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Everything posted by Andy9o8

  1. That's where he made a mistake. They're only supposed to rape the military women, because the military can sweep it under the rug and force them to shut up. They didn't have any authority to make the civilian shut up. I think every American girl who is considering joining the military, and her parents, should fully educate themselves on, and carefully consider, this issue (nothing more; nothing less) before making the final decision to join up.
  3. Here I thought this was a wholesome gun thread, and you people are babbling on about f$%^&*g pools. Is it true there's a chlorine tablet shortage? Commie bastards.
  4. Much like that saw about chimpanzees, typewriters and Shakespeare.
  5. As long as you continue to cast this in terms of demonizing a "boogeyman" category of people, and not mainly a debate over policy, you will continue to sound silly. Preaching to the choir is fine, but it does nothing to persuade those on the fence.
  6. The Vulcans currently observing Earth, to determine when it's safe to make First Contact with us, have access to our Internet. On that narrow basis, they've concluded that Americans' expression of opposition to gun control is a form of mental illness. Oh, well; that's science for you.
  7. What if my Congressman is sub-human? Can I use feces or some other flung projectile instead? I'm afraid he won't respond to this fancy "writing" you promote. Tell It you'd like to contribute to Its next election campaign, but only "if". It probably has staffers who can read.
  8. Perhaps this may be a first small step. The highlighted part of the quote means that ultimately the final say enacting this change will be in the hands of Congress (subject, I suppose, to final signature of legislation by the President). Time to write to your Congress-humans and Senators, people. Let's watch what they do on this.
  9. I won't ignore it. You make valid and important points re: due process.
  10. Well that can be said to adherents of either side of the spectrum at any given time. It's a laugh line, but it doesn't advance a conversation. I wouldn't think that necessarily disqualifies you, but that's up to you.
  11. Back in 1980, when Ronald Reagan was running (ultimately successfully) to un-seat Jimmy Carter, in his stump speech he'd ask, "Are you better off today than you were 4 years ago?", to which the partisan crowd would roar "No-o-o-ooooo!!" So let me ask you and the other Brits reading this: was the average UK citizen better off at the end of Thatcher's tenure as PM than he/she was before it?
  12. Oh, my Flying Spaghetti Monster! Something we fully agree on.
  13. Ah, yes, your favorite thinly-veiled racism, combined with trolling. A two-fer! Welcome back.
  14. I was sympathetic until this point. How many mothers did he have stashed away then? As many as he could squeeze into the trunk of his Mercedes.
  15. You can't make this shit up. Good or bad? You decide.
  16. You are a saint. Think so? She leaves out the part where she doesn't give them a can opener.
  17. Grafitto seen on a wall in Ireland: "Iron Lay? Rust in Peace".
  18. The Right is disappointed those people didn't die as martyrs to The Cause. The Right: always Wrong.