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Everything posted by AndyBoyd

  1. Not the brightest comment I've ever read, bro. In fact, it's borderline stupid. There is historical evidence that the person known as Jesus of Nazareth existed. This is not proof of religion by religion itself, it's proof of a historical figure by historical evidence. Nah, he actually had it pretty well nailed. Most of the characters in the Hebrew Scriptures likely existed in the same sense that Heracles, Theseus and Ajax did. The point is that the mere fact that these guys once were around is hardly compelling evidence that Zeus, Apollo and He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named are the prime movers in tales of their exploits. As to the Christian Scriptures, there were quite a few who made claim to the mantle foretold by Isaiah, and it was the group that focused on one claimant in particular (see the credentials claimed at the beginnings of Matthew and Luke, which, ironically enough, required a paternal bloodline that would have been obviated by 'virgin birth') that formed the basis for the power grab of the Roman Empire, reinventing themselves by usurping what had until then been largely a movement of Judaism. Islam is only a little more blatant, with a core principle being 'this is the truth, believe it or we will kill you.' Christianity put that principle into practice repeatedly throughout its history, so it is not much better. BSBD, Winsor No, he didn't have it "nailed," and neither do you. All I said was that there is historical evidence that a human being called Jesus of Nazareth existed. He then assumed that I was making some sort of religious argument, just like you did. I'll try this again, real slowly, so you both can understand. I am an atheist. I do not believe in a Christian god or any sort of supernatural deity. I do not believe that Jesus Christ was the son of god. There is plenty of historical evidence that the human being called Jesus of Nazareth actually lived in first-century Palestine. I hope that clears it up for you both. If not, I don't know what else to say.
  2. Not the brightest comment I've ever read, bro. In fact, it's borderline stupid. There is historical evidence that the person known as Jesus of Nazareth existed. This is not proof of religion by religion itself, it's proof of a historical figure by historical evidence.
  3. I am not a religious person, but there is truckloads of evidence that Jesus of Nazareth was an actual historical figure.
  4. Batemen probably goes through a case of Mountain Dew everyday. Come again?
  5. He has more data and facts than you about the Martin case. For starters, Zimmerman didn't claim SYG. You are right. I was wrong about that.
  6. I wondered who would be the first right-wing nut on this forum to take a cheap shot at Mandela. Congrat's, you're the winner.
  7. Sigh. This is what will continue to happen with stand your ground laws. One gentleman's life is over. Another decent guy is saddled with a lifetime of guilt. And maybe prison time. OK, right-wingers, mount a spirited defense of this guy like you did for Zimmerman. And tell us how SYG laws benefit all of us.
  8. But you are a special person who has inside information the rest of us don't have. That's amusing to me.
  10. He should have just shot her. Then she'd be dead, and he could assert that he was standing his ground, and he'd get off like before.
  11. Like the clear conservative bias of 60 Minutes. Yet another re-directive post. Staying on topic, is not easy for you is it? Irony score 10/10 Who brought up Zimmerman in this very thread? "One need only look at the Zimmerman story " Oh, that was YOU. Yes It was because it is relevant pointing out the hypocrisy of some of the major race baiters who have again posted in this thread This thread was started as a race-bait. The OP and those defending him make me sick to my stomach. I am embarrassed to think you people are in my sport. You ought to be deeply ashamed of yourselves.
  12. Arch!
  13. It's been a while since I chucked a drogue, but I've chucked my share -- about 2,000. Back pain went with the territory for me. As far as the advice to tuck your chin on deployment, an article in September's Parachutist indicated that Air Force research found that the best thing was to keep your shoulders straight and your neck in a neutral position over your shoulders. Twisting the head or doing anything other than keeping the neck an a neutral position was found to overload the neck muscles. With all due respect to the experienced jumper advocating tucking the chin, this seems like asking for trouble. Keep your neck in a straight and neutral position over your shoulders on deployment.
  14. Hi Andy. Hey I attended one back in the 80's in which the deceased was wearing a jumpsuit! Cancer took him not skydiving...if he'd have gone in and they dressed him that way - would have been kinda weird. Well, I guess the deceased didn't really have a choice as to what he was wearing. Those that can still make choices should not wear jumpsuits to funerals.
  15. Is this a troll? A jumpsuit at a funeral? You can't be serious.
  16. I know I'm not the Andy you were talking to, but the only opinion that matters here is the jury's. They were the ones who sat in the courtroom day after day and listened to all of the evidence. Everyone else just got information filtered through the media. (Although, I wonder if the case was televised. I suppose someone without anything better to do could have watched the whole thing.) It's possible the jury got it wrong, but when someone is acquitted at trial, the party is over. The judge here damn well knows that, and he had no business going on TV and undermining the verdict. If I was on that jury, I'd be mad as hell. Don't ask me to give up 3 weeks of my life, or however long that trial was, make me sit in the courtroom and listen to the lawyers blather on, then dump all over me after I give you my verdict. The judge's actions here just made it even harder to convince people to sit on a jury. Now, they have to worry about the judge calling them out in the media.
  17. Wildly inappropriate. The prosecution presented its evidence, and the jury didn't buy it. In our system, that's the end of the story. The judge should face discipline from whatever Florida organization oversees state court judges.
  18. Yikes! I guess I should look at the date of the OP!
  19. I'll take that as a 'no'. Is this what you are talking about. Expressions in the light of killing non muslims? Islam is cult. They use intimidation and fear to gain the obedience of their followers. If the suni aren't killing the shea and vice versa they're both trying to kill us. A very screwed up group of people. And surprising enough.... it's the fastest growing religion mainly because they're the ones having all the kids. When you look in the mirror, are you ashamed? Are you embarassed at the kind of person you are? You ought to be.
  20. This is somewhat dated, but a worthwhile read for a beginning RW jumper. ETA: even older, but the principals are still the same after all these years.