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Everything posted by Steel

  1. French. As much as I hate those people its probably the most logical one to learn since I already speak English, Spanish, Italian and German. Most other languages are either not spoken by significant numbers of people or simply don't matter because they are the languages of countries with a lower than dirt Gross national product per capita. But if you don't know the others I would say learn German first or maybe Spanish then Italian. Its cool to know a language that people don't expect you to know that way you can catch people talking crap and surprise them. Its fun. That should be a consideration. If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass. Can't think of anything I need No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound. Nothing to eat, no books to read.
  2. Billy read my post please. Fact is liberals are not more tolerant. They are only more tolerant when accepting something that its not in their best interests or they can not defeat. I think I gave quite a few examples for that. Oh I am sorry I meant liberal politicians, not liberals. Concerned about the environment, yeah right. If you mean they care because they make up stories about Armageddon cases such as global warming destroying the planet and a couple of years later saying that infact what is happening is that we are going into a ice age, then fine they care about the environment. Pro education that is a good one See improved education has nothing to do with money or funding. It has to do with good parenting skills and motivating your children to learn. I worked for the Neward, NJ board of education installing a multi million dollar NT 4.0 network. Ofcourse that money did not come from Newark although that is the largest city in Jersey. No it came from the state. It came with the idea that if they took money out of school districts from Franklin Lakes, Upper Saddle River, Alpine, Ramsey, you know the rich white neighborhoods that these Newark kids would turnout the same. Well I will happen to know that it took3 or 4 days per school to install these networks. I could not finish a school with having to continue to replace equipment that was vandalized instantly. See you could spend all the money you want but if the kids don't want to learn, they are not going to. As I always say liberal politicans are not stupid they all know this. But it sounds nice for their name to say they spent large sums of money on education. And a lot of that money goes to teachers who are typically members of teacher's unions (people who love to vote for the Democrats). If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass. Can't think of anything I need No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound. Nothing to eat, no books to read.
  3. I think what you're are referring to to steno not typing. And for obvious reasons there is a big difference. If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass. Can't think of anything I need No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound. Nothing to eat, no books to read.
  4. however 250 WPM when I went to court reporting school...........Damn, I'm smokin! ------------------------------------------------------------ ok time to challenge this. Fact is, in the guiness book of world records. The last time I read this, the record was at 170 WPM with a ten word deduction for each mistake. Anybody claiming to type 200 words per minute is either, mistaken about their abilities, outright lying or deserves an award and therefore should contact the guiness book of worlds record. If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass. Can't think of anything I need No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound. Nothing to eat, no books to read.
  5. so I guess the planned evening wear was a birthday suit. Kewl! If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass. Can't think of anything I need No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound. Nothing to eat, no books to read.
  6. Did he let you do the rest of his makeover too? Did the hands match, the feet, eye shadow, lipstick, shade of blush or the planned evening wear? If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass. Can't think of anything I need No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound. Nothing to eat, no books to read.
  7. ok lets not use words like injury before rumours spread that I am in a wheel chair or dead . Lets just go with unpleasant feeling in my trigger hand. Oh crap! Now that the word is out my enemies will take this advantage to come kill me today. Help I need protection I can't fire my gun!!! Damn! I should have made it a point to learn to shoot left handed. If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass. Can't think of anything I need No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound. Nothing to eat, no books to read.
  8. wrapping bandages around your hand is something is something a true pussy would do. Is that what you want me to be? Ok just kidding but its really not that bad. Besides it needs to breathe and exercise is always good. I think this typing here is a good workout. If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass. Can't think of anything I need No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound. Nothing to eat, no books to read.
  9. I used to type a lot faster before I landed on my right hand. Now I am typing 30 words a minute resting for 30 seconds and typing another 30 words a minute. If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass. Can't think of anything I need No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound. Nothing to eat, no books to read.
  10. Speak for yourself. I speak for myself. Anyway, I've never cheated on my wife Wendy W. ---------------------------------------- When posting our opinions about a political issue we often tend to forget a "tend" here and there. If you read anvil's post you would find it to be 99% accurate. Anvil simply forgot to put a tend after Christian and before folks. With that "tend" insterted there it would have been a 100% accurate post, which by far exceeds the overwelming majority of posts that are submitted here. Still, something tells me you wouldn't have liked the post because you're not quite ready to rethink your position on the matter. I do however have hope that you and many others like you will eventually be able to rethink there positions about this, given that there is so much evidence contradicting the dissenting opinions. If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass. Can't think of anything I need No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound. Nothing to eat, no books to read.
  11. Balls mostly..... --------------------------------------------------------- unless your canopy is relatively huge for your skill level, (like somebody flying a 150 that could be flying a 107), or unless its over snow the requirement is stupidity. If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass. Can't think of anything I need No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound. Nothing to eat, no books to read.
  12. Yep well put... in the context of the times most of the south was Democratic for many years because of the Reconstruction devestation brought about by the Republican party after the War Betwixt the States.( There was no Civil War... no war is ever... civil). So as the Democratic Party became more inclusive in the 1960's and 1970's most of those same racist homophobic right wing bible thumping rednecks migrated right on over to the Republican Party.. thereby forgetting thier historical roots. Perhaps that is why the Republicans seem to be doing so very well in those area's Amazon --------------------------------------------------------- You have made some accurate statements but before extending yourself to the bleeding heart liberal position let me point a few things out. First as I said the Democrats have always been the party of convienience. First to have slaves to pick cotton. Black people did not pose a threat in those days because they had them under control and they were able to mistreat them anyway way they wanted without consequence. In the sixties this started to change not because Kennedy cared about them but because they were rioting a lot. In D.C. in Burminham (nicknamed Burniningham). The riots got to the point that justified or not that the Democrats were willing to give Black people anything they wanted to avoid the fear of more violence. This is how the civil rights movement started. The fact is that to this day a very popular term used by the liberals is minority but the reality is that the only groups that get favorable legistlation pushed foward by the Democrats are the larger or more dangerous groups. The black population got favorable legistlation passed when their numbers got higher and they became dangerous. The same is seen in many other facets today. Take Catholics for example, compared to Protestans our numbers are insignificant and for that reason you can turn on a television set in the U.S. and see one Catholic joke after another and nobody complains. You wouldn't see Jewish jokes because they would go crazy and their numbers are high. Muslim numbers aren't high but they are crazy and would do suicide bombings so you nobody will offend the publicly and if they do the will do it oh so carefully claiming its not the religion its the extremeists. Lets step back from religion and look at nationality. Propostion 187 in California stating that illegal immigrants were not going to have the birth of their children justify citizenship in the U.S., makes sense doesn't it. But no it pissed off the Mexicans because it took out an avenue for them to come here. There are millions of them in California and most of them have time protest or even riot. So guess what proposition 187 didn't pass and who spoke out against it, Democrats. Now look at Cubans less than a million in the entire U.S. These are people with and average income that is higher than the average American. A lot less of them and people much less likely to go out, riot and cause havoc. Now look at what happened with Elian Gonzalez the crime that was committed by Janet Reno sending people with machine guns in the middle of the night to break into a decent family's house and take a 6 year old boy at gun point later drug the boy and I don't even want to talk to much about it because it angers me to remember it. But why was it done because the Democrats could get away with it, they knew Cubans were not going to riot and they knew Cubans vote 87% Republican anyway. So you see in the Democratic party everything is about convienience today just as it was 100 years and Right and Wrong they leave for the Republicans. If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass. Can't think of anything I need No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound. Nothing to eat, no books to read.
  13. Ok well the Devil is off to the Dropzone. If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass. Can't think of anything I need No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound. Nothing to eat, no books to read.
  14. Yes, and the Devil happens to be a conservative, so my views have been greatly influence AGAINST the liberal persuasion...and I'm perfectly content with that! ---------------------------------------------------------- Kewl! If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass. Can't think of anything I need No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound. Nothing to eat, no books to read.
  15. It would be extremely possible, probably much easier than a canopy loaded heavier. A canopy of the same make and model loaded lighter will always have a shalower glide. Its not as if you just need to hit a little target area like in a swoop you need to maintain extended accuracy during flight. Its seems to me to resemble CRW more than anything. The ideal wingloading in CRW is like 1.2 (well I know it really just depends on what everybody else is flying but I recall that with the people I did it most everybody else there was at 1.2 or 1.3). If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass. Can't think of anything I need No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound. Nothing to eat, no books to read.
  16. I've typically never gotten involved in political discussions whatsoever in my whole life, ------------------------------------------------------------ Yes but recently she has been influenced by the devil himself to stop, consider and somewhat care about politics. If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass. Can't think of anything I need No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound. Nothing to eat, no books to read.
  17. where the swoop will last much longer and is close to the ground ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Actually this is not the case. They may so much as start with a swoop but its really more like flying crew with the mountain side. Somebody can correct me if I am wrong. But as I understand it these courses are much longer than is possible for somebody to swoop. So what they are actually doing is just flying their canopy right over the mountain with enough brake input to maintain there angle of descent at the angle of the slope. Once they have cleared the first gates there is no way for them to get themselves into a steep enough dive toward the mountain to cause serious injury. The worst thing that could possibly happen there is if they were to hit the slope and slide down the rest of the way. This would actually be extremely humourous as I have seen it happen to people with skiis on. (many times). Once you fall on a double black diamond trail that doesn't have moguls to stop, you you won't stop sliding until the end of the trail and that is why its funny. But I have never seen anybody get hurt because of this. (Maybe they hurt their pride) If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass. Can't think of anything I need No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound. Nothing to eat, no books to read.
  18. VX-55 into a Voodoo V00. It closes fine. I am confident I can get a 45 to close safely in there tightening the closing loop a little more. A V000 would be better but I would prefer not to go down to a PD 106 reserve hell if I could I would shoot back up to a PD 143. If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass. Can't think of anything I need No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound. Nothing to eat, no books to read.
  19. I know that it has been invitation only but I disagree that there is this huge danger in it. That seems more like certain people wanting to shine as the only great ones who have done it. It really does not look any more dangerous than paraskiing, which is pretty much open to anybody with a D-license. To do it they have to fly low at all times to get through the gates. If someone has the accuracy to land on the ski trail as they need for paraskiing the rest of the time they are less than 15 feet over the terrain. The terrain is soft snow!, sloping down!. Being an experienced skier I can tell you the only reason people can jump off 50 foot cliffs and not break legs is because they land on a slope downward which breaks their fall drastically. Putting it all together this talk about extreme danger is really just a bunch of bologny. If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass. Can't think of anything I need No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound. Nothing to eat, no books to read.
  20. I will agree with you on that. Don't get me wrong I would never have a cat for a pet and I do have a great dane and a doberman who I love more than life. But I would never harm a cat for pleasure. I don't even see how somebody could find pleasure in that. I am definately a champion for stricter punishment against animal cruelty. If that son of a bitch cop that shot that dog in Louisiana would have shot my dog instead, I swear to god I would have reached for my 45 and blown a hole through his chest. But that must not be a popular opinion since some people even here were able to justify his actions. If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass. Can't think of anything I need No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound. Nothing to eat, no books to read.
  21. I agree that Trent Lott's comments suggesting America would have been better off had Strom Thurmond won the presidency in 1948 were stupid and inappropiate. But he was simply trying to pay the old guy a compliment at his 100th birthday. He, Trent Lott, was never a Dixiecrat or a KKK member. You can make all the assumptions you want about his inner beliefs. But the fact is that there is no hardcore evidence suggesting that he is a racist. If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass. Can't think of anything I need No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound. Nothing to eat, no books to read.
  22. Yes I heard about it last night. But what I found interesting was when they were going through his life and his entire political career they said, "and in 48 he ran for president as an independent". We know he did not run as an independent. He ran as a Dixiecrat. For anybody who doesn't know what that means, I will explain. See the Democratic party as convienience oriented and justice ignorant as they have always been were the ultimate racists. As times became more modern and this was less tolerated they had to keep their KKK meetings private. Many southerners found themselves fed up with the Demcratic party not being as openly racist as they had already been used to. So many of them including Strom Thurmond who were socialist left wingers at heart got together to form the Dixiecrat party and that is the party he ran under in 1948. The Democrat party had not really changed as a matter of fact their symbol was a chicken before a Donkey and the Chicken always had the words White Supremecy right under it. That finally changed in the 60's. If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass. Can't think of anything I need No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound. Nothing to eat, no books to read.
  23. Steel

    vacations are bad

    It seems like a cycle, kind of like cold, that once it starts you just have to wait for it to run its course. Oh vacations start out nice. You're all pumped up after you last work out and your on your way. Then you find yourself eating more than usual. But hey how could just a couple of meals make a difference. Then you find yourself at the dropzone local where you’re vacationing weighing yourself to see what your wingloading is at. Wow your exit weight is five pounds heavier than usual. How cool! Now your wingloading is up by .1, then it starts to dawn on you that means you just gained five pounds. You don't think that came from mucsle since you haven't worked out in the past three days. But you just blow it off thinking its no big deal. Then you look in the mirror before getting on the load and it looks like your belly is sticking out under the chest strap. But you think its all in your imagination. Then you comfort yourself thinking so I gained a few pounds at least its not like I got weaker or so you think. A week later you get home and attempt putting your weight lifting belt as you usually do and find you can't get it to the last notch. Now this is getting serious. Then you go to do you bench workout and find you not only have gained weight right there on what should be a washboard stomach but you have gotten weaker too. And then you find yourself bitching about it on with your weight-lifting belt still on between exercises because you are afraid that if you take it off you won't be able to get it on as tight again. This of course that confirms vacations suck. If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass. Can't think of anything I need No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound. Nothing to eat, no books to read.
  24. Steel


    Me new? or Wendy? I have been jumping for 9 years and have 1000 jumps in the last two years alone. Wendy with a four digit D license I am guessing has been jumping even longer than that. If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass. Can't think of anything I need No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound. Nothing to eat, no books to read.
  25. Steel


    You don't date a lot of women who skydive, do you? Wendy W. ----------------------------------------------------------- I am on my first but don't quite understand why you would ask that. If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass. Can't think of anything I need No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound. Nothing to eat, no books to read.