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Everything posted by SkyDekker

  1. oh lol, I thought you guys had money. Sorry.
  2. So you were trolling. Got it. I don't know what you meant, considering you'll say anything to get a reaction.
  3. Staunch Conservatives generally don't want progress, so I am not surprised that even back then they supported this.
  4. None of that is in your youtube video. Also you earlier said that trans-women are women. Do you have a problem with being unable to not lie?
  5. So you triggered two tax events while you are at the absolute height of your tax bracket to shield future tax obligations when you will most likely be in a lower tax bracket because you are afraid of what Democrats may do in the future. I mean you must have had some numbers and scenarios run to see how this would be financially beneficial. I would love to know what the assumptions were to make this make sense?
  6. Regardless of motivation and consequence, it shows that people at the highest level of government thought there might be potential legal issues. Why else provide a pardon if a president couldn't have done anything illegal to begin with.
  7. Which is why Ford sacrificed his election to give him a pardon.
  8. US is incapable of solvin’ even the sollest smallest problem. The simplest of problems, we can no longer solve. We can’t do anything. We are an institute in a powerful death penalty. They want you to say what they want you, what they want to have you say. And we’re not gonna let that happen. You’re going to say as you want and you’re going to believe, and you’re going to believe in God. You’re gonna believe in God because God is here and God is watching. But, If you think about it, you have men, you have women, and you have religion. If you look at it, you have more than the men, you have more than the women. You have such power.
  9. Insurance also wasn't part of your MBA, was it. Did you seek any advice, preferably from a fee based advisor, or did you concoct this brilliant scheme all by yourself?
  10. You can borrow tax free against capital gains and use the interest expense to lower income tax burden. Thank you for paying more taxes than you need to out of fear for what might happen.
  11. Perfect now show the data that correlates climate protestors with all progressives. Thank you for once again unwittingly making my point.
  12. With the help of a known Russian agent. And she has now stated that Russia is much better than the US. Those two little factoids normally set off some alarm bells.
  13. For clarity sake, you are stating that trans-women are women?
  14. Wrong topic? Isn't the topic "use one YouTube video as evidence that entire groups are bad?"
  15. lol, now you are interested in statistics. Your bias is showing.
  16. No, I am pretty sure your argument is that if it was born with a penis it will always be a man. You should be happy these men are finally putting women in their place!
  17. And you are sure your tax burden today is lower than in retirement? Sounds unlikely. Never mind that you triggered two tax events to shield money from future taxes, when your tax burden is highly likely to be less than what it is today. And then called that zero taxes.
  18. But you think $50 billion for Bezos would be excessive. Even if it drops his net worth to a staggering $150 billion. So make your argument based on that "excessive taxation".
  19. Agreed, which I why I am so perplexed when Republicans object to trans-women playing sports. They normally rejoice in male domination.
  20. Is there? Can you find the actual fable and who wrote it?
  21. When you roll a 401K into a Roth you have to pay taxes on the converted amount in the year of conversion.....
  22. How did you get from $150 billion to $1.5 million? Absurd argument. Regardless, I am pretty sure Bezos in his wildest dreams didn't think he would get to a $200 Billion net worth when he started selling books over the internet.
  23. Sure, pretty much nobody is going to pay extra from the goodness of their heart. Hence, asking for a proper taxation structure that allows for a vibrant and healthy society is not really envy. Do you really think Jeff Bezos would not have built Amazon if he had ended up with only $150 billion?