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Everything posted by JAC

  1. Judge & P*nis Pump "On one occasion, Ms. (Lisa) Foster (Thompson's court reporter for 15 years), saw Judge Thompson holding his penis up and shaving underneath it with a disposable razor while on the bench," the petition reads. Several witnesses, including jurors in Thompson's court and police officers called to testify in trials, said in the petition they heard the "swooshing" sound of a penis pump during trials and saw the judge slumped in his chair, with his elbows on his knees, working the device.
  2. Uhhhhh, Hi Jen, uhhh, what are you doing here? Nope if you videoed me.... it would only be to laugh at me as it takes me forever to pack. But hell you can do that without video.
  3. And did said victim know they were being videoed?
  4. Never. Live to far from the DZ to drink that much... and staying there isn't an option as I have a dog to take care of.
  5. Not me... won't be out till Sunday.
  6. Neck Beard.... you can't tell where his hair ends on his head and his hair begins on his back.
  7. I'm not sure if it's worse than rice... but I always think sugar. No matter how hard you try to clean it up, you'll end up with some stuck to the bottom of your foot.
  8. Well like I said... I miss it by a fraction where I'm located... but it's been raining and crappy this morning.... so I guess even if I was in the part of TX that could see it, it probably would've been rained out.
  9. Anyone going to be able to see Venus pass the sun tomorrow from where they are? It hasn't happened since 1882....Looks like I'll barely miss it being in Austin. guess I'll have to wait a little longer. Venus Map Timetable
  10. JAC

    Who ate my lunch?

    Yep... I keep saying I'm going to bring in something really gross for them to steal too. I seem to be a victim atleast once a month to this nonsense.
  11. JAC

    Who ate my lunch?

    She made a special batch just for me and i hid them in my truck till i got home. Ummmm.... What did you do to deserve that????
  12. JAC

    Who ate my lunch?

    Yea someone would've definitely stole that one from the freezer.
  13. JAC

    Who ate my lunch?

    You suck. How'd you score that one? Did you stash some away like a squirrel?
  14. JAC

    Who ate my lunch?

    Yep I work in corporate America... and it seems to me that because we have a fridge at work that anything in there is fair game to whoever wants it. Well... that's not how it is suppose to be. You bring your lunch, you expect it to be there when lunch time comes. Most of the time people leave their food in there for eternity until it stinks to high heaven and they expect one of the few daring people (me and a few others) to clean it out. However I do find it amusing that someone once again stole my lunch. It's one thing to steal a frozen dinner, however the past two times the criminal has been daring and stole things that were in a ziploc bag in the freezer with no identification on it. The first time they stole veggie dumplings, which I'm curious as to how they knew how to cook them. This time however their grand prize was a "VEGGIE Corn Dog"! I bet they were a bit suprised biting into that one. So instead I'm eating pop tarts for lunch... which wouldn't be so bad... but I had them for breakfast. Anyone else have daring food thiefs at their work?
  15. I know there are many sides to a story.... but IMHO this is just one of many supposed coincidences that perhaps isn't really a coincidence. From the article at The Guardian "But Mr Cheney has not severed his links with Halliburton. Last year, he received $178,437 in deferred compensation from the company. Reports suggest that the process of awarding contracts has changed under the Bush administration. A report to the House of Representatives committee on government reform last week noted that $107bn in contracts had been awarded without open competition. Nearly three-quarters of those exclusive arrangements - worth about $88bn - involved work in Iraq, the report said. Halliburton has won a sizeable share of them."
  16. Biting or no biting, those pics freak me out.
  17. Didn't catch it the first time... so it was a nice break in the day.
  18. JAC

    interesting ad

    That's too funny. Atleast he'll have soft landings.
  19. Responses to Snopes He was a little bizarre... who knows????
  20. Thanks for sharing... it was a nice break from my work.
  21. Welcome to the skies and to SSM, hope to see you out there!
  22. Bats are the only mammal that can fly.... and penguins are the only mammal that mates for life.