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Everything posted by psipike02

  1. Freeflir, off topic for a sec.... Do you guys have those weird spider scorpion things that I've seen pictures of over there that are fucking huge and can kill you? If so, i fucking hate spiders and that shit would freak me the fuck out.....i would run it over w/ the tank... Ok....back to the original post... Yes I eat breakfast, but its harder during school because i get up like 20 min before class starts... Puttin' some stank on it. ----Hellfish #707----
  2. Hahah of course not.....I'm not the person that goes " YOU'RE A RACIST!!!" if i see someone wearing that I cautious towards certain people with it.....yeah, cause not everyone has the same intent. But if everyones is the same as yours.....hahahah naw dude, sport it proudly Puttin' some stank on it. ----Hellfish #707----
  3. I completely agree. I don't believe racism is a product of slavery. I believe you hit the nail on the head when you said: Regardless had we came over voluntarily or through slavery, at that time, we were different. Many times I know even myself, when something new comes along thats different that I'm not used to, i'm very apprehensive about it and cautionary. But as I said, I agree. I think that if we as black people are ever going to move on and become stronger, then yes, we have to let go of it and look to the future.....but not everyone can do that.... Puttin' some stank on it. ----Hellfish #707----
  4. Mine would be called: Going from Ashy to Classy - The Chronicled life of a Young Black Male Yes I'm still trying to go from Ashy to Classy Puttin' some stank on it. ----Hellfish #707----
  5. Ok, so I've glanced at a few posts on here and decided to put in my two cents being a black male in america right now. Take it how you want....but its my opinion... Reparations.....first, do I feel that we deserve them? IMHO. Absolutely not. Did I have Great great great great (keep going) grand relatives who were slaves? Quite possibly. Is it affecting me today? No. Is racism still present in america? Absolutely, but I'm not gonna go and carry this chip on my shoulder saying that america should be paying something back to me and the rest of the black community for something that happened before we were even thought of nor did it have an affect on us. You live your life and plan for it according to what you want and how you want to live. This isn't about white people being right or black people being right. Its about people waking the hell up and shutting up for two seconds about who has it worse or who can't get this or why we can't get in here. If you want more for your life, then go for it. I want to be an astronaut and i'm busting my ass to get there. I go to the University of Michigan. No, I did not get in there because they had to fill a quota of black kids to get in. Its because i worked my ass off in high school, graduated with a 4.2, attained a 1390 on the SAT and did every single activity there was. I know what I want for myself and i'm not letting anyone or anything stop me. I also didnt go to one of those huge, awesome high schools with the AP classes. We had advanced college classes and that was it. I was the first and only kid in my school to ever take the AP Calc Exam and to ever get accepted to a Big Ten School. I'd say 1/4 - 1/2 of the kids in my graduating class are either still in my hometown doing nothing or doing drugs or have died or are pregnant, sadly. What does this have to do with problem with some parts of the black community is that we as people are often times so quick to put up the blame on everyone else before we put it on ourselves. Then when we don't get what we want, we're quick to walk around with this chip on our shoulder and say "reparations" or "racism." NOW, don't get me wrong, i'd say 4 out of 10 times, it just might be racism and if you don't believe racism doesn't exist still, PM me and I can give you some examples. Anyways, i just feel we need to stop trying to blame others (and this goes for every race) for whats wrong with us now. Take responsibility. My dad is a preacher and I've heard him say this too. We're quick to say REPARATIONS FOR US and you guys owe us this amount of $$$ when we can't pay the rent or pay our bills. Why is that? Because we bought those $160 Jordans or that $3000 TV. (I know whites and blacks who do this) Stop looking for handouts....thats all that a for what you want. yeah I would love to be a millionaire with my house on cribs living the good life with a great job and still skydiving...but I know the only way I'll get there is by shutting off all the haters around me, not blaming everyone else for my own faults/failures, sacking up and working harder than ever for what I want.....not waiting on the government to give it to me. I know the world or government owes me nothing but If I walk around like it does, i'm never gonna get anywhere.....i'm willing to bust my ass to get anywhere and everywhere I wanna be as long as I'm treated just as fairly as everyone else at the same time... Sorry for the rant....I dont normally come in SC, but I wanted to give my opinion on the matter. This post wasn't meant to attack anyone, just thought I'd make a point from another POV, hopefully it made sense... Puttin' some stank on it. ----Hellfish #707----
  6. psipike02

    Fort Minor

    Puttin' some stank on it. ----Hellfish #707----
  7. Hahahaha, its not so much an advertisement as it is my nickname. Yes my friends call me either Thunder or Magnum, so I decided to have Magnum put on my jumpsuit Puttin' some stank on it. ----Hellfish #707----
  8. Being a newbie in this sport isn't like being a newbie in other sports. For me, this isn't/wasn't just something that I told my parents I was gonna do, try it for 2 months and quit. When I fell into it, yeah the rush initially was there, but as others have said, it wore off. So what keeps me here? First, I love the challenge. I love learning new things and then going up on a jump to try them...and then I feel incredibly accomplished when I bust it out successfully. I have aspirations of being an AFF instructor and maybe even a Tandem Master one day, but i'm taking it one day at a time. Secondly are the people. I thought my fraternity was the only place that I would ever feel that unexplainable relationship you have with your brothers/friends. Skydiving changed that. I have made so many awesome friends that are always willing to help me progress, jump with me, chill and have a beer and shoot the shit that its awe inspiring. Some of them have only known me for a short period, but often times I described it to them as the little brother following his big brothers around all the time. I'm always listening to what they're talking about, whether its pertinent to me or not. I ask them a gazillion questions every week and they answer every one. They've taken me under their wing and are constantly showing me the right ways and even the wrong ways that they did stuff so I can learn from their mistakes. Its a friendship unlike none other and one that I dare even say stronger than some ties I have in my fraternity. There is also a spiritual side as well, but I'm not gonna re-echo what others have said, as I feel as they do. Puttin' some stank on it. ----Hellfish #707----
  9. After asking around and inquiring about the type of helmet I should purchase, the pimpdaddy came up several times. After using a friends XL a few times on some jumps, i knew it was what I wanted. Compared to protec or student helmets, there is a huge difference. I have a huge head (24.7" to be exact) so Linda at Bonehead wasn't even sure if it would fit and gave me an option just in case it didn't. Well, the box arrived and I tried it on and it fit perfectly. Slightly tight at one point on my forehead, but I can live with it. There's room in there for audibles and its EXTREMELY quiet in freefall....and comfortable as well. Definately a great helmet and worth the purchase.
  10. psipike02

    Flow Moscow

    After asking around and inquiring about the type of helmet I should purchase, the pimpdaddy came up several times. After using a friends XL a few times on some jumps, i knew it was what I wanted. Compared to protec or student helmets, there is a huge difference. I have a huge head (24.7" to be exact) so Linda at Bonehead wasn't even sure if it would fit and gave me an option just in case it didn't. Well, the box arrived and I tried it on and it fit perfectly. Slightly tight at one point on my forehead, but I can live with it. There's room in there for audibles and its EXTREMELY quiet in freefall....and comfortable as well. Definately a great helmet and worth the purchase.
  11. : 0 : 0 It rained all weekend and my roommate has the mumps and is infecting our entire apartment....i blame him for everything wrong this weekend Puttin' some stank on it. ----Hellfish #707----
  12. Hahahah....yeah...thats part of it.....alot of my friends I have jumped with have started calling me Magnum, so I decided to get it put on there Puttin' some stank on it. ----Hellfish #707----
  13. Yeah I know....i figured i'd get an action shot of me in freefall and do it there.... Puttin' some stank on it. ----Hellfish #707----
  14. Popcorn is able to fart? Maybe i'm buying the wrong brand of dry would that be exactly? Puttin' some stank on it. ----Hellfish #707----
  15. lisa - damn right I still have it on pops - yes i will probably sleep in it...gotta break it in somehow marks- yes it is...i fucking love it... I sent the design in at the beginning of June. He finished it on my birthday last thursday, shipped it out friday and it got here today using ground shipping.... Puttin' some stank on it. ----Hellfish #707----
  16. After chasing the UPS man around all day and finally meeting him outside my elevator, I FINALLY have a jumpsuit of my own....and its the titties... I'm 3/4 of the way of finally feeling like a real skydiver, but this definately more student suits for me anymore I sent in the design myself and Julio made it look awesome! It was made by Liquid Sky Sports and it got here in 3 weeks w/o rush. Mad props to Julio and his company for the job he did on it and thanks to MX for takin measurements and helping me get it. I can't wait to test it tomorrow!!!! I promise i'm way happier than I look in the roommate took it before I was ready...haha Puttin' some stank on it. ----Hellfish #707----
  17. 1. Finish my last two jumps to get my A 2. Learn as much as possible and become a better flyer 3. Practice packing, go through a canopy control class and water training course 4. Visit the tunnel ALOT 5. Make money to get a rig 6. Learn how to freefly --------------------------------------------- Mine are going well. I got my A, I'm starting to become a better flyer. I've done my water training, but I need the canopy control class still. I'm in the tunnel everyweek and learning how to sit-fly in the tunnel currently and doing 2-ways. My belly flying has also increased tremendously because of the tunnel and it has also slowed my speed down. I just need a rig and some money for it too... Puttin' some stank on it. ----Hellfish #707----
  18. 1. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was your first thought? What the hell was I sleeping on? 2. What rhymes with the word "DUCK"? Luck 3. Favorite planet? Definately Jupiter....the red spot and red jr. are awesome 4. Who is the 4th person on your missed call list on your mobile? My roommate Alex 5. What is your favorite ring tone on your phone? Why You Wanna by T.I. or Where'd You Go from Fort Minor 6. What shirt are you wearing? My rafting shirt that says "The Orange vest doesn't make you safer....just easier to find." 7. Do you "label" yourself? Not really....I consider myself attractive if that counts 8. Name the brand of shoes you're currently wearing? My Awesome Teva sandles....these shoes have done everything and been everywhere with me 9. What is the closest holiday to your birthday? July 4th! 10. Bright or Dark Room? dark 11. What do you think about the person who took this survey before you? I didn't really look to see who it was, but I'm sure they're amazing and an awesome person! 12. If you're in a room with two beds, which one do you sleep on? Depends on where the beds are and how they're configured 13. What were you doing around midnight last night? Doing laundry 14. What did your last text message you received on your mobile say? Where the hell is your big black ass at? 15. How do you like your eggs? Scrambled 16. What's a word/words that you say a lot? Ill, titties, and sicknasty....all used to describe when things are good 17.Who told you he/she loved you last? My mom 18. Last furry thing you touched? my friends dog 19. How many drugs have you done in the last three days? None? 20. Do you love yourself? of course.... 21. Favorite age you have been so far? 21 so far, but I feel like 22 is gonna be sicknasty as well 22. Your worst enemy? People who hate on me and are jealous for no reason...but I guess myself really 23. What is your current desktop picture? At work: Some friends of mine doing some headdown flying. At home: A pic I took of the beach in Acapulco. 24. What was the last thing you said to someone? No I don't want to eat lunch there. 25. Least favorite color? Purple 26. The last song you listened to? Make That Money - Night at the Roxbury Soundtrack 27. Do you like someone? Yep...but they dont know it 28. If the last person you spoke to was about to get shot at, what would you do? I'd push him out of the way cause he's my boy. 29. If you could punch 1 person in the face right now, who would it be? The president of my fraternity at school....his ego is a little big for the rest of the house. 30. What is the closest object to your left foot? The wheels of the chair i'm sitting in Puttin' some stank on it. ----Hellfish #707----
  19. Well then I guess that makes up for it then Puttin' some stank on it. ----Hellfish #707----
  20. to close with no breaks?? Holy crap...i wouldve been pissed. I was the manager at the Raptor my first year and then Millenium Force and Wicked twister my second and third. I was always nice to my team, as long as they got their job done. I feel like I had one of the better teams in the park. Whenever a guest would get mad and start yelling at one of my team members and they'd ask for the manager, I would roll over and always take the my teams side. Most of the time guests were wrong anyways... Is it me, or now after you worked at a park, is it weird to be a guest cause you know the behind the scenes stuff and you know how dumb people can be? Puttin' some stank on it. ----Hellfish #707----
  21. Yep...thats how I was taught.... Puttin' some stank on it. ----Hellfish #707----
  22. Well damn.....I guess it is now That means you were both working there when I was still going there at 11 and 12 Puttin' some stank on it. ----Hellfish #707----
  23. ok dude....seriously, listen up.... I have no idea how old you (i'm gonna guess not anywhere near 18) are or why you're posting pointless, non-sensical threads about nothing but honestly, it needs to stop. You already had one thread locked and your other two threads are mind numbing.... I'm tired of wasting my time opening and skimming your thread thinking its gonna be something funny or shocking or something.... So just leave quietly or start posting in a way that everyone understands whats going're killing the room for more important threads... Like threads about boobies and such.... Puttin' some stank on it. ----Hellfish #707----
  24. HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH I'm sorry but thats too funny.... Puttin' some stank on it. ----Hellfish #707----
  25. Hahah yeah I remember you PM'ing me with that...when did you work there? How come no force or dragster, its not thaaatt bad? What ride did you work on? Puttin' some stank on it. ----Hellfish #707----