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Everything posted by Steel

  1. If I am reading it correctly it says that my car is a scores a 125, which is cool cause I like it. 2002 6 gear standard shit 5.7 liter t-top z28 camaro with everything stock notthing changed on it. If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass. Can't think of anything I need No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound. Nothing to eat, no books to read.
  2. Ok OK, I guess if you flying a straight in approach with big canopy that is difficult to stall then accuracy is not really dangerous. For me accuracy mostly involves a 270 degree approach on a nicely loaded, canopy, with a planned swoop of atleast 100 feet, before making contact with 8-18 inch object. This I can tell you is a recipe for pain, unnecessary pain. If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass. Can't think of anything I need No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound. Nothing to eat, no books to read.
  3. Steel

    bull torturers

    They live YEARS longer (that says a lot!) ------------------------------------------------- Think about this for a second what percentage of vegitarians are women? I am not sure off hand but I believe the life expectency for women is at least 10 years more than men. If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass. Can't think of anything I need No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound. Nothing to eat, no books to read.
  4. Steel

    bull torturers

    This is a nice thought but it is simply untrue. The meat industry is a business. And their business is producing the most amount of meat in the shortest amount of time, in the least expensive way possible. This is just not conducive to humane treatment, trust me. --------------------------------------------------------- I understand this and I don't doubt it. But what can you do to stop it? Populations keep growing and bringning more need for beef. Meat companies need to compete not only to make more money but just to stay in business. The only practal solution I see would be to hunt for yourself, get a freezer and store your meat. I am not quite prepared to do that. Besides even if I was I don't think I could make a difference. For it to make a difference more people would have to be involved and most people who care are women. The overwelming majority of them could never get passed their emotions long enough to go out and hunt for themselves even after understanding that this would be the lesser evil. If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass. Can't think of anything I need No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound. Nothing to eat, no books to read.
  5. Steel

    bull torturers

    vegetarians are MORE healthy than meat eaters. They live longer too. Just educate yourself first as to what you need to eat to get everything you need. --------------------------------------------------- If you can find me a vegitarian who can bench over 300 pounds I will consider it. Hell I don't even think you will find a vegitarian who can bench over 200 pounds. For women it could be cute to be weak but its still not healthy. If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass. Can't think of anything I need No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound. Nothing to eat, no books to read.
  6. Steel

    bull torturers

    I am by no means a cruel person, but I think it's poetic justice that these fools got hurt doing this. In fact, I laughed out loud when I saw it on the news. It is cruel. I am no activist either, just someone with a bit of common sense. ---------------------------------------------- Ok just to be clear here the running of the bulls is something that they do once a year in Pamplona. It is followed by a bull fight but its not by any means a bull fight. The people that got hurt there are NOT matadors and they could be anybody. Hell it could have been me if I decided to run out with the rest of the group of men who suddenly wished to run in front of the bulls. Actually in this event most of the people who get hurt are hurt because they are stomped on by people behind them trying to run away from the bulls. Its really a fun event, its just unfortunat that it is followed by leading the bulls into the arena for bull fighting. If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass. Can't think of anything I need No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound. Nothing to eat, no books to read.
  7. Steel

    bull torturers

    I've seen it. I've also hunted before. All hunters will tell you that the animals don't always die immediately and you have to finish them off. You have to get past that. The stun gun is probably the most humane way because it is quick. People eat beef and chicken because they have an emotional distance there. Actually, cows are quite friendly and will nuzzle you like a dog. You don't want to be friends with lunch. People in other cultures do not have attachments for the same animals that we do. ----------------------------------------------- First of all I don't need to go to a slaughter house to see how things are done there. We can all watch it in the documentary "Faces of Death." I have seen it and have didn't enjoy it but have accepted it as a necessary evil. I did not stop eating meat because of it. As you have stated they kill the animals in the most humae way possible. Bull fighting is a way to kill the bull in the most INHUMANE way possible. It is difficult for me to understand how they can fill an arena with people who want to see such a horrific display. If I did not have the luxury of bying meat from the butcher I would hunt but I would not enjoy it and I would do it as quickly and humanely and I possibly could. It would saden me far less to have to shoot somebody who was trying to inflict harm on me than to shoot a defenseless animal. As for the other cultures eating different animals, I do not find any justification for this. It goes back to the food chain and what is necessary to sustain life, Chlorophyl. Plants make it for themselves through Photosynthesis, Herbivorous animals have the abiility to take it from the plants. And carnivorous animails (humans included) must eat the Herbivores because they can not get the chlorophyl directly from the plant. You would never see a dog eating a snake because a snake is carnivorous. People eat rabbit, cows, deer, goats, pigs, etc. All of these animals being herbivorous. Its the way the food chain works. Vegitarians are not truly healthy people. Anybody who suggest they are either does not know what he is talking about or is just trying to push foward a political agenda. Now as for people eating dogs, cats, snakes or other carnivores, these people are going against nature. Typically this is done in China which is extremely over populated and under resourced. They are trying to eat anything they can possibly get their hands on to avoid starving. But that still does not make it right. To say its because of their culture is just giving them an excuse. If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass. Can't think of anything I need No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound. Nothing to eat, no books to read.
  8. Steel


    It wasn't I figured why not let her... ---------------------------------------------------- because you probably plan on kissing her again. If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass. Can't think of anything I need No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound. Nothing to eat, no books to read.
  9. I am not sure about this because there may be other factors involved. Its just that an 84 which is probably loaded under 2.5 just doesn't sound like you should have to cut it away in this instance to me. In any case on several instances I had premature brake releases on my 70 and every time was able to release the other one and stop the spiral without line twists. However on one instance when this happened on my 62 it spun up violently before I could think about reaching for a brake. Ofcourse I had to cut that one away. If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass. Can't think of anything I need No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound. Nothing to eat, no books to read.
  10. Steel

    bull torturers

    If you can get on Kazaa and do a search on his name you will be able to pull up a lot of it. Buying cd's of his music is very difficult because it has to come from Europe. Typically only Spanish people are interested in his music (his lyrics are extremely nationalist) and there aren't enough Spanish people in the U.S. for music stores to carry it. "Que Viva España" La gente canta con ardor "Que Viva España" La vida tiene otro Sabor Y España es lo Mejor Que España es la Mejor ! I grew up listening to it mainly because I was born there and because my parents lived 6 years there so they established there collection before returning to the U.S. If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass. Can't think of anything I need No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound. Nothing to eat, no books to read.
  11. Steel

    bull torturers

    Rodeo's are not cruel. I have posted a bull riding picture of mine here before. It bothers me when animal activists get bent out of shape about silly things like bull riding because it takes away their credibility. On the other hand being purely of Spanish descent where bull fighting originated and is still done on a daily basis, I must say that it is the only thing for which I am not proud of Spain. I think its extremely inhumane and I don't admire any "courage" involved in it. I do however love the songs Manolo Escobar sings about it. I just do my best not to think to closely about what he is glorifying. If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass. Can't think of anything I need No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound. Nothing to eat, no books to read.
  12. I voted 4K but I wouold rather 5. This actually has changed there was a time when I would ask for 3K. The reason I used to ask for 3 was because I wanted to jump land pack and meet the plane on as it landed to go again. Now that I can't afford to do 15 jumps a day, and that I have had line twists that take 8 spins during 8-10 seconds to kick out of, I prefer to just get 5K, land pack relaxed and skip a load before jumping again. If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass. Can't think of anything I need No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound. Nothing to eat, no books to read.
  13. Favorite bands / artists 1. Led Zeppelin 2. Pink Floyd 3. Iron Maiden 4. Rush 5. Metalica 6. A-Ha 7. Toeten Hoesen (German Rock) 8. Manolo Escobar (Popular music from Spain 60s,70,80s) 9. Ligabue (Italian Pop) 10. Lime (high energy / freestyle early 80's) If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass. Can't think of anything I need No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound. Nothing to eat, no books to read.
  14. I think accuracy may appear cool but its deadly. I have recently come to the realization that everytime in my skydiving career that I had a landing that hurt for more than a day it was involving some form of accuracy approach. I also know people who have been involved in stlye and accuracy competions and they have told me stories of people jumping with pillows attached to there butt because of broken tailbones resulting from accuracy approaches. Yes that is me in my avatar kicking that ball. So I have played the accuracy game. But with my new revelation you will not see me doing that for a while. If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass. Can't think of anything I need No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound. Nothing to eat, no books to read.
  15. Steel


    sounds to me like your partner is just an object/playtoy to you. --------------------------------------------- I would not say that at all I have even known girls to not want to be kissed on ocasion after going down on them. There is no disrespect there just a natural resentment toward certain things. If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass. Can't think of anything I need No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound. Nothing to eat, no books to read.
  16. Steel


    Not to be judgemental but that sounds pretty gross and unhealthy. That is where all the bacteria is sent to. Even if you found pleasure in such an act I can't imagine somebody wanting it done because after that you can't kiss the person who did it. Hell after that you don't ever want to kiss the person who did it again. Even after cumming in a girls mouth I can't get myself to kiss her again that night. Well those ofcourse are just my opinions. If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass. Can't think of anything I need No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound. Nothing to eat, no books to read.
  17. Ok here is the thing. That was not the first time I heard that. As I was explaining I do not worry too much about this global warming issue. That is why I am not on the up and up with it like I am with other issues. I mean my mind was not made up by reading his post. It was more like I knew something is wrong with this arguement the left is making. I remembered hearing certain facts put foward by physicists proving that this global warming story can not hold water. I just didn't remember what it was. Anyway I don't hear anybody talking about the serious environmental problem that I believe we need to address. Those freakin ants. Imagine frapping in and landing in a pile of ants. You wait for 3 seconds to catch your breath and suddenly the stinging of the ants brings you much more pain that the fall itself. This is already a possibility. The sad fact is that the problem is only getting worse. You can't do away with these freakin things. I kill them every summer, or so I think, and then the next summer they come back, only in larger numbers. If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass. Can't think of anything I need No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound. Nothing to eat, no books to read.
  18. I am a meteorologist, and let me say that this "GLOBAL WARMING" this is just a NEWS Story!!!!! In 1972 we were worried about global cooling... what happened? It is called global trending Most cycles of the earth (hot vs cold spells & Wet vs Dry spells) Come in 20 to 50 year cycles. Meteorologist have not had the time or technology to study this for very long. Recently it was discovered we are currently in the "TAIL END OF AN ICE AGE" No shit it is going to get warmer... we aren't going into another ice age right now, we are coming out of one. The impact that man has on the atmosphere is quite minimal in comparison to what diatom in the ocean do, or what even one volcanic erruption can do... this is all media, and greenpeace hype!!! Chris Atmosheric Physisist/Meteorologist for MIT Fat People are Harder to Kidnap !!! -------------------------------------------------------- I like this response. I always knew it was true but since this is not my field and I did not research it enough, I could not come out and say it like you have. But now that we have heard from an authority confirming that this is all left wing hype we can worry about real problems. Problems that have me fed up. I am talking about ants. These freakin critters are taking over to the point that they are about to drive me crazy. When I was in Florida recently at Skydive Miami where you need to wait for the shuttle bus to come pick you up, I did not know where to stand. I was even afraid to set my brakes because I didn't want to put my canopy on the grass and risk a bunch of red/fire ants getting all over it. So I found myself just walking around constantly looking down to make sure I had not stumbled on to an ant pile. Yes this is a serious problem and we have them in Texas too, in my back yard, my Front yard, and side yard. Some scientist needs to come up with a plan/formula to kill these things once and for all. If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass. Can't think of anything I need No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound. Nothing to eat, no books to read.
  19. If someone wants to know the similiarities and differences between the two canopies, they should go out and jump both canopies, and talk to both manufacturers about the canopy's characteristics. We're all really into what we jump, and the companies we support, but when someone is asking for a constructive side by side comparision, it's probably better to leave that to people who have jumped both wings... right? ----------------------------------------------------- I don't disagree with this and the first thing I did say was that I had not jumped the Xaos. But just as well, I have never jumped a spectre or a vengence and have no desire to. I know enough about canopy flight characteristics to look at them and say for certain that they do not have the performance I am looking for in a canopy. Granted the differences between a VX and a Xaos 27 are more subtle but as I stated previously it is simply my opinion that the differences are definded clearly enough that I (me) do not feel the need to go out and demo a Xaos. If they ever do release a cross-braced airlocked canopy as is rumoured that Mike Swanson is jumping, I would probably be interested in demoing something like that. If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass. Can't think of anything I need No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound. Nothing to eat, no books to read.
  20. doesnt a steeper angle of descent also mean less foward motion, i.e. less of a glide angle? Just checking... ------------------------------------------ Actually although its not a direct relation I see it like real flight terms (airplane pilot terms. VX and VY. VX= equals best glide angle for climbing & and clearing obstactles. VY= best rate of climb. This is defined for every airplane. Anyway a steeper angle of descent will give more speed and even though glide ratio is less the overall ground speed can be more. When perfroming a high performance landing you start by diving the canopy toward the ground at a far steeper angle anyway. The goal is to position yourself such that you need to use the least amount of input possible to maintain your canopy flying because since you don't have an engine to keep you moving you can only put so much input before your speed decreases to the point that your canopy can no longer fly. If you have a canopy that has a shallower trim then its like it imediately pulls down on you rear rsers for you which already starts to use some of that lift that you are trying to preserve. Airplanes have a best glide speed which you set with a trimtab in the case of an emergency. On a 152 that is 60 knots, 65 on a 172. The point there is you can set the trim for what ever you want on an airplane but on a canopy its preset and there is nothing you can do to change it. It is either optimal or it isn't and I think the VX is closer to optimal in its straight and level foward speed than the Xaos. If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass. Can't think of anything I need No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound. Nothing to eat, no books to read.
  21. I would like to differ,I've jumped a Vx and liked it until I jumped a Xaos 27 the openings are a million times better.! They open like my Crossfire2 without all the fuss a Vx has!!! They are bit better in my eyes,And I'm willing to put up my Xaos 27 93sf to your VX 55!!! Whatca think!!! ---------------------------------------- First I want to state the obvious. That being that competition between two people using different canopies does not come even close to proving which canopy is better. Next I notice that you are speaking of how good you think the openings are in the Xaos which suggests that you think the openings on the VX are a problem. That is our first disagreement. I don't think there is any problem with the VX openings. Now for something that I believe does provide an answer in comparing canopies, I would have to look at what I could expect jumping Xaos-27 93 or a VX-55 or for that matter what you or anybody else could expect. If you load the 93 at a minimum of 2.2 then you know its going to swoop further and shutdown easier but you also know its going to swoop slower. So which is better? That is for the jumper to decide. But rather than go over the obvious, the real question is how the Xaos and the VX compare. I believe if you take two of the same size that the Xaos will open a little softer but the VX will have more bottom end lift because it has a steeper angle of descent and has not already used up that portion of its lift. I see it almost as if the Xaos is starting its swoop with a certain degree of brake input compared to the VX. I believe the VX will swoop further and faster because the angle of descent if steeper. I also think all the lines without the cascades form more drag and create a mess that I find displeasing to look at and I don't trust HMA lines. Perhaps if I am missing something somebody else can point it out. If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass. Can't think of anything I need No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound. Nothing to eat, no books to read.
  22. I just got it and only have 20 jumps on it. When I get some pictures, I will post them. But I don't think it will look drastically diferent than my vx-62 which is on my avatar. If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass. Can't think of anything I need No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound. Nothing to eat, no books to read.
  23. I have only jumped VX's but people I know who have jumped both prefer the VX unless they are sponspored by precision. Also the VX is original and the Chaos is an obvious copy with their "improvements". I say it that way because as I understand it, their main goal is a softer opening. Since I can jump a VX-55 without any problems about the VX openings, I hardly think its worth sacraficing performance for a better opening. But that is my opinion. If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass. Can't think of anything I need No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound. Nothing to eat, no books to read.
  24. It looks like Jeremy created another user to to try to attack me. This time putting in some bogus name. Oh well one can only laugh such people with nothing better to do with their time. If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass. Can't think of anything I need No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound. Nothing to eat, no books to read.
  25. I just got a raise of -$27./hr from my peak income in 2001 or would that be more accurately described as a pay cut. Or should I compare it to my last contract making it a raise of -$13./hr or a pay cut as you may call it. Or maybe a raise from my current contract paying $0./hr. Yes that is definately a raise from my current contract and at least its a tech job. In anycase I find that talking about salaries in IT/Telecom ever since 6/2001 has been a really depressing conversation. If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass. Can't think of anything I need No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound. Nothing to eat, no books to read.