they can be fun. And it's fun to make fun of the believers. But this one is just fucking stupid. .................................. you know what they say about assumin...fishy guy.: So questioning is believing now. ???? dur effin' stupid? ...that's what's floating out of your mouth aint it.....had to come from somewhere.... Prowl away little pirana ...... ooh there's a shark squeeeel
  7. Yo big dude, Seeing as how you'd be setting the pace a bit ..ever thought about speed diving as a discipline. I've known and jumped with a few biggish guys and they were always sought after as base for BIG ways. They did get a bit sick of not getting to swoop down much but they must have got some very unique visuals from inside those large formations. You got talents and abilities most other lightweights couldn't even get close to. There must be some-one around to get relative with . Hang in there if you love it
  8. In reply to kallend, the111 ,and nitrousnick Have a little look in the mirror dudes '........ Off topic???? guys must think you are THE topic. But nice little bit of Traeing . Idea for lernin' experience.....go try strangle a tree with your bare hands and report back.... be truthful now and no ganging up that's cheatin' Cheers (but no applause) ...its been.............REAL edited cause I had a kind thought about all this ...(eg 'So all he's doing here is reporting the findings of his trip" ) perhaps you 'gang of 3' equate creativity with drug taking cause that's the only time you've had close to an original thought. Sorry to rattle your little cages I'll be a bit more sensitive next time Tip toe ,,don't wake them's too early
  9. What do jump numbers really mean? The number of jumps a person has got just means exactly that....the number of jumps a preson has done. If you've never met the type of person that doesn't even bother recording how many jumps they've done then you're missing out. I've known a few of these and for them they just enjoy skydiving like they enjoy riding a bike time records-- no jump no. records--- just pure FUN. & they can usually outskydive just about any-one you could think of ...cause it's not about competing or goal achievement ..not for these types ....just havin' fun
  10. from da link"Is Einstein's 'theory of relativism' next? well........... perhaps it should be . There is one train of thought that outlines the idea that the 'imperfections' in Newtons theory and it's application through the industrial revolution is what has come close to destroying the world . eg the unconsidered by products of force/ mass/ energy creation using fossil fuels. Similarly the imperfections in Einsteins theory of relativity has come close to destroying the world. eg by supposedly extremely inteligent people being duped into creating weapons of mass destruction. for use by less exytremely intelligent but much more cunning people. Eastern mysticism would have no trouble with attempting to integrate alternative views of the world into an education system . From some perspectives the current scientific explanations appear VERY narrow minded &short sighted..
  11. G'day Skymama, Perhaps you can take solace in the fact that that Dog got to see /experience the best side of human nature in the last moments of its life...after you turned up.
  12. in reply to nicknitro71's "So you know the next cutway system. So you know the next ram-air-venturi-jet-type-high-to-low-pressure-super-kick-ass-quantum canopy. So instead of BSing here why don't you patent, make, and market those incredible, revolutionary concepts and 1. become very rich 2. make skydiving much safer and efficient 3. enable us to fly a 20 sf with the lift of a 200 sf and swoop 500 yards! ' BSing ???? I thought this was a chat forum not a knock em down by the fluster fluck forum But OK I'll keep working on it while you keep working on whatever it is you've managed to lern. Cheers (are we havin' fun now???)
  13. in reply to ' Hey prof dude, your "physics" and "aerodynamics" have been outmoded. Get with the times. There are newer, bigger ways of thinking that I can turn your mind on to. First, you will have to consume a few of these large mushrooms here... AND LEAVE THE SACRED COWS OUT OF THIS DAMNIT! "
  14. in rep 2"You avoided answering all but a single question I posed. So you will use gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy to power your system? ..... Remember it's an idea not a system as such... but yes sounds good. In reply to "The Law of Conservation of Energy, of course, must then involve loss of altitude (deltaE = m*g *deltah) or loss of speed, which is exactly contrary to what you are trying to achieve.' Not necessarily ..if the loss of altitude allows for extra speed to then convert into extra lift then this may be advantageous just as in a swoop landing. in reply to "Why don't you come back with an idea that doesn't require the suspension of the laws of physics in order to work. " My other questions also remain. " Wow prof man you can be nasty and off topic ...why should I try and suspend what you appear to be in charge of the laws of physics. ... Answer YOUR questions ... What me solve all your problems for you?????? This whole conversation reminds me of the people who just wouldn't believe that a parachute could 'GO BACK UP' Does your conservation of energy allow for things like flares and speed converted to lift ...of course it does. The effects I'm getting at here may only be available for a short period of time similarly to the xtra lift effects available during a flared landing . in rep 2 'You again bring up ramjets but fail to account for their use of FUEL to provide the required energy. " The reason I continue to refer to ramjets is not because of their use of fuel but due to the design of the compressing section of the RAMjet which MAY have some principles and techniques in creating HP to lend to this idea high speeds or say during a high speed wingsuit flare. Sheesh I've had more fun extracting my own teeth than carrying on like what's been happening here. but it's been real Why do I feel now that you're the one asking me the questions when originally it was me asking ????? and you steamrolling my ideas. This is gonna get REAL good when the shapes and equations come into it.. Can't wait but 'll have to I suppose. Cheers
  15. in reply 2"The sky is red... can anyone "debunk" my theory? Wait.... I hear the black helicopters coming... .......................................................................... Not my sheet ...this came indirectly out of somewhere else.. oh wait I do believe everyhthing I'm told.... yes sir... , No sir ...Ok you're in charge sir.. Round here its the possies of Black 4wd's you've gotta watch out for.......................... especially around sunset when the sky is .....RED.
  16. in reply to "What you are doing is akin to arguing with Bill Booth about how the 3 ring release system works. The points kallend made are all viable.I seriously doubt he is trying to debunk your ideas but rather showing you the errors in your concept. " No worries ...if Bill's out there I'd be glad to have a little chat about the deficiencies (& or advantages ) of his 3 ring system.......see them all the time... eg (1)the need for constant maintenance (2) their tendency to not let go during extreme circumstances .... (3) the way they CAN be put together incorrectly... As such the 3ring circus would be considered to have serious design inadequacies if this was in any other developing field I've even got a few ideas about improving on the cut-away system...but I can see how they'd be recieved around this place. Too many sacred cows and not enough free thinking. as to what's his name 'the prof' ...he's just demonstrated to me some fairly bloated outmoded teaching styles . I didn't come here for an argument but did get treated in an outdated way by people that really should know better. Now I get a feeling for why developement in some aspects of skydiving appears somewhat stifled. The taste in my mouth?....thankfully you'll never get to know what that is...but keep guessin' Aquila non capit muscae
  17. in reply to Skyrad's:"BTW, looking at your profile I'd say you must be the most persistent student I've ever heard of! " I'll take that as a + I'm not taking the line that the R/C thingy is a reality here. just asking some questions. I was just interested in how that theory was debunked. So far it seems that it was debunked by people simply accepting the official line without question...bit like the 'Emporers clothes' story. There were a lot of other apparent inconsistencies that could be explained by 'assumin' the 911 event was just a huge set-up. Of course such a perspective would upset a lot of the victims etc etc and that is not my intention here. Once again I feel for the victims and their families and countrymen. Hopefully this subject hasn't become a complete taboo just yet. eg If you talk about this you must be deluded etc etc.. Some other inconsistencies that I'm interested in hearing the debunking theorems for ...'a crock of shit' doesn't quite make it as an anti- theory even though admittedly it may be the truth. Inconsistency no.(1) Apparently mibile phones worked on some of the aircraft when such things didn't usually have the range or capability at that time. The conspiracy bit here is that the calls were bogus. (2) The rapidity with which some info (regarding one of the terrorists being trained to fly) was released to the public. The conspiracy bit is that some-one already knew this but just released it a bit too early for credible belief. (3) The way the president reacted when told what had just happened when he was in a classroom full of kids. The conspiracy bit here is that he had prior knowledge and was just told that they really had gone ahead & done it... just like daddy had told him they would. Not wanting to stir up baaad sheet here just wondering if any-one else has heard about this stuff and can help in dispelling these (and other) apparent inconsistencies. There's no delusion just seeking some closure on some unanswered ?????'s
  18. inreply 2 kallend's" and you still have not explained where this energy is to come from. ' I'm wondering if you have ever accelerated a small extremely fast parachute. ???? If you're wondering where the extra energy could come from perhaps you need some actual experience in the 'real' accelerating & going very fast is the simple answer ...gravity assist As for all your other requirements re explaining every little thing to you. eg 2. "You still have not explained how a venturi will generate an excess pressure. 3. What makes you think I'm not taking dynamics into consideration? 4. You continue to ignore any forces acting on the upper surface and how they may be affected by your proposal. You also ignore any viscous forces as the air flows down through your pinholes. 5. Canopies exist that have porous fabric on the bottom and zero-P on the top surface, for example Is there any evidence of increased lift due to this? 6. Where did you learn fluid dynamics? ... You appear not to have a 'feel ' for this and seem to just be a knocking debunker without any thing to offer me in return for my attempts at sharing this concept here. If you do want some of the answers to your questions have a look into scram-jet tech with ram-jet intake design answering some of your simpler queries . Sorry don't have a link for you.
  19. in reply 2"Changed that quote a bit to point out that a jumpsuit made of spare tyres & razor blades is not likely what I'd want to wear on a jump where the plan is to try to collide with another jumper under canopy. " Gee .....that changing the quote bit is so much fun I tried it myself on your quote Of course this is a flight of fancy and such a 'dogfighting' scenario however exciting would be fraught with collision dangers. That doesn't necessarily make it undoable though. If sufficient crash protection and willing participants were available we'd have something like 'rollerball ' in the sky. You'd really have to watch your back in such a dogfight arena.
  20. As long as there's lots of laughter it doesn't seem to matter what the possy..............but.....trying the 'rushian helicopter' usually ensures a good laugh.
  21. First off....... sympathies with the distress and trauma the 911 incident caused . As the 'war on terror' appears to have turned into a full -time world psych operation absorbing the 'War on drugs ' and becoming a new 'crusade' of sorts ..........some questions and inconsistencies remain unanswered. Any-one questioning the validity of the official stance on the 911 events appear to have been fairly well silenced or at least muted. I know a guy who has flown radio control models for a large portion of his life. His initial reaction when seeing the 911 plane strikes was to analyse and criticise the flying because to him it looked as if the planes were under radio control.... our initial reaction to seeing the strike sonTV was that a movie was being made . Since then some conspiracy theories dealt with the 'disappearing' small plane that some have suggested had taken over control of the aircraft which eventually struck the buildings. Do any viewers have more information on the debunking of these theories.? The story I heard goes a bit like this was done by 'higher powers' to create an environment of fear where the war industry could then step in and maintain its hold over the world which had been slipping due to the loss of the USSR as an enemy. Can any viewerse enlighten me on the debunking of this particular conspiracy theory.?