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Everything posted by Scoop

  1. I don't even remember what it was for anymore. We run after people for all sorts of stuff. Soemtimes its for serious crime, maybe they are wanted, sometimes its because they just ran from us (which the kids like to do for fun) or maybe they were just drinking underage. Don't question my dedication. Is it more important to catch someone for stealing a 40 pence packet of crisps or to give first aid to your crew member? It just so happens that in the boot of our cars we carry Polaroid cameras
  2. uh huh. coincidently.....,2933,365645,00.html I'd take that with a pinch of salt. What the defendant tells the newspapers is, funnily enough, not normally an accurate account. He was probably knocking his wife about or something. But nevertheless, all over the world you get people who just can't communicate. Its just not a good trait for a police officer, in my opinion
  3. Do I have to justify a foot chase then? Am I not properly authorised to run at speed? I didn't have scissors in my hand, it's ok
  4. Colleague of mine did that. Didn't see the little decroative 6 inch fence around someones front garden and fell flat on his face. The first reaction to him falling over and hurting himself was to get a photo to embarass him with But those two always goofed around
  5. Maybe, thats the call of the individual officer. If you think you can resolve the situation without the need to kill anyone or cause serious injury, that has to be a bonus.
  6. No. Not familiar with that as a drug. Must be a regional thing. We tend to find alot of the weird drugs just don't take off over here. Of course people try it on with us all the time. Never had what I would consider a real attempt to do me harm though. I guess you lot aren't getting equipped with the right stuff then. If it doesn't work you might as well carry around a jug of water. I've not had to use it on dogs yet but I hear its very effective. Yes and a screwdriver. Not real, only replicas, but gun crime isn't that common where I work. Yes Yes. Damn, a handful every shift normally! Yes and it was bloody good fun as they crashed and we caught them all. I still think that many officers have lost their ability to communicate and are too ready to jump to their equipment.
  7. What worries me is they are wandering around with guns
  8. We don't routinely carry Tasers. Pepper spray is effective but I've only had to use it once in 4 years (albeit in different roles) and that was only because a colleague wound someone up to the point we couldn't control them anymore. 99 times out of 100 you can talk your way out of a situation if you want to. I have, however, had to roll round on the floor with people numerous times. You can see why in my mind the use of Taser is waaaaaaaay up on the scale of force.
  9. It is interesting to see that some people see police or security and feel reassured and others see us and feel like there must be a problem. Cant win either way I guess!
  10. Over here we went from having no specific laws reagrding use of mobile phones to police being able to issue £30 non-endorsable tickets (No points on licence) to now issuing £60 endorsable tickets (3 points on licence) I have seen, overall, a reduction in the amount of people using their mobiles but I have seen an increase in the amount of cars seemingly abandoned at the side of the road in a dangerous position only to see they are having a chat on their phone Dickheads
  11. I guess they make us tougher over here. We don't rely on no stinking tools to control people Policies are clearly different too. Interesting all the same!
  12. People that talk on phones (and aren't handsfree) whilst driving are scum. I rate them up their with drunk drivers. No-one is that important that they need to take that call immediatly and if they are they can afford the money for a hands free kit. As for the other stuff, as stated, if it affects your driving there is already offences suitable.
  13. Thats a bad situation and a ridiculous one. Who would have thought bringing fuel and electricity together could be dangerous? Even without a warning someone must have been able to see that could happen.
  14. I don't mind not being sprayed although every now and again a colleague reminds me what its like with a little bit of unavoidable cross contamination! I find conflict management facinating as there is no real answer correct for any one scenario. To hold Taser (the company) responsible for anything is beyond ridiculous though
  15. I am mostly immune to CS too. I think about 1 in 20 people are. Just lucky. Pepper spray, however, is a whole different story for me! Tasers are another option but should never be used where you wouldn't otherwise be considering lethal force as far as I'm aware. If you wouldn't point a gun at someone you shouldn't point a Taser at them either. For example, someone with a knife waving it around in the street. You would be justified in shooting this chap however use of a Taser may be more suitable and MAY save his life. That is the key point and why it is considered a "less lethal" option. Any action is potentially lethal. I could kill someone taking them to the ground using nothing but my hands, but it is unlikely. There is no such thing as non-lethal and everyone trained in self defence or use of force will understand this. If someone isn't being compliant you don't 'Tase' them. You deal with it the old fashioned way with brute force, pressure points, CS/Pepper spray and baton.
  16. I think its important for LEOs to remember that Tasers are not compliance tools and should be deployed only as a less lethal response to a serious threat to life.
  17. Scoop

    Is United next?

    Really!? Did you have trouble this time mate?
  18. Seeing as a Taser SHOULD only be considered for use as a less lethal option where you may otherwise have used greater force (firearm) I don't see how they can be held accountable for anything. As someone else said if anyone should be questioned it should be the person using the device, were their actions at the time of use justified etc. Otherwise baton and pepper spray manufactures would have to be held liable. I don't think they ever guarantee safety for the subject, only for the user
  19. Cause $1200 of damage to your neighbour's car. Repeat this cycle of tit for tat vandalism until you are both satisified with the outcome. Oh no wait, thats just what my 'customers' do.
  20. I did that. Work bought a brand new high speed double sided printer so naturally I had to 'test' it.
  21. Do you not have means to recover against uninsured drivers over there? It can be done over here. I would be surprised if there wasn't some way.
  22. I hate to think how many posts you'll make when you've actually done your first jump! HH - Prepare for a server meltdown
  23. The media also spread panic which makes people have to be seen to reacting to peoples concerns. Media are assholes only out to provoke reaction and gain viewers or sell a product.
  24. I hadn't considered that but now you've pointed it out I can see that as problem. EDIT AFTER BRAINSTORMING: Perhaps this could be remedied by shortening the pin so it simply locates the chinstrap, drilling a new larger hole and threading some closing loop material and using a curved closing pin instead of an R clip. The curved pin should handle the greater load.