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Everything posted by frankiebrina

  1. thats true. I kind of like the last one the most.
  2. Need some help. witch would you say looks the best?? thanks
  3. Im way in the other side in florida. A bit to far for me. But thanks!!
  4. well I don't know much but we use to do it alot for fun. 5way, 8 way 10 way. I remember we made a little competition out of the blue one particular day at the dropzone. It was so funny!!!
  5. I knew it!!! thats not what you guys use in refrence to it. Well heres what it is. Everyone gets of the plane not griped and make a star. Witch ever team does it faster.... wins. Makes sense????
  6. thats why I mentioned that he had been my Instructor and he knew I was capable and so did I. Also... My statement was not only referring to that situation but many others, also I was stating how I proceed not necessarely anyone else. One situation that I see many times is... when someone intends to downsize canopy everyone simply looks how many jumps you got and by that determines... if you should or not. Witch in my opinion is only a smaqll percentage of what you must consider. For example. Take someone that has 2000 jumps and flys a 150 rectangular canopy and always has done his straight in approaches and does not even dream of trying to make it go faster or make it swoop. Now in the other hand theres this 200ish jump kid that has been flying the same canopy (150) but has always used his canopy to the max...(front riser turns, perfecting his flares, landing downwind,crosswind, taking canopy courses, etc). Both decide to downsize. Who would be more experienced at this point.?? I think it depends on your abilities and what have you been training. your mind to do.
  7. I'm not from here and I would like to know if there are V-8 or V10 competitions here in the US. I remember doing alot of V8 in Brazil. If thats not what it is called.... sorry.
  8. I just read many of the posts posted about this matter I what I have to say is.... I dont think numbers of jumps matter that much. I had 65 jumps when I jumped with my wifes tamdem. It was great!! I held her hand and smiled for the cameraman. Made a really good video for the family to watch. Later with about 140 jumps I participated in a 9 way star with a tamdem of a friends daughter. On both ocasions the tandem pilot had been my AFF instructor and he knew how I flew. Especially because every solo jumps I did I would always follow 4 way, 3 way and 2 way teams to train myself to level and follow without interupting. Now in the other hand my friend with about 600 jumps at the time jumped with his girlfriends tamdem and it didnt go as well due to the fact that he hit the drogue line and that could have gotten them in big trouble. So my advice is... do you think you can??? Thats how I do it. I know this might sound not very responsible advice but thats the way I do things. I study the situation in my head and say to myself.... this I think I can do that I'm not sure so I will take a raincheck for when i'm ready. Just my opinion.
  9. Space Center is also 1 hour from Orlando and it has a marvelous view!!! I was there this week and I was amazed. Pitty they dont let you skydive with the rockets going up anymore. Still its a great view.
  10. frankiebrina


    so for a 120. I t would actually be 1927,00 or for example is it like square 1 where a 1950 canopy goes down to 1540?? How long does a canopy take to be ready. what does it come with?? Thank you
  11. frankiebrina


    ok since you sell them you should know how much the new katana 120 is going to cost. I mean they released it in there website but..... how much is it?? oh yeah..... get well
  12. yep. Started raining hard!!!! I had 12 jumps. My intructor jumped at 4000 and told me to land in the plane.
  13. I have 310 jumps and I have flown both disciplines for as long as I have jumped. I have total control in sit-fly and I can handle a head-down some what. Belly fly I'm OK also and the last championship I went to, me and my team mate did 12 points on a 2 way, witch is low for a 2 way but hey I dont train that much and it was just for fun. My point is..... I know It will be harder for me to get really good in 1 doing it this way but my idea is to have fun and when my belly flyer friends are in the dropzone I belly jump, when my freeflyer friends are on the dropzone I freefly. Everyone thinks difrently and does it difrently. You decide. But in question to the number of jumps. I would say go ahead.
  14. This was shot in Brazil. The pilot is Paulo Asis.
  15. I heard that they soon will come out with the 135 and 150. 150 will be the largest size available. I don't know if I'm going to be able to wait for the 135!!!! I just might go 120 since thats whats they got to offer. Is there to much of a diffrence between the 2???
  16. The PD website has been updated!! The flight characteristics are posted in the website!!!
  17. here it is!!!!!!!!
  18. And if you seriously stop to think of it there are somethings in there that we really do start doing.!! Great post!!
  19. Welcome!!! Was just at Sebastian 2 weeks ago. Very nice dropzone. Loved the people in it!!! Very friendly bunch.