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Everything posted by Ashtanga

  1. I found PROOF! She existed after me leaving and she got married. See here...;post=607366;page=1;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;mh=25;
  2. SkyGal? I went to visit her and she was never heard from again. I think she went and married someone else immediately after meeting me.
  3. I thought Sebazz was a fish. You know, SeaBass.
  4. Chromey get's lonely on ChromeDome. Earth is more fun.
  5. I poked her in the eye with my finger.
  6. Rebecca, you have a pretty eye.
  7. What strange twists our lives have taken.
  8. I backed out of the Navy at the last minute. I went back to my previous job (prior to dzing it) instead. Never been happier.
  9. No. TG is a friend of mine and I would only protect her, not stalk her.
  10. I googled that and it came up with this website. You like older Mexican Men?
  11. Naked Chicks? Frenchy I laugh at your posts so hard. Post some naked chicks in the men only forum.
  12. It's from Mr. BenForde himself.
  13. When I come to earth I have a different personality.
  14. I am still around. I just have multiple personality disorder.
  15. It would scare me if you had rays and sunshine and a bouquet of flowers coming out of your bottom.
  16. It's kind of hard to see but they could be mallard drakes.
  17. Or, Uranus. hey hon, did you feed Uranus? Uranus did it Uranus is shedding all over the house Uranus got into the garbage Get Uranus off the couch!
  18. The funny thing is if someone was to do a little search for "Point Break" on here they would find 35 pages of discussion. I'm sorry but it's funny when people come on here and they say, "Remember Point Break?"
  19. How about Chaka Khan? How about Goldie Hahn?
  20. And watch him make a Sudsyfist? No thanks. I jumped with you a couple of years ago at Perris.
  21. My shoulder came out of socket during a horny guerilla once. I put itself back in place during the opening sequence I never had a problem after that.
  22. Just promise that what you are doing will not hurt someone in anyway. Especially seeing where you are.