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Everything posted by ACMESkydiver

  1. -1 I never got caught! ~Jaye Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.
  2. DAMN! -Please note, this is not political in nature so SC needn't be bothered... ~Jaye Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.
  3. ACMESkydiver


    just a special note to all that care . . . there is LIFE beyond Seattle.
  4. That is AWESOME!! I'm spamming all my email contacts with that! ~Jaye Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.
  5. Hey! I make something very similar! I call it 'Power Porridge'! Pretty much the same, but I add about a tablespoon of ground flaxseed -adds Omega 3's (but be careful! It can run right through you if you aren't used to it!!) I also add about a tablespoon of wheat germ. I also add ground, slivered, or chopped almonds for a little more protein. I add in some bee pollen because it is an alphabet of vitamins and a real 'wonder food', and it gives it a slightly sweeter taste. And if I'm just wild and crazy, I add golden raisins, too. ~Jaye Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.
  6. ACMESkydiver


    About a half inch as well. All gone this morning, though! ~Jaye Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.
  7. Weren't we talking about it just a lil' bit ago? Hey if anyone wants to keep track of their progress and food intake, I use It's FREE!
  8. Amen, brother. I like hearing peoples' tricks and tips for getting past tough spots...things like 'soup fills you up for fewer calories', and 'chew sugarless gum if you're craving sweets'. Sometimes just those little helps can get you to a healthier meal... We'll see ya on the updates!
  9. Best of luck to you, and I am so jealous of people that can run! I can't. Have never been able to. Even when I was in the army. The farthest I think I've ever run was 3.5 miles, and it damned near killed me. I can do anything but run...but I hear that those that do run really, really enjoy it.
  10. Oh you bastard. ~Jaye Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.
  11. ACMESkydiver


    It's snowing here outside of Seattle. I know, no big deal...but it will close us down for damn near everything. ~Jaye Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.
  12. I started thinking about how EASY it is to gain just a tiny little 5 pounds per year... Multiply that by 10 years, and you have 50 extra pounds. Yikes. Taking control is the way to go. Congrats on the decision. ~Jaye Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.
  13. Excellent advice right there. Thank you for that! -And thank you for the pic. That's enough to keep us going when Kawi's 'Naked Post Whore Glory' thread is stuck back on page 35 again! ~Jaye Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.
  14. Sorry to hear about the PCOS. What a bummer... The family is still good. Still big. Still here. We still have 10 living here, and as of next week, it will be one year. Man oh man! When's your wedding? Good luck with 10 more pounds by then! Just don't go all crazy with it. (speaking from experience. I wasn't too smart as a young bride-to-be...) ~Jaye Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.
  15. Me too... ~Jaye Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.
  16. Hooray for getting back on track! My trainers have been saying that switching up a workout routine can help break a plateau...I'm on board! I'm zumba'ing and loving it. ~Jaye Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.
  17. Thicker necks, rougher manes, very cool looking though, if I remember correctly... I read up on them, too back when I was a kid.
  18. Last year I got busy and lost 33 1/2 lbs (ok, it was 35 but I gained back 1 1/2. So sue me. ). I have to do it again (plus just a bit more) to reach my goal. I have a plan, which is strikingly similar to the last plan that worked for the first block of 35... I bought a weight loss kit through my hubby's business, which has of course bars and supplements and an eating strategy guide. -I used the same stuff last year, but it has all been updated, and I'm pretty stoked! My gym recently began ZUMBA classes and I LOVE them!! Dancing your butt off. Uh, literally. So I zumba 3 days per week. I strength train 3 days per week. I stick to my eating plan. I'm a melancholy personality type (read 'The Personality Tree' for definition ) so that means I love I figured how many calories I burn per day, how many I need to be in deficit, blah blah...and I should JUST reach my goal by my 15 year wedding anniversary on July 2nd.
  19. Thank God for billvon... I couldn't find an English-'Merican dictionary anywhere. ~Jaye Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.
  20. Ditto. Much HUGS coming from the West Coast! g Yeah! The Northwest coast, too! Sorry you're sad Val. ~Jaye Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.
  21. I couldn't say it better. ~Jaye Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.
  22. I'm sorry for your loss... That was a beautiful tribute. ~Jaye Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.