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Everything posted by Maxx

  1. I don't know any other technique than the standard PLF, a hip/butt slide or a judo-like rolling out.. So could you please enlight us and describe the technique of a "highspeed PLF" ? TIA, Max
  2. Hi, I think under a highly loaded elliptical canopy it is nearly impossible to do a good PLF (the one you were tought during your progression).. I am speaking of the end of a flare, not a no-flare situation. If you try to direct the force to your feet, then your hips and then your shoulder (is this right? ) you are probably going to hurt yourself badly.. If I see I can't run this thing out (like in a downwind-situation) I try to bring my body and my hip as low as possible to the ground and then slide it out on my butt/side.. This worked everytime. But nevertheless a PLF is a necessary surviving skill.. And if it's only for jumping a 7ft wall while running away from the cops Max
  3. I started to think about skydiving when I was 14 and at that moment I started to save money, because I knew it's gonna be expensive. With 16 I did my AFF's and my licence, my money was all gone after I bought my first rig. I think I was at all the time well aware of what I was doing and more important WHY I was doing this.. The only thing that always bothered me was the fact that I was always and everywhere the youngest (and treated as such) .. Now I'm 20 and things haven't changed that much. I'm still the youngest on every boogie I visit, but at least people don't recognize it.. But being a young skydiver also has his downsides.. e.g. I had my first reeaaeal bad hangover at the dropzone.. Feet up! Max
  4. Been there, done that..
  5. Isn't there the possibility that you run full of water.. Or do you use some kind of "cork" thing to prevent flooding? I bet this is literally a "pain in the ass" ... LOL Max
  6. And here is another one from his family..
  7. Barefooting.. But not more than 10 minutes.. And my feet hurt and itched all night long.. But it was fun though
  8. Maxx

    Cool tat NSFW

    I just thought.. ass and penis.. you know..
  9. Maxx


    ??? It's wednesday over here.. can't believe that time zones differ THAT much..
  10. Maxx

    Cool tat NSFW

    Is this for gays only?
  11. Wow, that looks like a lot of work.. Nice dude, everything seems really perfect.. except for the "Amstel light" WhoTF drinks that beer? Max
  12. Ok, I'm outta here.. Speakers Corner is not my place to be. Too many pissed americans for the 3 posts I made I have no chance against such a overwhelming majority.. Play on without me!
  13. No, you are not reading me correctly. When you sign up for the army aren't you warned in any form that joining the army can result in serious injury or death? So if it happens then you have no right to say: "I didn't know that I have to do THIS." (like killing somebody, or see dead children..) I am not blaiming soldiers here! Somebody has to do this job.. And I think most of them know what they are getting themselves into. This is all I wanted to say.. Whatever.. it's horrible that something like this happens.
  14. Absolutly right. But they wanted to become soldiers and now have to deal with the consequences..
  15. I will NEVER thank ANYONE for starting a war. Period. They started it, so they have to deal with it. I really don't care if it's painful for them. Max
  16. Hi, If you have got the chance to see them, you definitly have to go there!! I was at the concert in Berlin on saturday and it was one of the best concerts I ever saw. I never heard of Donavon Frankenreiter before, but he is a great musician.. Check his stuff out. Is Jack Johnson also as popular in the U.S. as here in Germany? Feet up! Max
  17. Last week I had a dream where I "went in" twice, because I forgot to pull my canopy.. I landed hard, but it didn't hurt. So I went up again and jumped and went in the second time.. This time the DZO ran to me and said I am grounded for the rest of the day for not pulling.. Man, I was pissed.. And then I had a dream where I setup for my hook and during my turn my lines were stretching and stretching.. They stretched a good 100 feet before I hit the ground. Dreams are weird...
  18. Oh, you just missed a nice auction on ebay.. Its also a VW Golf.. And dirt cheap, too!
  19. Maxx

    Ipod question

    Ok, I'll tell you what.. I have got an iPod Mini and for me it's absolute enough.. When I'm away from my iBook, which rarely ever happens, I take the iPod with me and when I come back I can change everything or do whatever I want. I'm not that kind of guy that always needs his whole collection of music with him, I just want to listen to it when I'm on the road. And 6 GB is 100 hours music, which equals to 4 days music non stop.. It also looks better, is lighter, the batterie lasts longer AND it fits into the pocket of the MLW on my rig Go and buy a mini! Feet up! Max
  20. Hi, get Paralog. It supports ProTrack, Skytronic and Neptune and runs on Mac OS X 10.3.6 and above.. HTH, Max
  21. Ok, you asked for it, here ya go... This was Jump 21, my licence jump :-) I was sweet little 16 at that time! Feet up! Max
  22. Ok now here is my little dumb injury stories.. let me introduce it that I never got hurt before in skydiving and I hope this is my only injury this year *knock on wood* I did a frontriser-turn for my final approach and and aimed for a landing right next to the pond (along the pond).. But i misjudged my last few degrees of the turn and also didn't notice that the wind was crosswind to my landing direction and so my line of flight headed INTO the pond.. Not a big deal, if there had been water in the pond.. But in my case the pond was empty and I ended up flying into the empty pond and then hitting the inner border of the pond with my left hand merely before I finished my flare. The result was a broken middle hand bone. Things learned: Learn to carve your landings for emergency outs I could laugh about it directly after it, because I felt so damn stupid.. Feet up!, Max
  23. Yes, me too!!! I loved your Skydiving Girlfriend as well! It was great! ## Feet up! Max
  24. A larger wing creates more lift and therefore is more efficient.. But a larger wing also means less wingload and so you must be fat to load it right. End of my thesis. Feet up! Max
  25. this is one of the suits that makes you invsible... noice!