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Everything posted by normiss

  1. normiss

    MORE Mac BS

    Being upset with Apple because you don't know how to drive their product is just silly. They are awesome machines. Learning the OS can make them even better.
  2. I under stand what you're all saying. We don't normally crash land into some sort of pillow, cushion, or airbag. That's just what this seems to me.
  3. I don't get how this is "landing". It's a stunt from a decent altitude into cardboard boxes. IMO, that ain't landing.
  4. normiss


    Stoopid fuckers. Thinking you of all people need a life coach.
  5. so much for the peace quiet relaxation of a good ride ....
  6. You'd be hard pressed to find a home in Florida NOT built on a slab.
  7. Permits are for building. Not for demo. I'm doing all the prep I can!
  8. Pic 1 - before. Pic 2 - starting the cut to get to the sewer line Pic 3 - slab cut for sewer access Pic 4 - after. I rented a 14" Concrete chop saw. The half walls are gone, a little grinding left to do. Overall, a damn good clean job if I may. We're ready for the permit!
  9. I've made the decision to stop replying to trolls that's why. No matter. This IS bonfire. It's religion free here. Make yourself comfy.
  10. Why you gotta shit that crap out into the bonfire?
  11. You're still under the assumption that our 'commoners' opinion and votes actually matter - or count.
  12. normiss


    IT'S FUCKING BAAAAAAAACK!!!!!!! fucking jebus shit stick goddammit!!!
  13. Agreed. But you have stated the need for individualized training based on the gear. Hence the need for proper structured training. We've had enough foolish fatalities. Sorry to sidetrack this thread....that was not my intent.
  14. We have to appreciate that the USPA is actively seeking neutral opinions from the non-pissing match folks.
  15. It should! I remember buying a very expensive set of skydiving gear years ago. I "had it shipped" to a friend's house in upstate NY. No state sales taxes paid. I sure hope he enjoyed the assortment of alcohol, girlie mags, and biker mags that ended up in that box.... They forgot to ship the I picked it up in person...
  16. So we're doing ANOTHER remodel. (Yes, She can be high maintenance - but worth every bit of it!). I used a 3 1/2 circular concrete cut-off saw to cut into the concrete slab to get into the plumbing. Need to go deeper - for the first time in my life. I'm cutting a slab I expect to be around 6" thick. Also cutting off a couple of concrete block walls..... If anyone has any experience....chainsaw or circular saw? I can rent either, just curious which one works best....and hopefully less mess as well.
  17. The whole "no need for a wingsuit instructor rating because it's just another jump and you're already licensed and there's nothing different about the gear" people!
  18. and yet still, some people believe there is nothing inherently different about wingsuiting that should not require any specialized training.....