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Everything posted by matthewcline

  1. Well at least you've seen the finish line already. Matt An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  2. I am sure a bulk of the fleet will end up at various AF and Intel Services Museums and a few back at Lockheed and the Skunk Works for more study/R&D. Of course that just makes sense and it will probably be wrong. Matt An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  3. When put to vote yesterday the clerk read that DoD, The Legislature and "other members" of Government would be exempt from this bill, or words to that effect. My understanding is that AD, and Retired and Families who are in TriCare will stay in it as they are now. The question and I am still reading the Bill is if they pay in to the HC bill or not, they pay into TriCare now. I have found nothing about VA in the bill yet, but again I am still reading it. This is my third time trying to get all the way through it. Matt An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  4. Nashville shouldn't be bad traffic wise since you should be hitting it right after the "lunch rush". just keep an eye on the exits, I-24 and I-40 combine and separate at different points you would hate to head to Memphis or Knoxville by accident. I would stay south of Atlanta at night to avoid the morning commute as stated earlier, but I have not lived in the area for a few years. Matt An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  5. And yet it happened, weird huh? But hey Nat Geo is doing a story on 9-11 right now, to bad it probably is not on down under right now. The show could be enlightening. So far it doesn't support your theories, though. Matt An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  6. But there is a "ME" Matt An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  7. I think it's amusing you put (scam) after middle man. It's unfortunate you see this proven business tactic as a scam. What exactly is a middle man to you? Technically...i could call you the middle man. Afterall why give your money to DZOs when you could just give it to the TI? Come on, everyone needs to get off it. SR put a bad taste in everyone's mouth but it wasn't the IDEA that was bad it was the way they ran with the idea and their business practices. True enough and I took his post to mean that. Matt An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  8. There was no question there. But since you brought it up. Tandems with UUPT Gear is 18 in the US period. Strong is younger (16?) and Jump Shack I do not recall. USPA States 16 is the start point for them and their GM DZ's, period. Now a question: Wouldn't it be better customer relations to clear that up during the online registration process? Matt An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  9. He he. What is the hourly on the Donkeys? Matt An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  10. I think if your doing all the booking on line do the age verification on line too. It may not be an every day issue, but it will help to avoid those one or two asshats that explode on you (our your clients) because they booked a jump and upon arrival find out that Junior Trust Fund Silver Spoon licker can't! Matt An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  11. This is a very good point. I teach and try on every jump to have my feet touch first. To often you see T-I's with their feet raised higher than the students butt. If a T-I was to let their feet touch first it will reduce the impact on not only the Students tail bone but the T-I's as well. Matt An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  12. AWESOME! Matt An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  13. SHUSH YOU! It is time for a good Nipple Boy thread! Matt An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  14. Beautiful. Matt An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  15. BUT If the Gear Manf has a contract with you and you break it, your setting them up if they do not take action against you. Other than making more money, I personally see no benefit that out ways the risk. Of course the post omitting the additional reg was a nice set up. If it is OK in Australia fine, but as of now it is not OK in the US by our Association. Matt An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  16. I agree with riggerpaul, 5.5.1 pretty much excludes tandems from being done. Thus tandems at night in Australia are illegal by Australian rules, IMO based on the laws you posted. Matt An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  17. Me too. Pelosi's statement seems stupid, but what is the context? It may be less stupid in the context she said it. Matt An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  18. That was a classic line! Matt An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  19. Retired Soldier after 21 years and one month. Military Adviser to Film House Inc. for AFRTS Contract. PRO Skydiving Demonstrator and Coach, SL, T, AFF Instructor. Matt An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  20. I am pretty sure he can't be a resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, some thing about a birth certificate... Matt An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  21. Well you know where the power outlet is. Matt An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  22. If I read that chart right (and if wrong I now there will be no shortage of folks pointing this out). NO President from Roosevelt on eliminated our dept. Would this also mean we did not have a Zeroed or balanced budget since we still carried dept? Would this also mean there is no way to have a surplus as we still had dept? It would appear the closest we got was under Carter (percentage wise). If I used micro economics and applied this to my home checking account that would be my conclusion. Matt An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  23. Tis to stay bottled till the beer light is turned on. Matt An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  24. Yeah it just wouldn't be an issue of Parachutist with out Scott in it. Billyvance and Skycop; Thanks! The beer will be at Safety day, again. Matt An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  25. That is a good one! Matt An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!