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Everything posted by SpeedRacer

  1. I must have missed the Constitutional ammendment that gave the government the right to police the insides of our bodies. Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  2. Nice double-blind crap you've set up here. Now anyone who disagrees with the war on drugs gets lumped in with theb 9/11 truthers. Great. Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  3. hmmm, yeah, they probably didn't predict Daylight Savings Time when they wrote the Bible. Maybe Daylight Savings was a plot from Satan to confuse us. His other name is Lucifer, right? Doesn't Lucifer mean light bearer?? I think I'm onto something here... In any case, we should all start drinking before 5 PM just to be on the safe side. Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  4. The Bible doesn't say he was dead for three days. It says he rose on the third day. The day he got crucified was Day 1, not day 0. There were no computer engineers back then. Actually they had yet to come up with the number 0. Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  5. The people who post in a thread on a given topic do. Usually. So why is it that the big macho tough guys in a bar always have a flavorless watery lite piss-beer in their hand? Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  6. Discuss. Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  7. Last I heard it was 6 PM in every time zone. The Rapture and earthquakes will roll through all the time zones from east to west. Very convenient. Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  8. http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/event.php?eid=121968371215699 Post-rapture looting party on Facebook Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  9. In That Other Forum we were talking about what might happen if you were under canopy just as the Rapture occurred, and got wooshed up to heaven in the updraft along with all the true believers. I guess if you haven't been saved, you'd better do a jump on Saturday and pull just before 6 PM. Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  10. It's important to take advantage of an opportunity to make pets useful for once. Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  11. So this group out in California has scheduled the Rapture/Judgement Day for this coming Saturday. Supposedly at 6 PM in each time zone sequentially. We need some party ideas. Such as this one illustrated here, involving helium-filled blow-up dolls: http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?desktop_uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D1LXuNpF6NVg&v=1LXuNpF6NVg&gl=US Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  12. When I was hiking the Appalachian Trail I realized that one extra benefit to having a beard was less surface area vulnerable to mosquito bites. Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  13. What will happen to your pets if you get raptured? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_OySl4D7S4U&feature=youtube_gdata_player Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  14. If you can are you going to cut-away. It's too bad no one planned a Judgement Day/Rapture theme boogie. It's a great idea for a story; an atheist accidentally caught in the updraft. OK, so lets say that happened; what happens next? What does St. Peter do? Does he try to cover up his mistake? Is it a mistake? After all, God is infallible and he allowed it to happen, but now there's this swearing, drinking, half crazed lunatic of a skydiver in heaven with all the "righteous" people. They can't send him back can they? I mean, wouldn't that be an admission that you CAN get to heaven without accepting Jesus as your savior? Aren't they stuck in a logic loop? Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  15. Yesterday I farted and blamed it on a dog. I didn't even know what day it was. Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  16. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/05/13/osama-bin-laden-porn_n_861664.html Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  17. Predicting the end of the world will never work so long as the majority of the world refuses to participate. Remember the Y2K bug? You had survivalists, religious nuts, and computer geeks prediciting economic collapse. But those groups together do not comprise a large enough impact to significantly affect the economy. The stock market actually went up a little when January 2000 arrived. Major movements of the stock market are affected by multinational corporations, banks, insurance companies, etc. Not by a few groups of "little guys" posting on the Internet about the end of the world. These other End of the World scenarios are the same way. Harold Camping has failed to get a significant portion of the world to go along with his prediction. Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  18. ..Today is International Monty Python quote status day 2011. Post a Monty Python quote if you haven't done so already. Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  19. That's all good advice, because even if you can't find Dating Happiness, you can just stay home and titfuck the Venn diagram. Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  20. May 21 is a Saturday. You guys should go to your DZ and test this out. Also, what type of food & drinks are normally served on Judgement Day? Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  21. If you happen to be under canopy just as the Rapture happens, could you just catch the updraft from all the Christians and get sucked up into heaven along with them? Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  22. So, regarding ImaDinnerJacket's falling out with the Ayatollah, is it because Ima is too crazy or not crazy enough? Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  23. Last night I got home from a very long hike in the mountains, and I was relaxing with a margarita, blue corn chips & guacamole, and History of the World Part 1. Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  24. Are you sure that's not a Dalek? Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------
  25. Probably one of the smarter things about the mythology. Up to that point a lot of "prophets" had to try to explain what went wrong when their particular predictions didn't come true. I'm fascinated why so many modern day prophets insist on setting dates. It's $. The End Times Indusrry sells books and DVDs, collects donations, etc. They've discovered that the failed predictions don't matter. Hal Lindsey wrote The Late Great Planet Earth predicting the End Times in the 80s. It was made into a feature length documentary film. The dates passed and he continued to publlish more books, and is looked up to as an expert in the Biblical End Times community. He's made millions! That's why it doesn't seem to faze these people when they're wrong. They just set a later date, start preaching again about it, and sell more books. (Now I will make a Prediction): This Harold Camping crowd will do the same thing when their date passes. Speed Racer --------------------------------------------------