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Everything posted by Andy9o8

  1. Jerry & Marc - What you're both discussing is known as "selective invocation" - that is, giving partial testimony under oath, but either invoking the Fifth mid-stream to end the questioning, or picking and choosing which questions to answer and which questions to refuse to answer per the Fifth. Many courts have held that witnesses cannot "selectively invoke" while testifying in court; once they've begun to testify, they've waived the Fifth - in other words, if you're going to invoke the Fifth, you have to do so right at the very beginning, and refuse to answer anything beyond name, rank & serial number. However, this is not an exclusive rule; in more recent years, an increasing number of courts are ruling that in some instances, it is permissible for a witness to "selectively invoke". On the other hand, selective invocation is a far more common practice when testifying before a legislative body under subpoena; and more often than not, it (the selective invocation) is upheld if/when the issue gets in front of a judge for a ruling. However, it's a risky tactic, because it's not guaranteed to work. I fully understand the public relations reasons why Lerner made a brief self-serving statement before invoking the Fifth, but it skirts the edge of waiver. Had she been my client, I would have privately gone on record by advising her not to make the preliminary statement before invoking the Fifth, and I would do so in the presence of another attorney in the office. I would also put a confidential memo to the file to that effect to cover my ass in case Lerner did selectively invoke, and a court ultimately ruled that by doing so she had waived the Fifth. Oh, and Dershowitz is a serial self-aggrandizing blowhard.
  2. Meh. If anything what we have tends towards Soeakers Corner Shallow. Sorry, I wasn't clear on what I meant since I was on my phone at the time. What I meant was that we already have a Speakers' Corner, as well as a Bonfire; and that what you seem to be proposing is a sort of "Speakers' Corner Lite" - not Bonfire, since we'd discuss political-type issues, but a SC in which all conversation would have to be 100% civil, both in terms and in tone. Sort of like discussing current events with your grandma, while a nun and 9-year old kid are in the room listening. Personally, I think I'll pass - my head would explode.
  3. We essentially already have what you purpose- Bonfire. Or maybe a sort of Speakers Corner Lite. Though I doubt that would guarantee civility of discussion. For example, instead of calling someone a goat raper, you could always just politely tell him his mom sends her regards, and compliment how adept she is without her dentures.
  4. Yeah, and he would also be a serial killer. He's not a serial killer, he's a mass murderer. If you're going to participate a thread quibbling over what he's being called then you should try and get it right. Nobody has agreed with you on this.I agree with him. A serial killer is someone who commits multiple murders separated by a substantial time interval (days to sometimes years). Someone who kills a bunch of people in a single incident is a mass murderer. Don Promise5, for example, has implied that she is a serial killer. My 20-something kid can chow her way thru a box of Cocoa Krispies in a day. She's a cereal killer.
  5. [pedantry] Sighhhh. [/pedantry]
  6. Uh oh. . . I did provide an address based on an earlier email that sounded legit. I guess I'm in for it. NEVER give your address out. Email, phone, ever.... Google a nice public place near you, grocery store, walmart etc. When they ask for your address....give that one. When they arrive and call and say wtf I am at a walmart?? You say I am 2 minutes away, here I come. Be safe. You have a family etc, there are crazy fucks out there. What he said. Jeez, John. Don't make us worry about you.
  7. Ha! How does that help if after being acquitted on battery charges the feds charge you with violating the victim's civil rights (Koon and Powell). Doesn't. I've posted previously about my unease about that.
  8. In whose opinion?
  9. This is why everyone should have machetes. Nip it in the bud.
  10. I'm so going to remember that so I can use it some time Wendy P. I've just added it to my hard drive in the Steal This Joke folder.
  11. Oh, goody - you got got in a back-handed swipe at the spics. Nice to see your signature thinly-veiled racism isn't exclusive to just darkies, Moozlims, and random mulatto Presidents of the United States of America.
  12. I'm impressed a lad of your youth even knows that. Unless you looked it up. Do you own a Victrola? I'm installing mine in my car. What's a car? One o' these.
  13. You know, many people were inspired to skyboarding by the Silver Surfer. Show me a superhero whose prime bailiwick is jumping into cardboard boxes and I just might change my attitude.
  14. I'm impressed a lad of your youth even knows that. Unless you looked it up. Do you own a Victrola? I'm installing mine in my car.
  15. Some 99.999% of the world's population see no point in skydiving. Did you have a point? he has already done it so why again ? seams pointless to me Did you make more than one skydive? Somehow I don't think "box jumping" is going to take off as a discipline of its own anytime soon.
  16. Indeed they will. They will testify at the defendant's trial. If you meant more than that, then I have a generic "foil hat" comment to offer you.
  17. Perhaps guarantee a democratic president, but not a 74 year old democratic president. Well, I was trying to choose the sillier potential candidate. I understand why conservatives dislike Hillary, but objectively, I don't doubt her seriousness and capability. Biden, on the other hand, is the life of the party in the Bozo wig.
  18. That's just bullshit, [ETA: at least as re: American-made cars]. Half of us here in this thread are old enough to know, from witnessing it first-hand, what nonsense that is. Rob Ford? Is that you? --------------------------- ETA -In the interest of fairness, I'll concede that Japanese cars easily lasted 200k miles decades before the American mfgrs brought their own products' longevity up to that standard.
  19. Maybe not ever, but certainly in the top 10. Actually the OP was quite reasonable. Everyone else was stupid.