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  1. Thank you, makes it fuzzier now but I'll clear it. Thank you What goes around, comes later.
  2. I've been to 8- dropzones and in some, I've seen it happening - various expert explanations included (not to mention bad image I was getting for free). Listen woman, I am not the bad guy here.
  3. I can't prove it, obviously but there's no harm in me being wrong. In my small practical experience, A LOTS of JM still don't get (and yet they hide what they think) What goes around, comes later.
  4. What the hell does that mean? What does this have to do with being honest or lying? I'll ask you the same question I asked you in your thread about turning AADs off ... do you have a compelling reason why we ought to change the commonly accepted approach (well outlined in the links provided by others above)? If everybody honestly answer, my guess would be that 90 percent of jumpers STILL believe/trust solo free flier should exit first! Contrary to evidence that it is WRONG. No matter the upper/lower winds. As for the other thread concerning AAD off button - I honestly believe that 99 percent of jumpers would prefer a visible reachable OFF button. I just don't pretend it is O.K. Go shoot me What goes around, comes later.
  5. and in another thread, poster wrote this: "When I looked down and saw the distressing image of a canopy blossoming below me, it was due to a novice sitflyer who slid down jump run under my 4-way belly team." What does he say? Did "novice sitflyer" jumped after 4-way or before? Poster did not reply to my question/s What goes around, comes later.
  6. I understand it as -120 mph-slow faller; faster faller body (120+) That's another lacking definition, what is faster? And if the slowest is to go first, how come winsuits are last? (come on DSE) What goes around, comes later.
  7. What IS a 'fast flier'? I want to know. Is it a belly 200lb guy or skinny 140lb head down guy? Which of them goes first... and why? How many of US knows this for sure and do we? What goes around, comes later.
  8. Your honesty will prove something better What goes around, comes later.
  9. No shit, go lower than planned, turn your GoPro on and enjoy similar edit: Oh, I'm sorry but the GoPro guy's alti says 1500 ft under opened main What goes around, comes later.
  10. Sit fly can track you down jump run, under previously exited 4-way belly fliers? Shouldn't she be faster falling then belly team? And much less drifted too? What goes around, comes later.
  11. Nope. There's living 1/10th or 9/10th of potential, and a bunch of self excuses for it What goes around, comes later.
  12. Disconnecting RSL shackle, disconnecting AAD shackle... great idea.. really! What goes around, comes later.
  13. You got me there. I wasn't that prepared. I'm only saying that the jump itself is not that free if some one or something is watching over you. But it's not that unimaginable, depending on jump conditions - set it on "1", when in stable free fall - set it on "2" or "off". When I may need help, I welcome it when I don't - I don't. edit: exactly like slider - when it does it's job, I want it off the rig What goes around, comes later.
  14. That I understand.. To paraphrase some SF movie line... I believe it was "Contact" (1997): "Doctor, this suicide pill, we give it for thousands of reasons we can think of.. but mostly for reasons we can't". What goes around, comes later.
  15. You can do this (or not): - loosen chest strap - loosen leg strap - you can look around - you can dial a number in your cell phone - steer your canopy - cutaway your main canopy - open your reserve - disconnect your reserve static line (RSL) - listen to your slider flapping - move your body - think but you can not turn ON/OFF your automatic activation device (AAD) when it's on your back or, 'heaven forbid' change it's mode. What's the story behind it? What goes around, comes later.
  16. I wouldn't be surprised if he outlive most of "you're gonna die" posters. And it's not about the age thing. What goes around, comes later.
  17. Well, this was good read. What goes around, comes later.
  18. Of coarse there's no disrespect or competition here but I'd say there's a 130-150 ft between his shoe and the wing. Now, what's the rope length, I don't know What goes around, comes later.
  19. What's that.. 60 ft? Maybe 48.. WOW that was close call! On the other hand, one of participants shouldn't have been there What goes around, comes later.
  20. Providing that you like your home country, search for similar place where no one will be able to force you out. Language barrier should be an easy trade What goes around, comes later.