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Everything posted by steve1

  1. I never knew Ted too well. You couldn't help but like the guy. Is he still on the city council in Sheridan? Is it true that Ted once had a stolen aircraft for a jump plane?....I read something about that in the Oregonian.
  2. The guy that told this story to me owns a couple DZ's in Florida. I suspect it could have happened.... Many years ago Ted was in the process of buying an airplane in Alaska. The deal was sealed verbally, and Ted flew to Alaska to get the plane. The only problem was that the seller changed his mind about selling. Ted pulled a gun, and this quickly changed the guy's mind. Papers were signed and Ted flew his new airplane back to Oregon. Anyone else heard that story?
  3. I jumped, Ted came in with the tail up for as long as he could, the tail-wheel went flying and we went off to get it. Just another fun day at the dz. JerryBaumchen ......................................................................... Does anyone else have any Ted Mayfield stories? I never jumped at Donald, but I did make some at Sheridan. Ted was a character to say the least....Some of his stories did not have a happy ending.
  4. The drill sargents, at Ft. Polk, La. played a version of the dead ants game. This was back in 69 and 70. If a trainee or group of trainees didn't perform their duties correctly, a D.I. would scream at the top of his lungs, "I want you all in a dieing cock roach position. You lay on your back, as fast as you could, with feet and legs in the air. After a while it became extremely painfull. This was all part of the fun and games that were basic training.
  5. I find it interesting that when people do the right thing and help someone, many Christians automatically pipe up, and call it the Christian thing to do. Human descentsy doesn't revolve around Christianity. People can be good without religion. It angers me when people think that I can not be a good person, nor can my children be good, simply because we do not believe in a magical being (who is sitting on a cloud someplace). Do Christians think that other religions are inferior to them too. From much of this talk, I would say so. In many ways I wish I could believe in Christianity or some other religion. It would be a great feeling knowing that someone is out there, who actually cares about you. I like going to church and being with other people who want to do good. Most seem to care about you too, in that setting.... But the bottom line is that I simply do not believe in magic. Magic is a big part of any religion. I do work at spirituality every day, but my beliefs are not in any type of creator. I simply can't swallow magical thinking as being a rational explanation for things. I have great faith that there is no heaven, nor a supreme being, creator or otherwise....How can anyone believe that water can be turned into wine, or how a bone can be taken from a woman and made into man, or all the other magical stuff that Christians believe in. Sorry for my great bias on this, but this is how I see things....Maybe I need to shut up. I know these words are probably angering a lot of people. And I do respect your beliefs, but I would like the same respect for what I believe in...
  6. There's some great advice here. I doubt if I can add much. It's common to spin one way or the other when you are first learning. Possibly one arm or leg is out too far. Perhaps one shoulder is lower than the other, etc. I'd say practice being semetrical on a bed or something soft. Maybe learn to bring one hand in slightly to correct the spin. I've never had trouble spinning, but I've seen a ton of people who have. I had some trouble potato chipping for a short time. The problem was that I wasn't relaxing. You'll learn to relax over time. Enjoy every second of the jump and feel the air. Sometimes it takes time to learn all that.
  7. There's some great stories on here. I think my favorite is one of Airtwardo's. A guy burned in, right next to their hanger in Arizona. Then an old salt piped up, "I don't know who spotted that load, but whoever it was...they were good!" If you haven't read any of Airtwardo's stories, you are in for a treat....
  8. I remember the Steven's Cut Away system back in the mid 70's. I think it was for mostly students. You cut away your shot and a half capewells, and the cross connector kept your main inflated. A cord ran down from that to your reserve ripcord handle of the belly reserve. I think there were some snaps to hold that line in place. I put a new belly reserve together, back in the 70's. I hadn't been a rigger very long. I had it all packed up, and went home. That night I got to thinking....I wonder if I put the cross connector on....I woke up, drove to the airport, and upacked that reserve. Sure enough I had forgot the cross connector. It made me realize how easy it is to make a mistake. If one of the butterfly snaps had come unhooked, the reserve would have been worthless....
  9. My gosh! What's the world coming to. Don't legislaters have anything better to do, than dream up rubish like this...
  10. We had some neighbors who thought the end of the world was about ten years ago. Their church told them to throw dirt on all their basement windows, and to stay down in there for a week. There was supposed to be a nuclear hollocost on a certain date. The church was sure it would happen on that week. We all noticed there was little activity around their place that week. We also noticed all the dirt on the basement windows. At the end of the week they came up to a beautiful summer day. Everyone was still alive and doing well....
  11. Back in the day (72-75), I remember packing reserves for five bucks each. (That was when the reserve repack cycle was every 60 days).....With my new rigger seal in hand, I remember thinking, this is way too much responsibility for too little pay. In other words I didn't know much about rigging, but I was still packing reserves. Jumps were $3.50 then, but five bucks still wasn't much cash.... Anyone else pack reserves back then?
  12. My memory is fading. It seemed like you could get a B-12 container with a 28 ft. round for around $50. back in the day (74). That was a used rig in good condition. I paid $300. for a brand new (Red Devil) para-commander in 1974. Then I bought a new super pro, main container and harness the same year. My memory is shot. I can't recall the price for that.... I remember taking a quarter off school, just to save up enough cash for new gear....
  13. I hope Bob is doing well. I remember seeing him on a load or two at Lost Prairie, years earlier. You don't meet many people tough enough to jump without goggles. A year or two later we were standing next to a Bon Fire in Arizona. This grizzled looking, old guy walked up. I asked him how he was doing. He said, "I'm doing whatever I want." When I asked him his name he said, "Bob Sinclair." Stupid me....I said, "I think I've heard of you." Later he gave us a tour of his bus. Everything was in perfect order. He dug out some old scrap books, news articles, and pictures. He also told us several stories. I think he enjoyed that almost as much as we did. What a guy! I sure hope Bob is doing okay. You don't meet people like that every day....
  14. I have problems with claustrophobia too. I do okay in a Cessna, but have experienced it in other places. No fun at all. Coldness does seem to help. Maybe get the pilot to help you with that. Try to visualize someplace else, and take some deep breaths. That might help....Try to calm yourself. Most people don't realize how awful that feeling is. In the early 70's, I was in the army. I didn't realize I had trouble with claustrophobia. As part of our training we had to crawl underground through some very tight caves. There were 50 men behind you, and 50 in front of you. We crawled through those caves like worms. It was hard to breath and hot. I almost freaked out several times, and I had to really calm myself. One soldier died a few months prior to this in those same caves. He freaked out. This was in Infantry training, at Tigerland, Ft. Polk, La.....What an awful experience....
  15. I know the Canadians laws take a dim view on pistols of any sort. One time I crossed the border into Canada, from Alaska. My wife and done some garage saling in Anchorage, and I had forgotten she had bought this pirate pistol. I think it was still functional....I forgot all about it till we were crossing into Canada. I put on my best smile for the border guards. When they asked me if I had any pistols, I lied, and said no. Luckily they didn't search our stuff, and we got through. In the late 60's, if you had a pistol, the guards would put it in a plastic bag with a seal. That was a long time ago, and you can no longer do that. I love Canada. Luckily I've never had a felony and can still travel up that way....
  16. Bill, Sorry to hear about your health. You're one of the few jumpers I look up to. Anyone who can jump from a plane without a parachute has a lot more courage than I've got. One idea for a book might be to tell someone else the stories and they can write it. I'd like to read that book some day....Hang in there, I'd like to shake your hand some day.
  17. Then again, maybe I do believe in spirits! Bud Light and Corona are two of my favorites. I always feel better when they come out of the closet....
  18. QuoteInterestig approach. Spirtuality is just another word for religion and I have no use at all for religon, no matter what its name. reply] ............................................................... I disagree with that...I'm not a believer either in any sort of supreme being, creator, spirits, or otherwise, but I do believe there is something out there greater than myself. I went to a training once. A medical doctor was putting it on. He went to work on an Indian Reservation at a hospital there. It wasn't long until he was totally burned out. He'd go on vacations, but within a few days back, he'd be burned out again. He felt like leaving and never coming back. Then someone told him there was a native healer in town. He figured this was a joke. This healer came to the hospital to work with some of the staff. This Doctor felt obligated to take it all in. So, into his office comes this old man in braids. He brought along his nephew, who had a hand drum. This old man talked mostly about himself, and asked few questions. Whenever he'd get to an important part, the nephew would start beating on his hand drum. The doctor thought all this was a joke. He said to himself, this is what I need to do in my practice. I can have someone beat on a drum when I am working with a patient. Maybe like when I tell someone they need to stop smoking I'll have someone start druming. At any rate the old man told the Dr. that what he was missing, that was his spirit. The old man said some magic words, beat on the drum some more, and then he said...."Now your spirit is back". They left, and the Doctor thought, "Man, that sure was a joke". But, the next day, the Doctor felt better. He had renewed energy and a better outlook. He made the Doctor realize maybe there is something to this spirituality bull crap. This is a true story too.... He started reading a practicing spirituality and it changed his whole life. Maybe there is a lesson in all that. I'm still trying to learn more about spirituality. I was raised a catholic, but it didn't stick. Spirituality in my mind is not religion at all....For some, religion might be a way of reaching spirituality....or not. Spirituality to me, is peace of mind, not a belief in spirits or other mumbo jumbo.... Two more cents worth!
  19. My opinion might be different than others. We are all in search of happiness. I too, used to wonder, if I could only jump all the time, then I'd be happy. I know now that wouldn't be the case, for me. My life would be out of balance. For me, my family comes first. There's no way I could just cut them away. This might be the time to get some marriage counseling. Years ago, I too, felt like my family needed me just for my pay check. I know now, that I was looking at things the wrong way. They needed me for a whole lot more than that. Being there for them, brings me happiness. And they still allow me, to do things for myself. If I want to skydive they let me. If I want to go up into the mountains with my horses and mules, that's okay too. Possibly there are some things you can rearrange in your life to make it better. Maybe a move to a warmer climate would be good. Possibly a different job. If the opportunity comes up, take it. I think the bottom line is that none of us have a perfect life. A lot of this is learning to be happy despite difficulties and setbacks. Spirituality can make a big difference. For me that is not religion. For others it might be. I've heard spirituality explained, many different ways. Some call it a higher power, than yourself. For others it might be feeling connected to all other living things. Whatever it is, there really is something to it, than can bring happiness and peace to you. Let's face it, we live in a rat race here in America. Some of us have never been taught Spirituality. No wonder it is such an illusive thing. Making a jump brings many of us closer to that. Being in the moment is important. It is addictive too. But don't throw away what is important just for an adrenaline fix! You might want to read some books on that. Right now I'm reading a book called "Touching Peace". It's written by Vietnamese monk. I figure some of this stuff might seem wierd to others, but if it works, what the hell....It's worth reading. Well, that's my two cents worth....
  20. I feel really bad for everyone's loss. Pardon my ignorance on this, but was Paul Rafferty...Jean Paul Thacker's step son?
  21. Fred, I'm terrible with names. I knew a jumper who was traveling to Bozeman. He put one of the bungies over his reserve rip-cord handle so it wouldn't accidentally open, while traveling. He later jumped, had a malfunction, cut away, and was unable to open his reserve, because of the bungie over the rip-cord. I'm just wondering if that was Scot. He seemed like a great guy. What a terrible loss! I think that was the first jumper that I knew personally who died jumping. I think the next jumper to die in Montana was at Kalispell in about 75 or so. At the jump meet in Kalispell. If I remember right he was a Canadian. I'm glad I missed the meet that year.....Kevin O'neal told me about it. My memory is foggy, maybe you can clear some of this up.
  22. . Lots of hurt. No anger. Really. Well, except towards myself. Because I should let this stuff go, but won't. Because the whole situation is based on my own selfishness. I want what I want regardless of how anyone else involved feels. And it's going to take some time to get over the hurt. I know that. It just sucks. reply] ................................................................. Bigger hurts take more time....You may want to forgive right now, but are unable to. Many people try to make forgiveness happen now, and it may be impossible to do right now. I think you'll forgive when the time is right for you. I think a person needs to grieve whatever loss has occurred and eventually you can let go of the hurt, blaming, or anger. Blaming yourself for not being able to forgive is not going to help.... It took me twenty years for forgiveness to happen. I don't think it would have taken nearly as long if I had had a good therapist.... One book that helped me was called Toxic Parents. I don't agree with everything in that book, but there were some good parts. One story told of a woman who had been raped by her father. She had tried everything to forget this. She was being eaten alive by rage and depression. She went to her reverand, for help. He said, all you have to do is forgive your Dad and you will feel better. So, each day she tried as hard as she could to forgive, but she was still being consumed by anger, rage, and depression. She then started going to therapy. She told her therapist that she was trying to forgive her Dad, but she couldn't. She told the therapist, maybe I'm just not trying hard enough to forgive, that she didn't feel any better for her efforts. A few weeks better this lady came into therapy. She was hopping mad, screaming at the injustice of what her Dad had done to her. The therapist took all this in, and said, "You don't seem very forgiving today." The woman responded with, "I guess god wants me to get better rather than forgive." In time, maybe she could forgive, but at that moment forgiveness was impossible....Forgiveness should be talked about at the end of the recovery process, and certainly not at the beginning, in my opinion.....Otherwise a person will fill guilty for having the wrong feelings inside.
  23. No offense taken.....this is what we're talking about in this thread. Relax, and let it go....
  24. Right now, I'm holding onto some reservations that are causing serious problems (fortunately they aren't resentments, anger or blame). I know I should let them go. I know I will be better off after letting them go. I know I won't really be able to move forward in my life until I let them go... But I don't want to let them go. ............................................................... That's just it. You need to work through that hurt first. It does take time. Anger is a part of that. If you deny your true feelings, and stuff what's really inside of won't feel any better. I believe if you can talk about all the crap that has happened in therapy, eventually you can get rid of it. Many religions demand that you forgive now. Many say that it is wrong to be angry. Or another good one is that you can't do anything about the past. This causes all kinds of people just to stuff what they really feel. Denial is a great defense mechanism, but a person needs to move beyond that, if they are going to recover....Talking about how you really feel (in therapy) is important.
  25. For me forgiving means letting go of the resentments and hatred. It doesn't mean I approve of the behavior. It doesn't mean I will allow it to continue. It may or may not mean I will allow that person to remain in my life. It is especially hard to do when I know the person did it deliberately to hurt me, and has no remorse for their actions. It is much easier to do when I realize that the person is sick and not in full control of their actions. It is very easy to do when the person realizes how their actions hurt me and are remorseful. But holding onto those resentments and hatred hurt me. I've heard it described as "holding onto a hot coal and hoping the other person gets burned." YMMV