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Everything posted by chutem

  1. TO REPEAT: "And just to make it clear to those who read into my post things that I haven't written: I am not opposed to a wingload BSR. I am opposed to a BSR based on jump numbers rather than ability." I'm surprised you choose the easy path instead of the right path. Would you be opposed to a BSR that imposes a minimum jump number and a test of ability? James If they can prove they have the ability, a jump number requirement is irrelevant and superfluous. How do you propose they prove they have the ability? James
  2. I don't have a good answer to this. I will say that your 189 semi ellip. at 1.3 and 187 jumps does not worry me to much. A little aggressive for me but I'd still get on a load with you. It's the guy like the one at Davis on a crossfire 109 at about 1.6 and around 220 jumps who is swooping into non moving objects that I would not want myself or wife on the same load with. If "that guy" wants to do hop n pops so he is the only one landing I have no problem with him breaking himself. Where do you draw the line? How do I know if I'm getting on the plane with "that guy"? James
  3. TO REPEAT: "And just to make it clear to those who read into my post things that I haven't written: I am not opposed to a wingload BSR. I am opposed to a BSR based on jump numbers rather than ability." I'm surprised you choose the easy path instead of the right path. Would you be opposed to a BSR that imposes a minimum jump number and a test of ability? James
  4. As was mentioned there is a lot to learn on a solo. I think you'll also find that if people see you on the plane they will be more likely to "bring you in". Remember this time in your jumping progression when you have some jumps under your belt and see the new guy with no one to jump with. If you can jump on less busy (week) days it will be easier to get the gear and the coaches that said they'd jump with you shouldn't be as busy. One more thing, hang around after the jumping for the bonfire/party and become friends with the regulars. Bringing beer never hurts. Hope this helps, James
  5. The things Kalllend was mentioning are endorsements, simple instructor sign offs. In airplanes many times the limiting factor is insurance. Unless you have the cash to buy an airplane outright you'll have to have insurance. In most cases the insurance companies are more limiting than the FAA. James
  6. Did you ever buy a stilleto or are you still demoing it? James
  7. The youth of today have grown up living their lives with multiple "distractions". I'd go as far as to say that some of them wouldn't know what to do WITHOUT some type of camera on them at all times. Some people may be distracted by a camera and others may not. The youth of today has grown up expecting instant gratification. Working their way up to a certain level prior to getting what they want is something many just don't understand. James
  8. I'll be content to hope he maintains his ability to walk away in the real world. James
  9. I'm starting to think you are correct on this. How can no one who posts on know the hundred jump wonder on the stilleto at their dz. Maybe we need a thread in general where more people will see it to see if anyone knows this guy. James
  10. " Our predecessors have: it's Americana" Doesn't make it the best way to move forward. I'm starting to think we could get along just fine face to face. If you're ever out out at Canyon Lake stop in to the marina and ask for James. I'd love to be able to put a person to what goes on in this forum. I don't know about you, but I can always use another friend in the "real world" even if we don't agree on a few things. " what's important to others is wastefull to some" (damn, I really need to learn how to quote parts of a post so I don't have to type it out) is the rub as you say. Military wise I'm ready to have the US become a "for hire" security/police force for whoever wants it in the world. I'm tired of other nations getting a free pass on the defense budget since we provide it for them. ( of course we can't protect global "do badders" and some poor nations just need help) In the middle east you can't win no matter what side you're on, there's always someone that will hate you and want you dead for what you believe. As a nation will we always just be two sides that want to blame each other for how we got to where we are? I don't have any answers, just concerns about our future. I hope the people who think we are on the road to sustained recovery are correct. I guess it's just the pessimist in me showing through. James
  11. Now that you've established who is to blame. What the hell are we going to do about it? I'm ok with raising taxes if the gov. doesn't come up with new ways to spend it. How long will it be untill we can no longer even pay the interest on our debt? You are correct that I don't like debt. I drive old payed for cars, watch an old tv and am typing this on an old computer with a crappy internet connection. Living this way allows me to do what's important to me. I guess I'm just un-American. As a country we have limited money to spend. Sooner or later we are going to have to sacrifice something so we can spend on what's truely important to us. Or, we can just keep spending our children's future. Feel free to try to make me look stupid for thinking this way. James
  12. And amazingly it ws the young vote that elected Obama, at least they were the difference-maker. Obviously debt is the killer, if our GDP falls or our debt payments cannot be made to support it, it could be the real killer. My question is this: What do we do? Hoover tried that in the beginning of the GD, it cost us plenty, then he raised taxes, as did FDR and 10 years later it was somewhat better. What is your proposition? Raise taxes? Kill all social programs? Vastly cut the military? Remember, these so-called wasteful programs also supply jobs, which is why after most wars there is a post-war recession. I like social programs over military ones in that it helps 2-fold: peopel receive help and generally the jobs created aren't the 150k/yr engineer-type where fewer jobs are created at higher salaries. Military expansion creates jobs, but it seems the wealth is more grouped rather than distributed. As well, building tanks kills people, building hospitals helps people and creates long-term jobs that will carry on decades after the war, after the tanks kill thousands and is then blown up itself. As for: Quit acting as if us paying for our predecesor's mess and passing it on to our successors was a new concept That may bother you, but if it's so horrible, then you're saying America is horrible because taht is how it' s been as we declared our national status 75M in debt. I'm not pro-debt, I'm just calling it how it is. I'm just saying that it can only go on so long at the scale it's gotten to. Trying to make it look like I think America is horrible for saying so is kind of a low blow. James
  13. The greying of the baby boomers was 100% predictable. When the country should have been saving budget surpluses (that is, when the economy was good) preparing for the time the boomers retire, it was instead cutting taxes on the wealthy, running up deficits, and using the SocSec trust fund to make the budget deficit look smaller than it is. GHWBush quite correctly called it "Voodoo Economics". Agree 100% that many mistakes have been made. The bunch of morons running the show (don't care what "side" they're on) should have seen it coming. Social Security money never should have been touched. What kind of idiot couldn't see that problem coming? We can blame whoever we want. The question now is how do we fix it? I never should have gotten into this in an Obama/healthcare thread. The let the people of the future pay for it post by Lucky just hit a nerve. (again I probably read more into what he said than he really meant, if so my bad) James
  14. "Quit acting as if us paying for our predecesor's mess and passing it on to our successors was a new concept" Is what bothers me. Maybe I'm reading to much into it. That concept works well with a growing base of young taxpayers. Now that the baby boom is over we have growing debt with a shirinking base of young taxpayers. Since I'm no economist maybe I worry over nothing. James
  15. Your taxes won't increase any or anything measureable. We've been a debtor natior before we were officially a nation, Andrew Jackson dropped it almost 0, but we've been passing the debt along before we were te United States of America; quiot acting as if us payng for our predecessor's mess and passing it on to our successors was a new concept. I'm guessing you don't have children? Nope, but if I did I would want to ensure they have basic HC. Do you have kids? If so, aren't you worried about corporate America and their HMO death panels? I do have kid's and no I'm not worried about corporate HMO death panels. Yes I'd like to ensure that they have access to basic health care. Something needs to change from the current system, I've got my doubts about the road we are heading down with the new plan. Certainly I don't have the answers. Mainly I'm concerned about the debt we are putting on our children. Your statement that I quoted bothered me. It's not just healthcare spending I'm worried about. James
  16. I would also rather our tax money went to helping americans. The last ten or so years of my life have seen alot of changes in how I view many things. I don't see how we can go on spending so much more than we take in. We certainly can no longer afford (if we ever could) to be the "world's police". James
  17. Your taxes won't increase any or anything measureable. We've been a debtor natior before we were officially a nation, Andrew Jackson dropped it almost 0, but we've been passing the debt along before we were te United States of America; quiot acting as if us payng for our predecessor's mess and passing it on to our successors was a new concept. I'm guessing you don't have children?
  18. Best possible thing you can do is wear 2 cameras on your next jump. One helmet mounted and one mounted on your right foot. With this video your progresion will be much quicker. 5 or so more jumps and you'll be ready to fly relative to canyon walls after exiting a helicopter.
  19. It appears that Eurpoeans brought slavery to the US with them. What are the European slave traders that brought this "wonderfull" way of life to the US doing for Blacks? James
  20. Piper Archer II POH. James
  21. How about holding Mexican citizens in the US to the same standards US citizens are held to in Mexico? James
  22. How does California pay welfare to Arizona? What percentage of the powerplants in Arizona does California own? James
  23. Speaking of Lucky, where's he been? Did he get pulled over and not have the paperwork to prove he's a citizen? James
  24. For some interesting reading google "LA sactuary policy". It looks like San Francisco may have a policy change forced on them by ICE. Maybe this will force them to comply with state law 834b. James