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Everything posted by ntacfreefly

  1. Cold man. That's just cold. Blues, Ian To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders. ~ Lao-Tzu It's all good, they're my brothers ~ Mariann Kramer
  2. It was the rule for that speed event I believe. 200 ft dragging water speed course. Dunno if it was straight or curved though. Blues, Ian To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders. ~ Lao-Tzu It's all good, they're my brothers ~ Mariann Kramer
  3. the one night I decide to come in...and you're not there... To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders. ~ Lao-Tzu It's all good, they're my brothers ~ Mariann Kramer
  4. It matches his shirt To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders. ~ Lao-Tzu It's all good, they're my brothers ~ Mariann Kramer
  5. Oh my! Christmas just came early this year.
  6. Just for you Andrea - and yeah...that's a latex shirt To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders. ~ Lao-Tzu It's all good, they're my brothers ~ Mariann Kramer
  7. Amen brother. I still talk about you Piers...and I still jump one of the rigs you made. It's a constant reminder. See you on the flip side. Blues, Ian To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders. ~ Lao-Tzu It's all good, they're my brothers ~ Mariann Kramer
  8. Phree has just reported in the incidents forum that Ted is no longer with us either. BSBD. To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders. ~ Lao-Tzu It's all good, they're my brothers ~ Mariann Kramer
  9. Any idea who in heavens name told him that?? To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders. ~ Lao-Tzu It's all good, they're my brothers ~ Mariann Kramer
  10. Says the video's page has been disabled. To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders. ~ Lao-Tzu It's all good, they're my brothers ~ Mariann Kramer
  11. Mark is right, the KA is the direct comparision. Mind if I ask what's prompting the downsize? Honestly, there's little comparision (if any) between the KA and the Stiletto. Blues, Ian To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders. ~ Lao-Tzu It's all good, they're my brothers ~ Mariann Kramer
  12. Correct. To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders. ~ Lao-Tzu It's all good, they're my brothers ~ Mariann Kramer
  13. Line size will not make any difference to the chance of linetwists. Only your body position during deployment and inflation. The KA isn't a canopy for everyone. If you're thinking about the 107 I'd just demo the KA AND the Sabre2 107's before buying. You may find the Sabre2 satisfies your needs more. Blues! Ian To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders. ~ Lao-Tzu It's all good, they're my brothers ~ Mariann Kramer
  14. What are you afraid of being hit? That ball can kill Blaaa... the most dangerous part of cricket is getting your pint smashed by that ball. Maybe you've never had one coming at your head at 100mph. A cricket ball is harder and heavier than a baseball. Remi's used to balls coming at his head. Far faster than 100mph Love ya Remi. Go watch the swoop comp this weekend. Wish I was there. Blues, Ian To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders. ~ Lao-Tzu It's all good, they're my brothers ~ Mariann Kramer
  15. Or you could not welch on the bet and just pay up To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders. ~ Lao-Tzu It's all good, they're my brothers ~ Mariann Kramer
  16. Yes it is. At one point it was staffed almost entirely by South Africans. Now there's much more of a mix but they're from all over the world. The only time I cringe is when I get an American Waitress/Waiter butching the pronounciation It's good to hear home out here sometimes, just wish they weren't so expensive but he's really hitting up the 'la dee da' Atlantians for their cashola
  17. Katie and I eat there regularly. It's authentic and a great meal (and the closest thing to home cooking out here), although they're getting pretty pricey now. edit: The bobotie and Sosaties are my favs. Blues, Ian
  18. I find it ironic that they'd rather have jumpers flying unfamiliar gear (vs their own) to be 'safer'. While I'm no fan of pull out I have to say, what a crock of shit on the BPA's side. Blues, Ian To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders. ~ Lao-Tzu It's all good, they're my brothers ~ Mariann Kramer
  19. Agreed. The best story ever was when PJ was landing and some guy was there with his kid watching. The kid (bout 6 years old) says "Daddy, that must be a girl because it's a pink parachute" I loved life right then. Of course PJ sold the canopy soon afterwards but damn does that just stick in my memory Blues, Ian To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders. ~ Lao-Tzu It's all good, they're my brothers ~ Mariann Kramer
  20. Sissy To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders. ~ Lao-Tzu It's all good, they're my brothers ~ Mariann Kramer
  21. Good luck guys! Hope the event goes well and there's some serious swooping smackdown put out there. Wish I could be with you for this one. Blues, Ian To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders. ~ Lao-Tzu It's all good, they're my brothers ~ Mariann Kramer
  22. Agreed. I intend on taking his Essentials AND Advanced courses again this year. There's always something I've either forgotten or a concept I learn to explain better to my students. Either way it's a win win. Blues, Ian To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders. ~ Lao-Tzu It's all good, they're my brothers ~ Mariann Kramer
  23. I've seen people roll it so tight that the canopy stays 'cocooned' for up to 2 seconds before unravelling. During this time it's quite susceptible to spinning up prior to beginning to inflate. I've also seen, first hand, it be responsible for being the start of spinning malfunctions for this reason. YMMV but this behavior is more pronounced on hop n pops. Rolling the tail tightly serves no purpose whatsoever. The packer should ensure the slider is seated correctly. Blues, Ian To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders. ~ Lao-Tzu It's all good, they're my brothers ~ Mariann Kramer
  24. I would highly recommend AGAINST that. It's a good way to cocoon the canopy and cause it to spin up in the shape before it grabs enough air to inflate. I've seen it more than once. A light roll is only needed to keep control of the packjob, nothing more. Like you said, the slider is the most important part. Keep it up against the canopy as far as possible. Blues, Ian To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders. ~ Lao-Tzu It's all good, they're my brothers ~ Mariann Kramer
  25. When? edit: nm, found it - August 19 and 20. Will be there if I'm in town