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Everything posted by Andy9o8

  1. I think you and John should manage your own cat-fight. As for your post, I've never been raped, nor have I been pregnant, thus I don't think I have the "experience" to draw from.
  2. Andy9o8

    Friday Haiku

    Now it's Saturday Packing with extra care now No more trash packing
  4. It's fun watching lawyers slither. Sssssstep into my officcccccce.
  5. I only count 3. None random. Oh - 3 + 1. OK.
  6. Dude. Don't take my word for it; listen to Gov. Jindal, a leader of your own team. Your player fucked up. He ain't got game. Cut him.
  7. I had to look that up bleach, please.
  8. 4 people got shot in 1 shooting. close enough for me. sorry if that's too shark-slippery for you.
  9. The thread isn't about quade or me. It isn't about you. It's about destructive teammates whose stupidity fucks over the whole team. The team needs to control its players. Do you want a Democratic House and a Speaker Pelosi? A filibuster-proof Senate? A President Hillary? Better yet, a President Biden? Hey, I know- Barney Frank's a Harvard-educated lawyer; Jerry Brown's a Yale-educated lawyer. Both have worked in government their whole adult lives. Earl Warren was never a judge before he became Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, so how about Frank and Brown for the next two Supreme Court Justices? Ponder who your team's worst enemies really are.
  10. that definition is getting a bit broad, it appears. If people are debating over the semantics of "mass shooting", hoo boy are they missing the mark. Sometimes you just need to step back away from the canvas to see the whole painting. Mass shootings continue to drop in numbers over all Yet you keep posting why? the truth is revealed in the sound of one hand clapping, grasshopper.
  11. Seriously, this is just too easy. For Christs sake How many of these are you going to post? Hang on, hang on, I'm working on a gun thread And then a moozlim thread for rickjump and then an evil warmist thread for brenthutch
  12. Nobody, but nobody, who read Orwell's 1984 and Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451, especially before the existence of the modern Internet (like me), should be surprised by any of this. I've been waiting for it for 40 years. It's never been a question of "Could it happen? Will it happen?"; it's always just been a matter of time, place and method.
  13. that definition is getting a bit broad, it appears. If people are debating over the semantics of "mass shooting", hoo boy are they missing the mark. Sometimes you just need to step back away from the canvas to see the whole painting.
  14. Thank you, GOP. Please keep doing this to guarantee losing important elections. Gov. Jindal (R), we feel your pain. Who wants to be The Party of Stupid? Seriously, this is just too easy.
  15. Every married man knows that telling the wife in advance equates asking for permission, and he obviously knew that her answer would be Fuck No.
  16. You don't. I didn't, and it was the best possible decision. Ignore all these fluffy platitudes other people are offering-up in this thread; it's all chickenshit. If there's any reason to think you shouldn't tell her, then you shouldn't tell her. It's like your collection of bongs and porn and the sex you've had in the oddest of places. You don't tell your mom about those, do you? Of course not; you'll never tell her about them, and no harm will ever come from that sensible self-censorship. Keep your yap shut. Some day, you'll thank me.
  17. That's because Mr. Clapper's trousers were equipped with a thin, flexible, yet durable, hydraulic cooling web sandwiched between layers of ordinary-looking fabric.
  18. Yeah. You two ingrates robbed my of the chance to start a new mass-shooting thread. Thanks for the buzz-kill, guys.
  19. One possible, yet reasonable, interpretation of your aggregated posts in this thread might be that (a) you think it's possible that during your lifetime the US military will launch a coup d'etat against the civilian government of the United States, and (b) you as a member of said military might be willing to participate therein.
  20. Seems to me that some of the ultimate, and most direct, tools of governmental tyranny are the means of its police state, i.e., its military, as well as civilian LEOs. In that very context, and with all due respect, Sir, do you not introspect about your own career choices?
  21. Funny how times change. I clearly remember watching the evening news on TV and seeing riots in American streets and campuses over the right to NOT participate in combat. "Be careful what you wish for", so the saying goes, "you just might get it."
  22. Seemingly benign statements like this are one of the reasons people want to jump small canopies before they are able. Agreed 100%. Yeah, there's no social pressure to downsize.
  23. Nope Well, it's up to the DZ management to define the product that's being purchased with the jump ticket: the ride, the altitude or the jump. 3 different DZOs might have 3 different answers to that question as applied to their particular DZ. But there should be something posted, such as a prominent sign at manifest (and website, loading area, etc.) that makes it clear to the consumer.
  24. Oh, yeah - the slow trickle of states that are decriminalizing marijuana. The feds remain opposed.