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Everything posted by udder

  1. hahahaha. dude, do you know the deal with the americans? They do give Israel a shitlaod of aid, but no more than UAE would be earning off oil... Many other countries fly the F-16 too. All the shit muslim countries(UAE and Brunei excluded) rely mostly on old Russian technology. None of them developed theirs themlselves either. So big whoopdy fucking doo. Most importantly, you are fucked because Israel will not dissapear. They are a far better military than the countries surrounding them. As much as the Palestinians don't like it, down the line they'll be a small turd in the treatment plant of history. Just like nobody is campaigning to give Australia back to the Aboriginals. "In one way or the other, I'm a bad brother. Word to the motherf**ker." Eazy-E
  2. hey im using their jumpsuits, i dont need no daiper. And on the subject of fondue. I am an expert skilled in the art. Probably help take the tandem students minds off of being scared. Well at least scared of jumping, Im going to make them fear for their lives. It's gonna smell like "BIG FOOTS DICK." "In one way or the other, I'm a bad brother. Word to the motherf**ker." Eazy-E
  3. good point. but dubai is not self made. "Before oil was discovered in the 1950s the UAE's economy was dependent on fishing and a declining pearling industry."thats from the bbc website. If it wasn't for oil it would be another shithole in the middle east. Whereas Israel has no significant resources.They are entirely the product of their own determination, not a fluke resource discovery. Well, at least far more self-made than UAE. "In one way or the other, I'm a bad brother. Word to the motherf**ker." Eazy-E
  4. I have been inspired. For my re-currency jump im going to guzzle down the milk, egg mayo, curry and cheesy pasta. With lots of chilli. Maybe a tin of sardines in oil and a half dozen prunes. "In one way or the other, I'm a bad brother. Word to the motherf**ker." Eazy-E
  5. I moved here from South Africa, and Aus(citizen by decent) is far more racist and culturally defensive than south africa. how can you take someone on merit who subscribes to a sex based prescribed role of extreme subserviance. Taking that on merit I'd call them a fucking insult to any human rights activists. "In one way or the other, I'm a bad brother. Word to the motherf**ker." Eazy-E
  6. Holy shit! I figured it out. GWB is ALLAH! "In one way or the other, I'm a bad brother. Word to the motherf**ker." Eazy-E
  7. lol.. what you say is very true. But Aboriginal Australia don't have the capacities to rid themselves of "Shorts-wearing-lager-swilling-sunburned-roundheads." full hajib and what it stands for is such an insult to western democratic values, and all women, it should be banned. "In one way or the other, I'm a bad brother. Word to the motherf**ker." Eazy-E
  8. If you are referring to the current conflict, my view is "GO ISRAEL." Don't Muslims understand Irael will always exist? It's technologies, military and education system are light years ahead of anything else in the middle east. Must be because Allah favours the Israeli's? "In one way or the other, I'm a bad brother. Word to the motherf**ker." Eazy-E
  9. I'd personally be very happy if all hajib wearing muslim women would fuck off back to a predominantly Muslim country. "In one way or the other, I'm a bad brother. Word to the motherf**ker." Eazy-E
  10. I'm not asking my gear to do anything other than it's job and specified by the TSO standards. But everything with a TSO sticker is not equal. I was just asking if it's signicantly more dangerous than lets say a PD reserve, smart, r-max? "In one way or the other, I'm a bad brother. Word to the motherf**ker." Eazy-E
  11. Need to buy a reserve and I was wondering if buying something like a super raven or pre-2001 tempo was asking for trouble. If you have an ADD fire while you're head down is it most likely going to blow apart? Is it better to stick with reserves that have spanwise tapes? Keeping in mind I plan to weight 200lbs without gear. "In one way or the other, I'm a bad brother. Word to the motherf**ker." Eazy-E
  12. well I have had a life-long love affair with butter. I can eat it thicker than cheese on toast. Big chunks. And I don't think burgers for brekky for four days will kill me(I hope not) Considering I know people who eat it for two meals a day. For the past 10 years... Though he does resemble a sisty year old at the age of fourty. And smoke a pack a day. "In one way or the other, I'm a bad brother. Word to the motherf**ker." Eazy-E
  13. Speak of the devil. We have Hungry Jacks in Aus. I think it's burger king in the states. They're better than Mac's because you can get burgers for breakfast. I've been having the double cheeseburger with bacon for breakfast. Sadly it got too expensive after 4 days. But soon I will have a job "In one way or the other, I'm a bad brother. Word to the motherf**ker." Eazy-E
  14. Just got back from rowing in Belgium. I knew I had to gain weight when the Russian womens quad were all heavier than me.(there is something incredibly sexy about a woman who could easily bench press you) And I'm a heavyweight guy. Just very small by international standards. I lose about 10lbs as the season goes on and want more muscle too. So for now I just want weight. Whatever form it comes in. Just as I was typing that I finished a hot chocolate. Half cream, half water. 3 sugars "In one way or the other, I'm a bad brother. Word to the motherf**ker." Eazy-E
  15. I need to gain weight and I'm looking for suggestions for foods with rediculously high number of calories... For dinner tonight I had cheese sausage and mash(with butter, cream cheese and cream instead of milk) So whats the fattiest feast you can think of? (please refrain from referring to large women) "In one way or the other, I'm a bad brother. Word to the motherf**ker." Eazy-E
  16. athletic types.... And why does everyone want to date a skydiver? I'd hate having a girlfriend at the dropzone. "In one way or the other, I'm a bad brother. Word to the motherf**ker." Eazy-E
  17. dude stop being such a bitch. I'd much rather be dumped by phone when I was at home instead of driving all the way to her house. thats just plain fucking rude making you drive all the way there just to dump you. You prolly saved like 50c in gas and 50% on your sushi
  18. I'd do what any right person would do. PIMP her out for free coach jumps. "In one way or the other, I'm a bad brother. Word to the motherf**ker." Eazy-E
  19. Jesus... Warmbaths. They have the very cool cable ski. If you spend everyday there they eventually let me spend the last few days for free... How the hell does it have two riggers? "In one way or the other, I'm a bad brother. Word to the motherf**ker." Eazy-E
  20. On the riggers wife. Terry Tough Cunt #1 "In one way or the other, I'm a bad brother. Word to the motherf**ker." Eazy-E
  21. peek, thanks for the very comprehensive reply. I didnt mean any old tandem slider, I realize that it was just the first in a series of steps to investigate the right size slider needed. To follow, why is it that something like the pilot can open so slowly while sabres can slam? What is it in the design of a canopy that enables it to open softly? "In one way or the other, I'm a bad brother. Word to the motherf**ker." Eazy-E
  22. I've read a few posts about this but nothing that answers my questions. Are there people with hundereds of slammer free openings on a sabre that previosuly used to spank? I have read about using a tandem slider http://www.pcprg.com/hardop.htm (can someone make clicky) but I have also read about too large a slider speeding up openings. How come this comparatively massive slider hasn't speeded up openings? And can it be fitted to sabre that open ok most of the time? Obviously every canopy is slightly different so nothing can be said for certain. Just looking to see if anyone has long term experience with these mods and what the most effective one is? Can you tell im a poorass student? "In one way or the other, I'm a bad brother. Word to the motherf**ker." Eazy-E
  23. To this point, is there anyone(c'mon fatties, own up) jumping say at 0.9 or 1 who can comment on their heading performance? If you would be jumping mainly low sub-terminal stuff, does having a smaller canopy (say at .8 as opposed to .65) have benefit over something larger? Since numerous people have stated smaller canopies open quicker(?), and loading improves heading performance(?) Does anyone load over the standard(?) .75 for either of these reasons? "In one way or the other, I'm a bad brother. Word to the motherf**ker." Eazy-E
  24. Amen... "In one way or the other, I'm a bad brother. Word to the motherf**ker." Eazy-E
  25. I'm with Walt on this one. Only pussy that ends up in my bed is a fluffy chinchilla persian. Should the moon be blue and I actually have a woman(or something resembling a woman) in my bed they usually bitch and moan because i sleep like a starfish... A sweaty starfish who also snores. "In one way or the other, I'm a bad brother. Word to the motherf**ker." Eazy-E