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Everything posted by Andy9o8

  1. Yes, I know: it's time to outlaw kitchen spatulas..., or something.
  2. So you feel that reporters, in some cases, should be forced? Only is national security is threatened Caution! - that was what the Pentagon Papers case was all about. That, too, has tremendous potential for abuse, which is why as far back as 1971 the US Supreme Court ruled against the government in that instance.
  3. She's not the first American reporter to face this from an American court, and she won't be the last. It's always repugnant to the First Amendment.
  4. For those of you who do take the GCs, nice going you morons! Those fuckheads have set up their own DZ right in your backyard and will be competing for your tandem and student business, and they are not there to share, they are going to take as much as they possibly can. ^^ This. Here's a thread with the list current as of November 2007. However, that thread is locked. Are there more current lists?
  5. That's exactly why she needs to speak with a local lawyer, because there's a fair amount of grey area between what evidence is/is not direct, and what evidence is/is not circumstantial, and different jurisdictions may have vastly different standards for addressing such issues. BTW, if I, being a US lawyer but not a French one, don't feel qualified to tell her what she does and does not need to be "able to state with confidence", I doubt that most other non-French, non-lawyers know it, either.
  6. Go to a good brewpub and order a sampler. I guarantee you will see differences in a head to head tasting.
  7. Then you're reflecting the massive cultural divide - and it's really more cultural than ideological - that exists in this country on that issue.
  8. Sure, but without laws like these it wouldn't be directly criminal to violate that prohibition. (Maybe indirectly as a trespass, but that's more tenuous.) ETA: We can also play the semantic game of "wanted" versus "needed". That, of course, is all about whose ox is getting gored.
  9. The potential chilling effect of that alone is antithetical to the First Amendment.
  10. When I was born my parents threw a retirement party for the former fetus.
  11. Op-Ed piece: Open the Slaughterhouses By JEDEDIAH PURDY Published: April 8, 2013 NY Times
  12. Would it be rude to mention the irony of the birth rate in Asia? I suppose so.
  13. Let me put it this way: I join you in celebrating the freedom of speech that is usually had in the UK.
  14. I imagine the author of the article I linked would probably say that he's addressed those concerns.
  15. There are too many variables - specifically, grey areas re: how these facts would be dealt with legally in your particular jurisdiction - for "general principles" of either law, insurance claims or evidence to apply with enough confidence to give you reliable guidance. Your best source is to consult a lawyer who practices in your particular jurisdiction. (Are you in France? Consult a French lawyer. Not even a French insurance agent; a lawyer.) P.S. - legal advice from anyone - anyone - who is not a lawyer can never be counted on.
  16. Margaret Thatcher and misapplied death etiquette
  17. That's like saying all blonde women have equal intelligence. Truth be told, there's actually quite a variance.
  18. Hi, cutie. You're kind of like a teddy bear.
  19. Classic. Why are you against plants? What did they ever do to you?
  20. My wife and I were disappointed in the portrayal of her in the movie The Iron Lady. She had such a rich personality and life; we felt it dwelled far too much on her post-retirement years with dementia (as well as all the silly scenario-inventing re: same). A waste of a good opportunity to make a good movie out of a fascinating subject. This isn't the time to go wobbly, Andy. Sigh. Fine. She was a reactionary fascist.
  21. Ooh! I'm actually doing some research on just that. Can you help??