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Everything posted by JAC

  1. I'm trying to do a piece that is essentially 17'x11' printable text, with 1/8th in bleeds. My original dimensions were 15'x7'. Any help will do???
  2. Okay, I know this seems so simple, but I'm having issues adjusting crop and guide lines in Illustrator CS2. I'm pulling from a previous piece, and the printable dimensions are not the same as I need them for my current project. I tried adjusting the artboard size, but now I have guide issues. Any help would be great.
  3. I said leave them in there. When it happened to me... whatever it was figured it's way out on its own... unless that was that funny smell.
  4. Yea Yea you it sucks for us not being there.... but we still miss you. Have tons of fun for all of us!!! J~
  5. Wow, A year ago today I had finally finished my bachelors degree.... and I was thinking that in a year, I would be in Grad school working on my Masters. And.... I'm starting Grad school in January, so it looks like I'm on schedule. The in between time has been a great year of relaxation with a trip to Italy, Cabo San Lucas, and recently Hungary, Turkey, Romania, and France. As for next year... I will still be in Grad school, and working, but not taking many vacations as between the time and money it takes to go to school.... I will have none.
  6. JAC


    She does make it look beautiful.... but there's no way I'm kidding myself to think I could even make it two feet up that pole. You'd probably find me lying on the floor with a broken neck or something. Everybody loves to "Drive Ms. Bucci".
  7. I'm going to go see it... but in a different way. Violet Crown Radio Heard about this on the news the other day, and figured I'd check it out. I remember my mom use to love the old radio programs.
  8. Dad? I think you bumped your head on one of those low countertops ya know the one's that only 5ft. of the floor That are a hazard to the "orthopedically disabled individuals" LMAO.. You two need to stop, you're about to make me cry.
  9. LOL! I can reach the pedals all by myself, thank you very much! Are you sure you can? You can borrow my boots if you need them. I thought this sounded a little fishy. Let me know what your research turns up.
  10. Very creative! I would hate to be his neighbor, there'd be no out doing that.
  11. Hey wait that sounds familiar... oh yeah that happened to me. As irritating as that was, it was more irritating to find out that other people have had the same problem, and didn't have to pay twice. Good thing I wasn't accepted to Grad school then, or there would be no way in hell I'd pay twice for a jump because of manifest. Somebody rub my ears so I can return to my happy place.
  12. For the most part we new that the cloud coverage was going to burn off, and it did. I'm guessing that perhaps we've been spoiled as well. The DZ is usually busy with tandems however, not too busy to allow fun jumpers a chance to jump as well. If it had happened to anyone other than who it did, I could see them acting miffed, and getting attitude back in return. However, they are pretty easy going. Anywho, I think they were concerned this might happen throughout the day, and is why they chose to go elsewhere.
  13. I understand that they don't make money off of fun jumpers. One of the jumpers was from out of town and the other one is a walking advertisement half the time for the DZ always telling newbies "You should go jump here." I think the way it was handled left a bad taste in their mouth more than anything. I've been on the plane with a four way, and bumped do to a manifest oversite, however management and manifest were great about the situation, and no one had their feathers ruffled in the interim. I guess it's all how you handle the situation.
  14. Ummm, they were the first two to manifest before tandems. It was clouded over so nothing was going anywhere at the time. They were told they were bumped for tandems, and in a "I don't give a damn" kind of way. Yep, they did jump the rest of the day, but at another DZ.
  15. You stayed at the drop zone overnight, and you and your friend manifested for the first load of the day (actually first two on the load), and then were told you were bumped off the load? Didn't happen to me, but happened to a friend of mine.
  16. I'm on Myspace, and my usage frequency flucuates, and I'm an oldie. Well early 30's atleast. Anywho, I use it to stay connected to some of my friends. Have fun.
  17. JAC

    Up or Down?

    I said seat and lid down because I have this phobia that something might be in the toilet and bite my ass.
  18. So I guess everyone can start wearing bathing suits in the pool on those late nights then.
  19. Scientology worked for him!
  20. I don't have cable. I'm sure you'll record it though, and let me watch it later.
  21. One case of Natural lite cans coming your way. Now Now!!! You know the only thing we use that crap for are SCR ceremonies. You better treat her right!
  22. I don't watch the news much... but I caught this story. It will be interesting to see what all is revealed.
  23. JAC


    I've used it before. Bought a ticket to NY for $100 on a holiday weekend. I always start real real low, and then allow to work up. I also only allow 1 connection, etc.
  24. JAC


    Yep! I've woken myself up from snoring. I hate it because I've even done it in front of friends, and they sit there and laugh at me. They know that (a) I most likely will be the first to doze off watching a movie (b) I'll start snoring (c) I'll wake up embarrased and angry.
  25. JAC

    Texas Rattler

    As they say, "Everything's Bigger in Texas!"