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Everything posted by Andy9o8

  1. If it bothers you to have to copy and paste, feel free to not read the article. After all, that's what living in a democracy is all about. Copy and paste THIS.
  2. Given that he had a blade only, they were able to overwhelm him in hand to hand combat. Had he had the force-multipliers of one or more firearms with plenty of ammo, and higher-capacity magazines, he might have been able to hold them off.
  3. Please keep talk like that in Bonfire. Plus, remember: she's a "woman appearing woman". Best check out the filler port first.
  4. Considering the co-star of the show is a "woman appearing woman", I'd say that's a very reasonable question.
  5. '65? 50 jumps of which probably 20 were demos.
  6. When it's 1977, you and your bro have 50 jumps apiece, none of the skygods (500+ jumps!) with their hot-shit Stratostars and Foils will jump with you, and you've got nobody to teach you RW but each other.
  7. Do you have a non-nutjob, preferably neutral source to link us to? (Then maybe, since you've been registered on here for 11 years, you can actually post it in a clickable link. But whatever.)
  8. Maintaining a garden in Brussels promotes beauty. I'd much rather have my tax dollars spent on that than using drones to kill children in Pakistan and paying asshole generals to look us in the eye and call that "defense".
  9. You seem to have acquired mythical properties in the eye of an interesting sub-set. May I touch your sleeve? Then they'll be jealous of me.
  10. Technically, of course it is. It has been since deliberate artificial abortion was first developed, which was thousands of years ago. The debate is over its morality or lack thereof. There's no morality in busybodying yourself with the reproductive organs of a woman who is a total stranger to you. You would deny the entire porn industry? What kind of skydiver are you? Didn't say I'd deny it, just that it involves no morality. What kind of lawyer are you? Whatever kind you need (duh). How much you got?
  11. Well, we are trying...;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;;page=unread#unread
  12. Whuffo reporters . An experienced slasher or stabber would definitively have written that better.
  13. Yep, classic conservative philosophy!
  14. Technically, of course it is. It has been since deliberate artificial abortion was first developed, which was thousands of years ago. The debate is over its morality or lack thereof. There's no morality in busybodying yourself with the reproductive organs of a woman who is a total stranger to you. You would deny the entire porn industry? What kind of skydiver are you?
  15. Technically, of course it is. It has been since deliberate artificial abortion was first developed, which was thousands of years ago. The debate is over its morality or lack thereof.
  16. I would say not yet, and hopefully nobody will. 2 of the victims were in critical condition. As of this morning, everyone's still alive, thankfully. It's not just some facts that speak for themselves, it's all of them. Nothing more; nothing less.
  17. Then get out! We have standards here.
  18. I see that armed citizens aren't allowed to carry in buildings on college campuses, even in Texas. Then it would seem your complaint is with Texas government, which, everyone knows, is notoriously... liberal.
  19. Well, considering that Cho, Loughner and Holmes all went through the background check, and Lanza's mom did too, I find it hard to believe that any law requiring background checks on any private sales would have made any difference. I understand some objections to registration - it creates a database for potential confiscation, and it potentially criminalizes law-abiding citizens. But realize that your argument still uses flawed logic. You only cited the examples where it didn't work, which (obviously) made the news. There are many people denied gun purchases because the background checks were done and worked; those generally don't make the news. IOW, if I were a debate coach, I'd urge you to ditch this argument, because it's pretty vulnerable.
  20. Now you tell me. At least you got the word out before I joined the American Automobile Association. When I joined the American Bar Association, they sent me one of THESE.
  22. It's all I can do to remember ROY G. BIV.