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Everything posted by katzurki

  1. Neither does Johnny's method.
  2. One of the better "misheard lyrics" creations I've seen.
  3. Ok, how do you say "stowing the lines" in Russian?
  4. Oftentimes I won't know an appropriate term in Russian for things like grommets, or "stowing the lines." I just deal with it.
  5. And you are admonishing me why?
  6. Will-- Slightly deviating off the general topic, but: Metal detectors were gone the next day as they had only been installed because of a one-time racing event. For this particular building in this particular situation, late afternoon/evening is better and safer than 4 AM sneaking (whereby you alert the floor staff who you inevitably have to pass on your way up, plus the guards are not busy dealing with the cars and will come bust your ass). My one and only bust on that B was at midnight. Plus it's so much more gorgeous at sunset...
  7. I'd go with whichever was smaller and/or cheaper, provided either has an accuracy tolerance of 1 meter at maximum. The only gripe I have about my BYP Compact 600 model is that it's not compact enough.
  8. Anything as bad from using binding tape for a (collapsible) bridle?
  9. I did a BASE jump while high on pot (for the 4th time in my life). I remember that after flaring I just kept running, kiting the canopy around giggling silly. A jumper I know got broken up real badly doing a high BASE jump (and that's not the height-wise kind of high). It's definitely a stupid idea. The lowest pull I've ever seen was also drug-induced but fortunately injury-free. Strangely enough, some of the cleanest packjobs I've witnessed were also done under the influence.
  10. I was wearing HanWags. one month old ones. and i will limp for the rest of my life. I had such an injury that had i NOT been wearing hanwags, i would have had a much less life-altering leg injury. The boots kept the bones inside my skin. thats it. So if I read that right, you are saying that wearing Hanwags exacerbated rather than mitigated your leg injury? Could you explain why?
  11. Atmosphere Gear here in Moscow owns some sophisticated equipment to thermoprint directly on cordura. The cost is something like $60-100 per square yard, depending (a rig usually requires 2 square yards of cordura). It's basically like controlled tie-dye, and doesn't wear out whatsoever (since the dye is impressioned into the fabric under high pressure and temperature). The end result is usually much lighter than the original picture supplied, so some preprocessing of the source image is usually required to get the colors right as far as saturation and hue go. PM me if you want to get in touch with the manufacturer.
  12. Right now my canopy has some pretty picturesque patterns of fine sand from a landing out (not salty or anything -- the canopy just fell into a big, very muddy puddle). I tried to kite it out on landing, but only managed to drag it through the puddle, making matters even worse A pretty big chunk of the canopy has been affected, about 30% of the entire top skin, some bottom skin. Which is less damaging in the long run: shake out and leave the ingrained sand there, scrape it off with a towel and a modicum of pressure, or completely wash the canopy?
  13. katzurki

    Packing clamps

    No clamps, far less than 200 jumps.
  14. None with Altitrack, but I have seen a Neptune that went through a none too gentle washing machine cycle and came out almost unscathed.
  15. I have both, and both are fine units. Go with whichever one appeals to you the most (this is basically the choice between analog and digital readout). Little features sort of even each other out — Altitrack can replay jumps, and Neptune can show your rate of descent real-time, Altitrack has the detailed mode for the last 2000 ft of descent, and Neptune can beep swoop alarms, etc etc. I can hear the swoop alarms, but only barely. I would not rely on those.
  16. katzurki

    Canopy size

    Ian, Tom, Yuri (and other people flying big), Do you think the riser response feedback is going to be substantially slower on a 293 vs 322 (that's almost 30 square feet of nylon, after all)? If I remember correctly, when Yuri_base had his cliffstrike on the Flik 322, he mentioned the large size had something to do with the slow turn rate. To what extent do you consider this characteristic (the inertia-induced slow response time) when choosing to go big?
  17. katzurki

    Canopy size

    Naa, he's not at all fat, he's just freakishly tall. You should see the amazing flare he gets out of my rock dragon, seeing how his arms are so much longer than mine! (need to shorten steering lines in near future
  18. http://www.performancedesigns.com/docs/wingload.pdf
  19. By 2 inches on one side, the other side is OK... kind of not very good, I know. Should have thrown that cutaway pillow away!
  20. How much will I have to pay to work for you? Where do I sign up already?
  21. It was a legitimate malfunction alright, it spun up on me. I just got the video, but I don't know how to make it smaller yet, and it's 57Mb. Beware, it's nothing really spectacular—a bad attempt at filming a 3-way, an uneventful cutaway, and I don't even swear until after the reserve has inflated. http://ventor.ru/cutaway.avi (57Mb) Please nobody make it a clicky.
  22. So... if— - the reserve was due for a repack in two weeks; - Cypres was desperately needing its maintenance; - I kept both handles; - I had my camera on (third jump with it ever, first jump it didn't power off or go out of focus), so everything is on video; - and, most importantly, the chopped canopy landed directly on top of the freebag in the center of the field... —do you think it could have been a more perfectly timed or executed cutaway?
  23. Ohhh yeah, I don't jump solo often, and this was one of the more spiritual jumps... Ahhh, now to sleep, perchance to dream.
  24. ...when you climb up a crane, go into the operator's cabin, sit down to catch your breath and do gear checks, and wake up two hours later, at dawn.