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Everything posted by SkydiveMonkey

  1. I do - but then again I'm gonna buy a rig this weekend so I only got credit for the next 1 or 2 days . But I'll have my own rig
  2. SkydiveMonkey

    IQ Test

    I got 5 I think, so I'm not that bad !!
  3. They've got the verical speed down to 17mph when they flared the new type of wingsuit. Somebody's gonna be landing one of them soon without a rig !! Don't pull low, unless you are [email protected]
  4. Who says that they're rolling it? Don't pull low, unless you are [email protected]
  5. SkydiveMonkey

    IQ Test

    I've seen this one before so I knew the answer before I started. I'm a psychic genius !!! WOOHOO !!! Don't pull low, unless you are [email protected]
  6. I suppose it's better to chop something you aint sure about than not chop a mal. Still quite funny though !!! Don't pull low, unless you are [email protected]
  7. You forgot to add Rastafranarianism : Hey man - let's smoke some of this shit!! Don't pull low, unless you are [email protected]
  8. i had a dream where I was doing about 150mph on a Suzuki Hayabusa, and it suddenly turned into a bmx and I came off on a corner. Don't pull low, unless you are [email protected]
  9. I haven't got anything bad to say about anyone anyway - each nationality is ''different''. At least we've got the common sense to jump out of planes !!!
  10. Nah, you just have the biggest cos you have more money to spend
  11. Lisa, you're full of stories !! Bart is a vampire, beer kills brain cells. Now lets go back to that building thingy, where our beds and TV.... is. - Homer Simpson' Don't pull low, unless you are [email protected]
  12. I had a dream once where my main malfunctioned so I chopped it and the round reserve (ugh!) didn't open fully and I woke up about 2 seconds before I would have gone in. Well scary. Still jumped the next day though !!
  13. A triple fried egg sandwich with chili sauce and chutney - eat it before the bread disolves !!!
  14. There's a lot of people who post to buy beer for !!! I'll have Carling please Don't pull low, unless you are [email protected]
  15. Does anybody here jump at Sibson in the UK? Don't pull low, unless you are
  16. I've found some good ways to get fired from that boring office job so you can spend more time at the DZ :-) 1. Tell your boss the reason you were late was because you fancied a shag before work. 2. Stumble back from lunch, two hours late, pissed as a fart chanting 'The Venga bus is coming........" 3. Fart out last nights vindaloo during an appraisal and turn round to sniff the seat. 4. Photocopy your tits/arse and pin them on the noticeboard. 5. Ask the chief executive for some Rizlas. 6. Grow a cannabis plant on your desk. 7. Tell the boss you'll "Send the boys round" - if they don't authorise your pay rise. 8. Admit you traded in your company car for a two week shag-fest in Ibiza. 9. Set up your own S&M dungeon in the stationery cupboard. 10. Bring a sleeping bag to work for those little afternoon naps! 11. Pawn your computer because you're skint till pay day. 12. Ask the boss's wife "Have you noticed that one of your husbands balls hangs lower than the other". 13. Call the boss to your desk, call him "Sonny" and tell him his work isn't up to scratch. 14. Start a one-man/woman Mexican wave every time someone leaves their desk. Don't pull low, unless you are
  17. I had that emailed to me before - quite surprising how true it can be !! :-) I had this with it as well (i know it's not chritmas but it's good !!) Try this its a must............... CHRISTMAS VODKA CAKE!! Ingredients: 1 cup of water 1 tsp baking soda 1 cup of sugar 1 tsp salt 1 cup of brown sugar Lemon juice 4 large eggs Nuts 1 bottle Vodka 2 cups of dried fruit Sample the vodka to check quality. Take a large bowl, check the vodka again. To be sure it is the highest quality, pour one level cup and drink. Repeat. Turn on the electric mixer. Beat one cup of butter in a large fluffy bowl. Add one teaspoon of sugar. Beat again. At this point, it's best to make sure the vodka is shtill OK. Try another cup just in case. Turn off the mixerer. Break 2 leggs and add to the bowl and chuckin the cup of dried fruit. Pick fruit off floor. Mix on the turner. If the fried druit gets stuck in the beaterers pry it loose with a drewscriver. Sample the vodka to check for tonsisticity. Next, sift two cups of salt. Or something. Who giveshz a shit. Check the vodka. Now shift the lemon juice and strain your nuts. Add one table. Add a spoon of sugar, or somefink. Whatever you can find. Greash the oven and piss in the fridge. Turn the cake tin 360 degrees and try not to fall over. Don't forget to beat off the turner. Finally, throw the bowl through the window, finish the vodka and kick the dog/cat/hamster. Fall into bed. CHERRY MISTMAS! Don't pull low, unless you are
  18. If only you could do that for jumps as well !!! Don't pull low, unless you are
  19. Cheers !! It'll be loaded at exactly 1:1 so it should be ok. Don't pull low, unless you are
  20. Does anybody know anything about Maverick main canopies? I'm looking to buy a kit with a maverick 195 in with about 300 jumps. Are these canopies any good? Don't pull low, unless you are
  21. Personally, I like the FT50 by PDF - it's quite cheap and looks great. Accurate too. I use a protrack as well to back that up. Don't pull low, unless you are
  22. A word of warning to you - this sport is VERY addictive !! And VERY worth it - what other sport can you go and play with the world's best when you're just starting out? It's the best sport there is, no doubt about it. :-) Don't pull low, unless you are
  23. There's a load of these on this web site I found - Don't pull low, unless you are
  24. Just need a couple more and you're an addict !!! :-) Don't pull low, unless you are