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Everything posted by CieloDiosa

  1. NO KIDDING change pitchers one more time pleEASe ~boogie ho!! pull before impact! L.A.S.T#14, PMS #309, Ci EL O DI O SA
  2. i've wanted to be a blue angel forever!!!! still working on it ~boogie ho!! pull before impact! L.A.S.T#14, PMS #309, Ci EL O DI O SA
  3. holy shit im obsessed here ya go remi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~boogie ho!! pull before impact! L.A.S.T#14, PMS #309, Ci EL O DI O SA
  4. hey!!!!! i had an awesome time!! i cant wait to jump it next year it was sweet meeting all you guys!! cant wait to party again, dixie passed out in the middle of the holiday inn hallway spread eagle hahaha i finally got to meet my love, cocheese! great times guys and thanks to alana for posting the most embarassing pictures... just kidding, but where are all the pics of neilllllllll!?!?!?!!!!!! cant wait 2 cya again soon guys....specially you cheese ~boogie ho!! pull before impact! L.A.S.T#14, PMS #309, Ci EL O DI O SA
  5. mmmmmmm beer......! ~boogie ho!! pull before impact! L.A.S.T#14, PMS #309, Ci EL O DI O SA
  6. thanks to alanaB!!!!!!! edit to make bigger ~boogie ho!! pull before impact! L.A.S.T#14, PMS #309, Ci EL O DI O SA
  7. freaking show is hilarious anyone else ever watch it!? ~boogie ho!! pull before impact! L.A.S.T#14, PMS #309, Ci EL O DI O SA
  8. this one and this one crack me up! ~boogie ho!! pull before impact! L.A.S.T#14, PMS #309, Ci EL O DI O SA
  9. OUR ROOM ROCKS!!!!!!!!! how bout everyone on the list just stay with us!?? i seriously cant wait to party with you all! ~boogie ho!! pull before impact! L.A.S.T#14, PMS #309, Ci EL O DI O SA
  10. all time favorite, BATON ROUGE!! makes me wanna move to lousiana haha ~boogie ho!! pull before impact! L.A.S.T#14, PMS #309, Ci EL O DI O SA
  11. lol, i got really excited one day driving back from work because "if you ever stop loving me" by montgomery gentry came on the radio and i started speeding and singing and calling my friend who's obsessed with the song.... and i got pulled over!! 79 in a 55 i even explained to the officer that i was just overly excited for that song to come on and he made me sing it... and then still gave me a ticket anyway country rocks! ~boogie ho!! pull before impact! L.A.S.T#14, PMS #309, Ci EL O DI O SA
  12. hahahahaha is this where we'd find you most of the time? ~boogie ho!! pull before impact! L.A.S.T#14, PMS #309, Ci EL O DI O SA
  13. some beach.....hahahahha ~boogie ho!! pull before impact! L.A.S.T#14, PMS #309, Ci EL O DI O SA
  14. HAPPY BIRTHDAY PEEJAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wish you were in the states to celebrate ~boogie ho!! pull before impact! L.A.S.T#14, PMS #309, Ci EL O DI O SA
  15. so where we all meetin up at!!?!? cannot wait ~boogie ho!! pull before impact! L.A.S.T#14, PMS #309, Ci EL O DI O SA
  16. at least you skydive!! you're cute now ~boogie ho!! pull before impact! L.A.S.T#14, PMS #309, Ci EL O DI O SA
  17. CieloDiosa

    cool pic?

    woulda been a lot cooler if we would have stayed ~boogie ho!! pull before impact! L.A.S.T#14, PMS #309, Ci EL O DI O SA
  18. :5:1 5 awESOME jumps MY CANOPY OPENED!!!!! and i packed it... wow first time rodeo!!!!!! but im not buying beer because alana made me drive home from the dz ~boogie ho!! pull before impact! L.A.S.T#14, PMS #309, Ci EL O DI O SA
  19. how has it changed? happy belated ~boogie ho!! pull before impact! L.A.S.T#14, PMS #309, Ci EL O DI O SA
  20. CieloDiosa

    point 5

    minus the vanilla ~boogie ho!! pull before impact! L.A.S.T#14, PMS #309, Ci EL O DI O SA
  21. CieloDiosa

    point 5

    MILANO ~boogie ho!! pull before impact! L.A.S.T#14, PMS #309, Ci EL O DI O SA
  22. CieloDiosa

    point 5

    you win i give up ~boogie ho!! pull before impact! L.A.S.T#14, PMS #309, Ci EL O DI O SA
  23. CieloDiosa

    point 5

    discuss amongst yourselves ~boogie ho!! pull before impact! L.A.S.T#14, PMS #309, Ci EL O DI O SA
  24. do i have to wear wool of any sort? or.. are we talking completely naked? ~boogie ho!! pull before impact! L.A.S.T#14, PMS #309, Ci EL O DI O SA