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Everything posted by skysprite

  1. I figured either you or "Stiffy" would be the first to respond. ~skysprite
  2. Woke up from a little nap earlier and I had had an X rated dream about two dz.commers (one I've met, the other I haven't). What would Freud say about that? Am I spending too much time here with y'all lately?? ~skysprite
  3. Nah, it's not advisable to re-gift that sort of thing, right jt? ~skysprite
  4. Yay! Happy Birthday! ~skysprite
  5. Originally Facebook was all I had. Then when Facebook made some changes I didn't like, someone finally convinced me to set up a My Space and I found it easier to manage, find people etc. so I switched over to that. My Facebook is still around, but just unused. Facebook users: is it worth revisiting Facebook again? Has it gotten easier to use? I probably haven't used it in over a year I'm guessing. I'm sure a lot has changed. ~skysprite
  6. Dropped the card and gift off today! Hopefully it brightened her day when she got it! She's definitely brightened several of my days lately! Seriously though, whether it's a card, a phone call, or regular face to face interaction, I'm just a big dork. I'm always either too personal or too stuffy/business-y. Luckily my friends know this and love me anyway. It's those that don't know me well that I feel sorry for. ~skysprite
  7. *sigh* Still frustrated. Finally caved and got a second p/t job to get me by until a f/t job comes through. Getting nervous because my student loans enter repayment very soon. Gotta do what'cha gotta do though, right! Still, I'm disgustingly optimistic and know I'll get it all to work out just fine. Just gotta keep playing the game!
  8. Yeah, I was concerned it was too stuffy/business-y too. We're probably close enough that I could have gone more personal, but oh well, I already sealed it up so that'll just have to do. I agree that people don't show enough gratitude nowdays. I used to be really bad about sending out thank yous. Then one time I quickly and grudgingly wrote one out at the insistence of my mom (I was a teenager at the time - I was busy, I had "better" things to do, etc.), then later heard how much it really meant to this person (who was actually a pretty special person to me). It changed my outlook. Hearing "thanks, you're appreciated" really can make someone's day. So now when someone has shown me some kindness or touched me in some way, it's important to me that they know what their kindness or generosity means to me.
  9. I really should have seen that one coming. ~skysprite
  10. "Please accept _______ as a token of my gratitude." Is that cheesy for a thank you card? I'm thanking someone for some things she gave to me, and also got a small gift to give to her in return too, to show my appreciation. We're more acquaintances than friends, atm. ~skysprite
  11. I can't get in either this morning. ~skysprite
  12. So what has this taught you? ~skysprite
  13. That was a quote from a balloon pilot today after there was a fatality at Balloon Fiesta. A balloon snagged a fiber-optic line running above a power line, so the pilot threw down a tether so they could be reeled down and freed. The tether broke, the balloon flew back up which caused the gondola to tip, and one passenger fell to her death. One article details some fatalities over the years, then says, Naturally this caught my eye because skydivers say jumping is safer than driving a car too. (generalization) How do you feel about that? Is "it's no riskier than driving a car" the new catchall analogy for "risky" sports? Will every sport that wants to downplay the risk factor be compared to driving now? How is skydiving being compared to driving different from ballooning being compared to driving? Is either a fair comparison? Is the risk factor for ballooning the same for skydiving the same for _____ risky sport the same for driving, etc.? Is "it's no riskier than driving a car" the new "it tastes like chicken?" ~skysprite
  14. Anyone whose driven with me knows that I do the speed limit* and obey most-all traffic laws. It works for me. *Except when I'm in California. But shhhhh, you didn't hear me say that! ~skysprite
  15. I'm not falling for that again!! ~skysprite
  16. That's what I figured too. Unless you just can't tell me about your super secret underground "23 is awesome-ness" club until I'm 23! That's it, isn't it! Bastards! And all this time I thought 23 was just another birthday... ~skysprite
  17. What's wrong with doing the posted speed limit anyway? [Says the "Granny" driver]
  18. I was talking to a drunk friend tonight. ...That's it I suppose; that explains it. But I'll go on anyway for your entertainment.
  19. Yeah, kind of empowering to a certain extent. Now that I'm over my initial knee jerk "holy shit wtf did I do" reaction, I'm actually pretty happy with it. We'll see tomorrow when I actually have to blow dry and use product on it and make it look nice for work and the public. Unfortunately I was born without that particular girly "ability to do hair" gene. Which was why pony tails were awesome. But I can do this! And I'm definitely growing it out and donating again.
  20. A while back when my grandmother was sick, grandpa insisted on getting her a little bell that she could ring when she needed something. He'd hear that, then come help her right away. They've searched high and low for that bell so he can use it now, but they can't find it! So instead grandpa said "hell!, there's an old cow bell in the back! Gimme that!" So he's currently using an antique brass cow bell that you can probably hear from two states away when he needs something! No one in my family does things the "traditional" or "normal" way. But anyway, he's still with us tonight, but not doing so well. ~skysprite
  21. What, no Bolas-love for the short hair?? ~skysprite
  22. skysprite


    Balloon Fiesta is underway in Albuquerque! And look, one of our own stopped by! ~skysprite