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Everything posted by phatcat

  1. One time I has a hero because I dragged an old collie away from a fire seconds before a can of WD-40 exploded in a huge fireball that would have engulfed her. Yeah, I was the one who threw the WD40 in the fire in the first place because I was drunk but still...
  2. phatcat


    Well, I know they DROP shit, but I guess I was picturing them catching it in their claws and then THROWING it. That would be an impressive trick.
  3. phatcat

    Take a peek!

    Well obviously you didn't see the bills that I have right here on my left that I'm going to right checks out for. Well, okay, I'm actually going to do that tomorrow, but you don't know that. What? Well, of course I'm going to do it tomorrow. Really, I am.
  4. phatcat


    Holy CRAP! Bird's that throw shit? I want one!
  5. phatcat


    The original Phatcat (fat cat - for the slow people) 17 lbs. Lazy as hell, but if there's a mouse running lose, I guarantee you'll never see a furry ball of lard move so fast.
  6. Dude, ya gotta try the brownies, I'm tellin ya...
  7. Gawain - I've considered that, but all of it still falls into the "pilot" category - meaning not actively using skills to work patients. I'd sit there in the cockpit looking out thinking "I wish I could do that". Jessica - You have no idea! Sorry, that was funny
  8. One of these days I'm going to learn to listen.
  9. Sorry for the book, if ya don't like long whiney posts, please hit the back button and move on... Chapter 1 I was going to be a pilot. I got my private license and eventually headed off to Spartan in Oklahoma, a pretty well known flight school. I quit the day I was supposed to start. Long story but basically it wasn't right for me at the time, but I didn't realize it until the last minute. No regrets. It was shortly after I came back home that I got the crazy assed idea to jump out of a plane. If I had stayed in OK, that probably would never have happened (unthinkable!) Chapter 2 I moved out of my parents house and got a "temporary" job while I figured out what to do with my life. I figured I'd get into computers - networking or programming or something like that. I almost started school, but in the end it never happened. While looking at various school catalogs I came across an EMT course at this tech college. For some reason, it sparked an interest. Chapter 3 That was over two years ago, and in the time since, I've done a lot of research in the EMS field, and that led to the firefighting and law enforcement fields as well. I guess it was different from all of the "normal" 9-5er computer jobs I had been looking at. Not much money usually, but, I think for me personally, MUCH greater job satisfaction. After much debating the question of which public service field to pursue - cop, firefighter, or paramedic, I chose paramedic. Lots of reasons but I won't bore you more than I already have. Chapter 4 I basically became obsessed with the whole Emergency Medical Service thing. It was this whole new thing that I had never considered, and I thought it was cool as hell. It's a thing most people only see in movies or on TV, or maybe get a real life glimpse as they pass an accident on the road. It had the same fascination factor as skydiving did to me - I thought "I gotta do that!" Don't get me wrong, I am well aware that it isn't anything like the movies and it's more often boring than not, but I still think it's better than being locked up in a cube farm. I decided "for sure" that I wanted to be a paramedic. Chapter 5 You all know the quote that ends "... and there you will long to return." Once you're bitten and infected by the flying bug, it's incurable. I still want to fly. I didn't think I did, and I kept telling myself it wasn't for me. Why? Beats the hell out of me. I wanted to be a paramedic, and if I could afford it, I'd fly for fun. Flying For a career? No, not interested. Yeah, right, who am I kidding? I LOVED flying. Chapter 6 So here I am, sitting my computer alone on a Saturday night, drinking beer, listening to tunes, and contemplating life. I'm 25, not old, but old enough that I should have had this shit figured out by now. PILOT - A passion. - or - PARAMEDIC - A new experience. I don't think I can realistically do both. But choosing either one leaves me wondering "what if?" That fact that I'm posting this on a skydiving forum to a bunch of people I don't even know should tell how desperate I am. How do people go about choosing?
  10. Wow, so I'm not the only one...
  11. I've been seeing a few cops, FF's, & medics posting here. I just want to see who, in the public service (for lack of a better title) field, is here. Maybe tell why you decided to do it.
  12. phatcat


    You're one of those people that absolutely can't stand the thought of anything touching your eye (much less cutting into it) aren't you? I understand that totally. I tried contacts and ended up getting one stuck in the back of my eyeball and I just freaked out.
  13. phatcat


    In that case, I highly suggest reading about the corneal flap procedure, it's very interesting!
  14. Shit, you sound like me. I used to "cushion" my accounts as well. I absolutely loved finding money that I didn't know I had. Take some advice from me - "IT WON'T LAST!!!!!!". Pretty soon you'll get used to it and then you'll start EXPECTING it and before you know it - BAM!!!, that whole theory breaks down and you're screwed. Be careful!
  15. phatcat


    I've been considering it. Amazon & B&N has some books on it. Why not pick one or two up and get some info?
  16. I have a skeleton. His name is George. He's cool.
  17. My mom used to do that when I was little (maybe 4 or 5). Didn't know better, I guess. One night we were driving home and I was sleeping on her lap in the passenger seat. My dad was sleeping too, unfortunatly he was in the drivers seat. At the time I didn't know how lucky we were that none of us got killed after we went flying into a field. I remember being pretty shaken up that night but I guess when you're that young you get over stuff pretty quick. If I ever have kids I certainly won't make that mistake. outofit - It's a real bummer you had to see that shit. Hopefully other people will get a clue. Take care.
  18. Just stop putting those fliers under my windshield wipers mmmmkay
  19. Heh, you're probably right. I have to stop posting things on a whim after drinking a few beers. Disregard my blatant ignorance
  20. Drop in an Earl Grey tea bag and that's my drink for this evening. It also seems to invoke post whoring in my usually quiet self. Interesting...