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Everything posted by gmittar

  1. lol, that was a zebra, and it was it's neck... |>.
  2. I just don't get the asian thing... |>.
  3. Working for a parent on a control trip is way dumb, get out already. |>.
  4. After I was broken into twice in six months, I installed these. Cheap and easy to do, and a great deterrent. And if you're worried about the safety of having windows blocked, it's nothing compared to the risk of being broken into. Edit:: BTW, both times I was broken into, they threw a rock through the window, not much a window lock will do for that. Rocks are just so easy, and no one notices the sound of broken glass anymore. |>.
  5. It does fuck your credit. I'd just pay the shit off if you can, after all, you did incur the debt, and sign the contract that let them rape you. Call it stupid tax and be done with it. |>.
  6. gmittar


    Love it. I like to buy it in the store, and cook it meself, and add butter, oh so yummy, and marginally better for you than popcorn, lol. |>.
  7. WTF is the flap, a fly for the backside? |>.
  8. On several occassions in India as a kid, and more recently at the Albuquerque zoo, but that was just on a little track. In India it was around the castle grounds that I was visiting at the time. |>.
  9. Ugh, curry is nasty. Gimme a good Shai Paneer or Dhal Makhanee any day.
  10. That was funny. I think I'll keep that on file for the next guy bashing thread |>.
  11. I disagree that it's not our right to ask questions. It's a gauranteed right to ask questions. Not that she has to answer. And she's welcome to tell us to bugger off. That being said, it doens't matter to me And I hope you're feeling better right quick like! |>.
  12. Awesome! 4 minutes to launch. |>.
  13. Everything is go so far. Watch online at |>.
  14. It's going up in about 10. |>.
  15. I haven't for a while, but I used to have bounce dreams if I wasn't current and needed to jump. I always survived them unhurt though instead of waking up. |>.
  16. That deserved a myspace bulliten, lol. |>.
  17. Hmmm, no where in the email did it say the scuba buddy was a gurl. I guess he could still be a stud... |>.
  18. Lots of vibes, please let us know how it turned out. |>.
  19. Yeah, I got a bit miffed the other day when he was comparing porn to cocaine. I agree that if you're addicted to porn, you need help, but casual use of porn is very unlike casual use of cocaine. But then, I listen for the financial advice, not the religious. |>.
  20. Well the OZ financial world is s little different to that of the USA, if he went bankrupt in real estate Ican almost garuntee he over capitalised. Thats the one thing I made certain I did not do. I own my home outright, and it is not emcumbered in any way to the investment properties, and i geared in a way that if times are tough I can sell one property and still have a good capital investment. Again not ALL debt is bad debt. Have a read of some of Kiyosaki's books he details good debt bad debt very well. What happens when your car is wrecked and you're injured temporarily so you can't work. And it turns out that the renters in both properties decide they don't want to pay you. Interest rates are up so no one is buying, or a crack house opened on the corner of where your property is, halving the value of your places. The point? Shit happens, and it happens all at once. If you're leveraging, you're setting yourself up for an eventual shitstorm. At least that's what Dave teaches, and I believe him more than you, go figure. Another thing he teaches, if you wanna be rich, do what rich people do. He's rich, and he's systemized the process he used to get there, it's what he teaches. |>.
  21. If that were true, then how could most people get an advanced education? For one, that's not what I've heard him say, and two, if it was, I'd not listen to him for long b/c that's not sound advice. Student loan debt is generally very low interest debt and is tax deductible ,I think. And considering how it has the potential to boost your income, you'd be silly ("dumb" in his lingo) to NOT avail yourself of it! You don't listen to him much if you're justifying debt with low or tax deductible interest |>.