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Everything posted by Jessica

  1. Oh God, I wish I COULD!! Save me a space next year, cause come hell or high water I'm a-goin! All right, folks, looks like RED IT IS!!! I'll probably get it done next weekend, and, don't worry, I will post a pic.
  2. Girl, don't you EVEN! You know you'd look good no matter what you did. But hey, change is in the wind right now, so if you're feeling crazy, GO FOR THE BLACK & BLUE!! I think it would look really cool. What about me? Can you see me as a redhead?
  3. I've met Sis, bwilling, jtval, pyke, and that's it! I hope to meet a lot more of y'all soon, though.
  4. Er...that'd be pink, turquoise and purple. I dunno. Maybe I could streak it for boogies or something. So the votes are overwhelmingly leaning toward red! Interesting...I am Irish, ya know.
  5. LOL...let me guess, it had something to do with that beer bottle.
  6. Well, there's a link to a photo album under my profile. I've got fair skin, so blonde hair wouldn't look weird or anything. And green eyes, so red would probably be okay, too. And I already know what I look like with brown hair. I'm thinking either TOTALLY BOTTLE BLONDE or maybe a darkish auburn. I probably want to stay within the realm of natural colors, though if I get totally blonde I might be tempted on the weekends to try a little temp color...
  7. Completely frivolous non-skydiving question: I recently had a nasty accident with a home-highlighting kit (decided to do it myself after realizing that having my hair professionally done costs 5+ jump tix), and I'm gonna have to change the color of the whole mane. I've never colored my hair before (besides the highlights) and I'm excited. So, thoughts? I'm a natural brunette so that's the only color I wouldn't have to have touchups for.
  8. Jessica

    Fat bastards

    Heathers, which extensively utilized dark humor and irony. Much like this thread!
  9. Jessica

    Fat bastards

    [hiccuping from laughter] Gimme a high five, Sis!!!
  10. Jessica

    Fat bastards

    ROTFL!! YES!! That's what they do at night clubs and nudist camps, after all! Any place where we're horribly outnumbered!! I'm ALL FOR this.
  11. LOL!! Yes, a shame. It would have been more exciting for him if he'd just watched from outside. Boys are so silly.
  12. WTF?! Have people been giving you guff?! Let me at 'em! I'll beat their asses!! *I* love you Sis! xoxoxo
  13. Jessica

    back from texas

    Heh heh...yep, that's right, JT. You deflowered me. I will always remember you fondly. Was I at Skydive Dallas? Was I at SKYDIVE DALLAS?! Of course I was! I didn't see you there, though. I got there Saturday afternoon and left Sunday evening. Well MAYBE I WILL!
  14. Jessica

    back from texas

    I'm sorry too! You missed a good time. I really enjoyed meeting you and hope I get to again sometime. I'm collecting jumps with DZ.commers! So far I only have you and bwilling.
  15. I'm not jealous.... CAUSE I JUMPED THAT BAD BOY TOO!!!!!!!! It was the sweetest of sweet.
  16. So I want to hit this place up, but I can't find a working phone number. Is it still around? I also found this name for it: Blue Skies Skydiving Adventures Inc. It's in Elmendorf, TX, about 17 miles south of San Antonio.
  17. Jessica


    Why not? Do you wanna know what we said? It was all very boring...
  18. Jessica


    OK now YOU check YOURS!!
  19. I'm Jessica and I'm a journalist. The pay and the time off BOTH suck.
  20. Jessica


    Workin on Saturday sux, especially when it's customer appreciation day at my dz! BUT THAT'S OKAY CAUSE I'M LEAVING NOW WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
  21. I was looking at audibles on the Para-Gear site, and I saw this "new" Skytronic FX. It looks like it does approximately the same job as a Pro-Track, but for $100 less. Anyone know anything about it?
  22. Hey Pammi -- Skydive Dallas is doing another round of water training pretty soon, and it'll be in a backyard pool. If you feel like making a drive.
  23. After my first reserve ride under my own gear (which I'd only owned for a couple of days at that point) I was standing around in the hangar with the instructors, figuring out who would do the repack, where I could buy another cutaway pillow, etc. I did the mental arithmetic and said, "Geez, that was an expensive fucking skydive!" My friend and instructor looked at me and said, "No, Jessica, when you chop and lose your main AND the freebag AND your cutaway pillow AND the reserve handle -- then burn in under a half-opened reserve -- THAT's an 'expensive fucking skydive.'" True dat.
  24. Nice...I really like this one: And this one is choice: Bah.