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Everything posted by jerryzflies

  1. You are correct, but it destroys your argument. The POSSIBILITY was solid as a rock. No scientist claimed it was a certainty. The RISK of doing too little was greater than the RISK of doing too much, where risk is proportional to both the expected losses which may be caused by an event and to the probability of this event. Greater loss and greater event likelihood result in a greater overall risk. In this case the expected losses in a killer pandemic are extremely high so the risk is high even if the probability is low.. Same can be said of climate change. If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.
  2. Reference? Blues, Dave Gallup 2nd request: How about a link that shows "a vast majority" want abortion illegal for RAPE or INCEST victims, like Palin does. mnealtx - please note the word "WANT". I said the vast majority only support abortion in few circumstances and Palin would fit into that category of the poll. My point was that she isn't a fringe right extremist in her views. If you want to show a poll on people's opion of abortion in cases of rape, then please do. OK, here's one. If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.
  3. You mean like the current administration? Unclever way of avoiding the question. If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.
  4. Sampling theory eh? So it's not been proven then. [/sarcasm] R I G H H H T T Just like gravity. If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.
  5. 2nd request: How about a link that shows "a vast majority" want abortion illegal for RAPE or INCEST victims, like Palin does. mnealtx - please note the word "WANT". And as Governor of Alaska, she could do the same for the state as you all CLAIM she would do for the country. Opinion != law. It must really bother you that she holds such an extreme and unpopular opinion or you would not keep trying to weasel-word around it. If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.
  6. I'd have to see a larger statistical sample before I agreed with the statistical significance. I think given a bigger sample, the diffference would narrow a bit. Given that there are a LOT of church-goers in the U.S., there's no reason not to interview more people. Sampling theory suggests that the sample size was plenty large enough to have quite reasonable confidence limits. If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.
  7. Reference? Blues, Dave Gallup 2nd request: How about a link that shows "a vast majority" want abortion illegal for RAPE or INCEST victims, like Palin does. mnealtx - please note the word "WANT". If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.
  8. I hope you write your paper more carefully than you write your posts. If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.
  9. Nonsense - we aren't worrying any more about '57 Asian Flu or '68 Hong Kong Flu. Epidemiology isn't your thing, is it? If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.
  10. Seem to be a lot of claims by attorney Lauria (rhymes with liar), and not much in the way of evidence. Did you miss this bit on purpose? "A Perella Weinberg Partners spokesperson told ABC News on Sunday that “The firm denies Mr. Lauria’s account of events.”" If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.
  11. Not at all. So, tell me again why he did not know how many states there were??????????? Because I find it strange that when he says somethiing like that then "it was a mistake" but when the other side says something they are idiots. You just proved to everyone that you make the same kind of mistake that you criticize Obama for. Ye Olde Double Standard strikes again. If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.
  12. According to Gallup, the vast majority thinks abortion should only be legal in few circumstances. Palin would fit into this group if asked the same question.. Please provide a link to the poll where "the vast majority" says abortion should be illegal in the case of rape or incest - the position that Palin espouses. Fact is, just about every poll (Gallup, Pew...) shows that rape or incest is one of the circumstances where "a vast majority" thinks abortion should be legal - a position contrary to Palin's. If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.
  13. He quoted the part of that post that he was responding to. It seemed pretty clear that he was talking about rhys's personal decision to have an abortion. And I was talking about his response to #90, in which rape victims are brought into the conversation. If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.
  14. Since you can't view the clip: INTERVIEWER: If senator John Doe put forth an amendment that would ban abortion, even in cases of rape or incest, and he asked you to attend the announcement and support him in doing that, would you do it? . . . PALIN: I would. I would. And you know, it's no secret that I'm pro-life. And I don't hide that, nor am I ashamed of that, and I am pro-life... and yes, a proposal like that, I would stand by it. If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.
  15. She said explicitly in the interview that she would support a Constitutional amendment to outlaw abortion in all cases, including rape and incest. Rather hard to weasel out of that. If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.
  16. Maybe you should apply to be surgeon general, then you could make sure that everything is done exactly to your liking. As it is, I'd rather like to know how to reduce my risk of getting it. Knowing that the virus is transmitted by touch so hand washing is important, knowing that commercial air travel is a primary way by which bacterial and viral infections get spread from state to state and country to country, are very helpful things for the public to know. If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.
  17. NOT MUCH OF A CHOICE FOR A RAPE VICTIM, IS IT? The one that Palin wants to force to bear the child of her rapist. To the best of my knowledge, he didn't rape his girlfriend. SP is on record as opposing abortions for rape victims. SP believes the government should decide that a rape victim should bear her rapist's child. A rape victim has no choice in the sex and SP want her to have no choice in the aftermath. Maybe you were so star-struck you weren't paying attention to what she has said. Maybe you should read what's going on before jumping into the conversation. You mean post #60 of this thread, the one that said: "No, I am saying someone that thinks a rape victim should have to nurse the child of her attacker is stupid" The post to which you responded. Maybe YOU should check your selective memory before criticizing others. If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.
  18. As is perfectly appropriate. According to polls, 80% of Americans blame the dismal economy on the GOP. Even the RNC chairman acknowledges it. All the GOP has going for it right now is "We hate Obama" and that is even apparent in this forum. If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.
  19. NOT MUCH OF A CHOICE FOR A RAPE VICTIM, IS IT? The one that Palin wants to force to bear the child of her rapist. To the best of my knowledge, he didn't rape his girlfriend. SP is on record as opposing abortions for rape victims. SP believes the government should decide that a rape victim should bear her rapist's child. A rape victim has no choice in the sex and SP want her to have no choice in the aftermath. Maybe you were so star-struck you weren't paying attention to what she has said. If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.
  20. Political opponent? What race was ACORN running in? Maybe you should have gone past that first sentence in the paragraph for your quote - then you wouldn't look quite so much the fool when someone quotes the REST of it (like below). "Indeed, officials in states including Pennsylvania, Ohio, Florida, Nevada, North Carolina, Indiana and Connecticut now are looking into accusations that ACORN workers turned in thousands of fraudulent or duplicate voter-registration applications. (The Dallas Cowboys magically filled out voter registration forms in Nevada, for example.)" Nevada 2008 On October 6, a criminal investigator with the Nevada Secretary of State filed a search-warrant affidavit stating that ACORN workers used “fictitious and false information” on voter registration applications. Ohio 2008 Election officials in Ohio’s most populous county asked a prosecutor Monday to investigate alleged voter-registration fraud. Washington State 2007 The King County Prosecutor’s Office filed criminal charges last year against seven ACORN workers accused of submitting 1,762 fraudulent voter registrations to the state in 2006. You're big into the guilty until proven innocent bit, aren't you? There was a thread back in October that debunked just about all of these claims. You even participated. If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.
  21. Why does everyone always thinks the government is over reacting when it comes to issues like this? To make people aware of the dangers of the situation and inform them of the what if's can and may prevent hundreds of deaths. Would you rather not be aware and informed of a serious health issues until it is to late to prevent loved ones from dying, or have the government do what they have been doing? Government? The government is doing kinda nothing. The World Health Org. and the Center for Disease Control are doing alot, and the media is putting on a circus act. And what EXACTLY do you think the Center for Disease Control is? Hint - it's web address is cdc.GOV If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.
  22. Don't forget the Inquisition. Christianity is no stranger to torture. If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.
  23. "Republican officials and advisers to Sen. John McCain have accused ACORN (the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) of rampant voter-registration fraud." An accusation from a political opponent is hardly proof of anything. I guess you don't actually have anything except a double standard and hypocrisy. If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.
  24. It's a very CONSERVATIVE nation, which must explain the torture. If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.
  25. Good guy, for real. If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.