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Everything posted by zclubber1

  1. hehehehehehehehehe!!!!! that's even better than the old "Stop A Head" joke. -can't you trip like I do- Clubber
  2. Looks like I owe Eric, Diane, Amanda, AND Gene beer.
  3. Hehehe! Enjoy those jump tickets, dude. I think I'll probably make it up there for the boogie in Sept. What's the story at Byron on demo rentals, because I'm not sure if I'll have my own rig by then or not. Hopefullly, but not sure. I'm sitting trying to remember who in that whole group actually organized it and got all 10 of us there at one time. I can't remember if it was Gene or Diane. Whoever it is, it changed my life and I'm pretty sure there's a whole lot of beer in order!!!
  4. hear hear -can't you trip like I do- Clubber
  5. Hey! What's going on Eric? I wonder if you're the same Eric I met up at Byron. You had been waiting like a week to do Level 1 because of winds. I was there with Nick and Gene and all them (there were 10 of us) for our first tandems. We got winded out on a Saturday and we all went back on Sunday and a bunch of us ended up doing 2 jumps. I was only up there for the weekend so I decided to do my AFF at Perris down here in so cal. Just finished level 8 last Saturday and I've banged out 4 solo's so far. Well, if this is the same Eric, and even if it's not, I usually come up to Berkeley to visit Nick and Gene every couple months of so (not so much now that I'm jumping every weekend), so next time I come up, I'll have my A license and I'll probably catch you at Byron. Real name's Anthony. Keep us updated on your progress. -can't you trip like I do- Clubber
  6. No shit, she was FREAKED! People always say to remember to breathe, but I thought they meant to not hyperventilate and remember to take long, deep beaths. Michele wasn't breathing short breaths. She wasn't breathing at all!! But she did GREAT!!! I was a little spooked myself on the ride up. On my last jump on Sunday, my left leg strap loosened all the way to the last 2 inches when I dumped. Damn chest strap was choking me and I could barely reach the toggles. I honestly thought I was going to fall out of the damn thing. So needless to say, I tightened the hell out of those straps yesterday. But because Michele was as scared as she was, I didn't want to make it worse by bringing it up. She needed more support than I did. I was trying so hard to make her smile, I didn't even think about my fear. Just hopped in the door, waved and went. I've said it 6,728 times already for every one of your jumps, Michele, but I'll say it again. Good job and right on!!! Just like every other fear you've overcome since you started jumping, now you know you can do this too. Every time a fear pops up, smack it down and trust your ability. You know what you're doing. Keep it up!!!! -can't you trip like I do- Clubber
  7. So if I look good, but I sweat(it is hot out there all day, after all), I smoke(I do so enjoy smoking), and have a beer belly(can't help it, love beer), does that mean I get to go on every load but the ugly one???? Killer!!!! -can't you trip like I do- Clubber
  8. Cool! I finished AFF on Saturday at Perris (sorry I didn't get a chance to talk to you too much) and did my first 2 solo's on Sunday. Your first solo sounds exactly like mine. It was spooky being in that big ass Skyvan with just me and the pilot. It seemed a lot bigger when it was empty! I just took a breath and dove out the door. It was the first time I didn't have a JM to look at, so I got to actually look around during freefall for a change. It was killer! Biffed my landing pretty hard, though. A little hyperextension of the left knee never hurt anyone. (Not until the next day, at least ) Congrats on your solo's and I'll try to catch up with you next time. -can't you trip like I do- Clubber
  9. I'm not exactly sure on the details, or who it happened to. I do know that the cypres was on before boarding the plane and that he (i think it was a he) had jumped the rig several times that day before the misfire. I can't remember if any .commer's were on the load with him.
  10. Yeah, it was a little wierd at Perris Saturday. 2 injuries (I feel horrible for poor Nelson) AND an accidental cypres fire at 4000'. Not to mention at least a few reserve rides. Too bad I missed you there. Michele and Albatross were at the hospital for most of the day, but I stayed at the dz and jumped. I was around, but I guess we just didn't find each other. I'm sure we'll hang out next time though. -can't you trip like I do- Clubber
  11. Viking, You're only bringing the telephoto to get a close up in case she has another "personal equipment failure"! Damn, why didn't I think of that? -can't you trip like I do- Clubber
  12. Michelle, I already have a large cooler in my trunk, all I need is ice and more beer. Got it covered, sweetheart. -can't you trip like I do- Clubber
  13. Gman and Viking (and anyone else for that matter), Students, licensed, dotcommer's, non-dotcommer's, drinkers, non-drinkers. Doesn't matter. We're all gonna have a blast. I'm a little limited with who I can jump with right now, but I'll drink beer and hang with any and all of you. I'll be the one in the black GoFast t-shirt, sunglasses, goatee, and more than likely a cigarette in my mouth. And if it's after my last jump, a cold beer in my hand and a big smile on my face.
  14. I wanted to wish a little luck to some people for this Saturday. First of all, good luck and blue skies to all the dotcommer's doing the record attempts and what not at Perris. I'd be in on it, but I'm still on student status. Secondly, good luck and blue skies to Kimmer, who should be doing her AFF level 6. I'm sure she'll rock!
  15. Yep, the winds finally came down around 6:00 and I got to jump. I was so fixated on trying to do everything perfect on that level 1 jump on Saturday that I was miserable afterwards. I never even stopped to enjoy it. I didn't want to go all week with that being the jump that stuck in my mind, so I'm glad I got to do the level 2 on Sunday. It was killer. I was much more relaxed so it was a blast! I was glad I got to meet up with you and Michelle, also. Too bad I missed meeting Kimmer. Maybe next time, Kimmer. I'm still confused on the last number. Is it beer owed, bought, or consumed. Not sure. So I guess my number is 0:2:?? I'll be back down there Saturday and maybe Sunday too. Hopefully I can do 3,4, and maybe 5! I need my fix! -clubber
  16. Right on! You got me beat. I only got in level 1 and 2 this weekend, but I'll hopefully do a few more next weekend. Keep it up, good luck, and have fun.
  17. Right on, Michelle!! Sorry I didn't get to see your landing, but at least I got to see a little bit of the happy dance afterwards. I dig your fff philosophy, too. I figure, we're gonna be up there anyway, might as well relax, let it flow, and enjoy it. That close to heaven, we have no choice but to be at peace!
  18. The best song I've seen used on a skydiving video was actually the song they put on the second half of my first tandem video. BAD-ASS song! Filter/Crystal Method - Trip Like I Do
  19. Ok, so I finally committed and I'm going to Perris this Sunday to start my AFF! I know, I know, I'm a newbie, but ever since I did my first 2 tandems a month ago, I've been obsessed. That's when I started reading all these posts, and e-mailing and chatting with some of you guys. I was blown away at how many killer people there are in this sport and I haven't even been to a dz since my first time. I'm not sure you all remember what it was like right before you did level 1, but I'm dying here. I'm nervous, scared, anxious, excited, and just scratching at the walls to get up there and jump. It's all I can think about and I'm psyched!!! I just wanted to share it here so maybe some of you can feel this all over again (even if it is just vicariously). Vivere per il cielo!
  20. I posted this message in rec.skydiving also, but I'm looking for some more input. I just took my first 2 tandem jumps at Bay Area Skydiving in Byron, CA on Sunday and I'm completely hooked. I live in LA and a really want to find a great DZ near here and get started on my AFF as soon as possible. I want a place where I can get great training and meet killer people. A place where I can stick around for awhile. All opinions and suggestions are welcome. I can't wait to get up there again!