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Everything posted by Nickkk

  1. BEEEEEEER What do you do when someone throws a big planet at you? Throw your pilot chute in defense!
  2. Congrats!!!! What do you do when someone throws a big planet at you? Throw your pilot chute in defense!
  3. Did my first two solos today too!!!! When i asked my instructor to sign my logbook he wrote a huge BEER!!!!! in it. HAHA! I also kinda missed having someone with me, but it was awesome being on my own! What do you do when someone throws a big planet at you? Throw your pilot chute in defense!
  4. Congrats What do you do when someone throws a big planet at you? Throw your pilot chute in defense!
  5. LMAO What do you do when someone throws a big planet at you? Throw your pilot chute in defense!
  6. I just graduated from AFF last week at Skydive Jersey Shore. They are a great place to learn. Its a small dz so there is a great family vibe there. All of the staff and instructors are great people as well and you can tell they care about their students. What do you do when someone throws a big planet at you? Throw your pilot chute in defense!
  7. What he said... What do you do when someone throws a big planet at you? Throw your pilot chute in defense!
  8. Lighting a ton of fireworks and hoping they dont get confiscated What do you do when someone throws a big planet at you? Throw your pilot chute in defense!
  9. I agree with what was said above, i was having the same problem and i found that a deep breath and a toe tap really helped me out alot! Good luck with the rest of your training!
  10. Congrats man!!! I graduated last week as well... Only took me 8 jumps. Now im working on getting my coaching done! Wooo
  11. I am a newbie but i HATE people who are like the ones you mentioned. At the end of the day i dont give a crap what you wouldve done, IM ALIVE so obviously my choice was a correct one... What do you do when someone throws a big planet at you? Throw your pilot chute in defense!
  12. Im jealous! I want to experience this What do you do when someone throws a big planet at you? Throw your pilot chute in defense!
  13. Did you then procede to urinate on him? What do you do when someone throws a big planet at you? Throw your pilot chute in defense!
  14. I do not know you, but i sincerly thank you for your service!!!!
  15. Good luck with your training!
  16. 20 an ear... Process took about 6 minutes total. What do you do when someone throws a big planet at you? Throw your pilot chute in defense!
  17. Yeah i ended up going to an audiologist and getting the impressions done... It looked like something that could easily be messed up by a non professional. I love the freefall sound as well which is why i got the attenuating plugs, not the ones that block out everything. I can deal with some loss of volume knowing i am saving my hearing!
  18. Got my impressions taken today... Custom earplugs here i come! What do you do when someone throws a big planet at you? Throw your pilot chute in defense!
  19. Yeah after looking at what the process was i called an audiologist and got my imprits done today! What kind of plugs do you use? What do you do when someone throws a big planet at you? Throw your pilot chute in defense!
  20. Yes it is!!! I did do a search before i posted but couldnt find a site where you made the impression yourself! You are the man! Now, which to get... I was thinking these JB1000 Custom Breaker-Vented Noise Reduction Plug (1 Pr)Custom ear plugs can cause an uncomfortable "plugged up" feeling. Our Breaker-Vented custom noise reduction plugs are made with a small vent canal that lets the inner ear breathe and lets the wearer hear normal speech. We insert into the vent, a "Noise Breaker" which acts to prevent hearing damage from extremely loud impact noises including gunfire, nail guns and many noises commonly encountered in construction and manufacturing environments. What do you do when someone throws a big planet at you? Throw your pilot chute in defense!
  21. Does anyone use these? Im looking for a place to acquire them, most sites say i need to go to one of their places to get an ear mold taken. I tought i had seen one that you poured something into your ear yourself and then mailed them back the result. Anyone know what im talking about? Bueller? What do you do when someone throws a big planet at you? Throw your pilot chute in defense!
  22. Awesome!!!! Good luck with the rest of it!
  23. HAHAHA Im an offender too, and m at work! What do you do when someone throws a big planet at you? Throw your pilot chute in defense!