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Everything posted by Spudmuffin

  1. There is a lot of the stuff out there today is just really inappropriate for young kids. I remember when I was little playing games like Punch Out. It was fun to see what would happen when you would hit various characters in different places. That has morphed into various sport and RPGs where the violence is no longer cute and quirky, but gross and way over the top. I know my husband has a bunch of codes for his PS2 sporting games where you can do "unnecessary damage" to other players. He thinks it's funny. I know when I'm in a foul mood I love to watch really violent thrillers, action, horror or Kung Fu movies -- the darker the better! Somehow watching them helps me cool my jets and get rid of a lot of unrepressed rage. (Some days things at work just really tick me off.) Maybe violent video games are the same for other people...but they certainly aren't for the very young. My biggest complaint about video games is using them as a pacifier. My nephew is a complete bore due in large part to the fact that he's been plugged into a Gameboy since he was old enough to hold one. He's now nine and still can't sit in a restaurant and carry on a conversation...so he gets plugged in and becomes completely unresponsive. He won't even eat. I’m not one to talk. Video games can render me vegetative as well. My husband just got me an old Nintendo 64 and a bunch of games including Zelda and Dr. Mario. He knows RPGs and puzzle games are my favorites. I’ve lost nearly every evening for the last two weeks playing Zelda after work. I was like this with all of the Tomb Raider games, too. They’re just too fun…and addictive. I’ve literally had to unplug the machine and give it to my husband to hide from me until after the Holidays. How sad.
  2. I have a bunch of hay bales left over from our Halloween party that I stacked off to one side of our patio. They've sprouted the most lush grass along the top. If I took my hedge trimmers and sculpted the hay...I could have a MEGA-CHIA! I wonder what kind of market there would be for that...
  3. Flea is an outstanding all around musician. I think I read somewhere where he runs a music school for kids.
  4. ...so much! I saw them in concert in '91 with the Smashing Pumpkins and Pearl Jam as their warm up bands. The show was absolutely tremendous!!
  5. I have an optical mouse but still use my Yoda mouse pad. Wise and cryptic strive to be. Be the Yoda!
  6. Navigate around space: www.shatters.net/celestia Enjoy!
  7. We had a huge Halloween party Friday night and I cleaned and carved 10 pumpkins Thursday night. (I have no skin left on my right hand, but can now gut a pumpkin clean in under 10 minutes. ) Attached are pics of a few of them... ******* HAPPY HALLOWEEN ******
  8. Three-way tie - - Good ol' PBJ with strawberry jam - Grilled cheese - Cheeseburger with pepper jack cheese Yummy! ...all depends on my mood... I should mention that I have the taste buds of a three year old.
  9. Great pics! Thanks for posting. We're completely overcast here in Missouri.
  10. That was a good one. My husband wants to take me to see "Saw" this weekend and has made me swear not to read anything about it. Now I want to look it up....AAAGGGHHH!!! I (accidentally) heard it compared with "Seven" which I thought it was a good story. Completely sick, but good. There have been so many poor ripoffs. I hope "Saw" doesn't suck.
  11. Complete cloud cover here in mid-Missouri. Big bummer!!
  12. "The Exorcist" & "Rosemary's Baby" - Classics! (Check out the re-release with previously deleted scenes that have been added back...) The "Evil Dead" series - Love Bruce Campbell! (Did anyone catch "Bubbahotep" with Bruce and Ossie Davis?) "Army of Darkness" - so funny! "Yo, she-bitch. Let's go." "Amityville Horror" - Watched it when I was way too young...couldn't go into a basement for years! Haven't watched it since. "The Shining" - AWESOME!! "Redrum, REDRUM!!!"
  13. What is your favorite scary movie based on creatures, plot twists, creativity/originality, sheer horror, and/or pure cheese?
  14. Check out www.freewebs.com. It limits your space, but I got around that by assigning each page a slightly different address...and there aren't any popups. Good luck!
  15. The boys are coming home. They just need some TLC from some hometown fans!
  16. You've got it, Skymama. I'm so sorry to hear...as someone above mentioned - it's so hard to see the little ones suffer. Children are so amazing with their resiliency. I do hope all goes well.
  17. I'm planning on starting my AFF training in the spring, but would like to work on some basic body positioning over the winter. I live smack dab in the middle of Missouri. Does anyone know of a windtunnel in St. Louis or Kansas City? ...or a handy dandy website that has a listing of windtunnel facilities? Many thanks!
  18. Yes I do and yes, I like to think I have… Several years ago I was out hiking with some friends. A couple of us were goofing around and fell behind the rest of the group so we decided to take a shortcut to catch up. This involved scaling a cliff/80 degree incline next to a very tall narrow waterfall. It seemed easy enough...there were a lot of large chunky holds and cracks to grab. As we were scrambling over the top edge, I reached for an outcropping to hoist myself up and lucky me, I grabbed a loose rock, and down I went. I slid down this “incline” about 80 feet, fell away from the wall for about 10 feet and smacked back into the rock face as I neared the longest drop of the waterfall. As I slid, clawed at the cliff and considered how I wanted to land (not on my back or head) my left hand caught this weird little root hanging out of the cliff wall. There wasn’t another root or finger hold anywhere nearby. I just happed to catch it. Miracle? Maybe, maybe not. All I know is that it was the only thing holding me up as I was dangling above the roaring waterfall and rocks 100 feet below. My friend Chris saw me fall and said it looked like I was holding on to thin air about a foot below the bottom of the cliff. That little root (or whatever it was) held me long enough to swing several feet over to a ledge where I got a good foothold that let me climb off the cliff and back into the woods. I walked away having completely skinned my front (we sang Every Breast You Take on the way home), ripped most of my nail beds back, and I had a bruise bigger than my head on my thigh. However, I’m not dead or paralyzed as I very well could have been.
  19. Here's a round about way to grab a jpg... 1. Click the link to open/view the image 2. Once the image is opened, right click on the image and select E-mail picture from the menu 3. E-mail the file to yourself. (Notice that the attached file is still in its original format.) Hope this helps.