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Everything posted by madhatter

  1. Ooh! Can I come!? A VERY MERRY UNBIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! D.S # 125
  2. I've been around for more than 13 years now & I've seen many newbs fizzle out. I've also seen a very good friend overcome a disabilty, gain his C-license and quit skydiving after breaking his femur due to a high wind / bad decision incident. I've seen a few people die in the sport, 2 of whom I respected greatly. Skydiving's dangerous and it's not for everyone. Some people love it until the first scare and then they re-evaluate. All I'm asking of anyone considering quitting is to make sure they really want to quit. I've quit on 1 or 2 things before that I'm still kicking myself for - if I can prevent 1 person from making a similar mistake, I'm gonna try. A VERY MERRY UNBIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! D.S # 125
  3. I don't want to make him feel worse about it. I KNOW how easy it is to allow self-doubt or others' opinions influence one's decisions, sometimes even living to regret those decisions. Just MENTIONING giving it up is already a step closer to the actual decision. I only wanted him to expend some more thought to the matter. We've had Rosa & Olympia (don't know her username) break ankles whilst jumpong (a lot less severe than Neal's injuries, I know) in the past month. Olympia's a low time jumper, but she's still hanging out at the dz and isn't quitting beacause of the inherent danger of the sport. I've injured myself countless times - skydiving, horseriding, car accidents.. One riding injury left me recuperating for 8 months. I'm STILL riding. That could be because I'm stupid or just a sucker for punishment, but I do it because it's something I enjoy. I truly hope Neal doesn't give up skydiving unless he absolutely HAS to.. A VERY MERRY UNBIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! D.S # 125
  4. Less than a week before his accident he called skydiving "more than a sport... it's an addiction, a lifestyle..." If he CAN'T skydive anymore, it would be sad, but reality. If he doesn't WANT to skydive anymore it would just be sad. Apologies to all concerned, but tact has never been my strongest feature. A VERY MERRY UNBIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! D.S # 125
  5. For... ah... oh... Forget it. Fuck the fucking fucker! A VERY MERRY UNBIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! D.S # 125
  6. I'll refer to your previous post,;page=unread#unread: What's changed between these 2 posts? Whatever happened to the old saying: "pain is temporary, but trophies last forever"? Crappy commenst aside, it's good to hear you're on the road to recovery. I hope you can work through the issues and get back in the air again soon! A VERY MERRY UNBIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! D.S # 125
  7. Because he doesn't know anytihng about anything A VERY MERRY UNBIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! D.S # 125
  8. You need a hat! A VERY MERRY UNBIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! D.S # 125
  9. Being awesome! A VERY MERRY UNBIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! D.S # 125
  10. The river receded after rising to within 200ft of my house yesterday, so that was a good day Friends' son was baptised today and we had a lovely get-together afterwards, so today was even better
  11. Hungry in Hungary? Your life does rock!Time to post another travel update so we can share the experience!
  12. Cause she flirts with the pizza delivery guy! A VERY MERRY UNBIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! D.S # 125
  13. I can't even begin to imagine what it's like to experience what your mom put you through.. Skydiving, or any other activity that makes one feel alive, for that matter, is truly a wonderful anti-depressant! Just taking a hike in the mountains and feeling the sun on my back can be AS stimulating as a day at the dz. THAT'S what prompted my original post - There are so many things that makes life worth living, if only we recognise them! A VERY MERRY UNBIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! D.S # 125
  14. An 'awesome' moment, I'm sure! Enjoy the rest of your trip
  15. madhatter


    You've been drinking What SlyD's been drinking I'ma thinking A VERY MERRY UNBIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! D.S # 125
  16. madhatter


    What What What All my ladies say What What What And all my dogz say What What What All the D.J's play my cut cut cut ..D12 ...sooo... WTH what? Did your coffee machine break? Edit: WTFWW BTW - didn't do the stuffed peppers today, but they're definitely a go for tomorrow! A VERY MERRY UNBIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! D.S # 125
  17. probably smile stupidly and forget my own name A VERY MERRY UNBIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! D.S # 125
  18. Ask for a specific frame size. 21 - 22" should be OK. A VERY MERRY UNBIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! D.S # 125
  19. madhatter


  20. Clicky:
  21. Hope you're not a sad roo for long! Here's a rainbow for you
  22. *Yawn* G'morning Roo! Whatcha drinking? Edit to add: It's Sat moring over here already, so I need some coffee before joke time
  23. Pretty good job with drawer liner huh? LOL Eww my toes are so purple. WTH!? That looks like PINK nail polish to me! Anyhow, YOU painted them, You live with them! A VERY MERRY UNBIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! D.S # 125
  24. Missed the reference. Tag team sounds cool, but you who's tagging 'mama? A VERY MERRY UNBIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! D.S # 125