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Everything posted by kkeenan

  1. I was at a DZ years ago, and was asked to donate to an injured jumper. After I found out that the jumper was injured in a drunken fall from a tree, all I could think was, "WTF?" _____________________________________ Dude, you are so awesome... Can I be on your ash jump ?
  2. Beautiful photo. Was there ever any doubt ? Kevin K. _____________________________________ Dude, you are so awesome... Can I be on your ash jump ?
  3. Amazing there are two events in play. In the end it will be great for big ways. Unless it works to dilute the talent to the point that no one completes anything... _____________________________________ Dude, you are so awesome... Can I be on your ash jump ?
  4. After living in Florida for some time, I've lost track of the number of "Roasted Brits" I've seen around here. They show up white as a fish belly, and spend 10 hr. in the sun on their first day. You can feel the heat from about 10 ft. away. _____________________________________ Dude, you are so awesome... Can I be on your ash jump ?
  5. Probably the headline show at the Rainbow Boogie...
  6. I disagree. I think that BG's course material can be understood on many levels. The experience that one brings to the class can determine what one gets out of it. Noobs get the basics, because that is what their limited experience allows them to relate to. More experienced folks will pick up on a lot more, due to their larger knowledge base. Kevin K. _____________________________________ Dude, you are so awesome... Can I be on your ash jump ?
  7. It is good to be as "rounded" as possible, with a bit of knowledge in all areas. As far as "excelling" at all of them, that is really hard. As has been said, the equipment issue alone is daunting. Swooping and CRW have specialized gear, as do wingsuiting and accuracy. Operating several different sets of gear, along with the EPs that differ in some disciplines can be a safety issue. This is certainly not to discourage you. Go for all you can. I've managed to be somewhat competent at RW and CRW. That's about the limit of my gear budget and brainpower. _____________________________________ Dude, you are so awesome... Can I be on your ash jump ?
  8. Plain as the balls on a dog. _____________________________________ Dude, you are so awesome... Can I be on your ash jump ?
  9. My girlfriend dumped me and my motorcycle was stolen. I had always been curious about skydiving, and heard that there was a DZ nearby. So I figured I try it out. I was 19 and that was 40 years ago. Kevin K. _____________________________________ Dude, you are so awesome... Can I be on your ash jump ?
  10. I work on Space Shuttle cargo at Kennedy Space Ctr. My boss thought it was great the way I spent the morning on Monday. But, then again, we're going out of business, so I guess it's no big deal... _____________________________________ Dude, you are so awesome... Can I be on your ash jump ?
  11. Where have I seen that before? It appears that your words, sir, like those of Shakespeare and the Bible, have become public domain.
  12. If you're feeling froggy... _____________________________________ Dude, you are so awesome... Can I be on your ash jump ?
  13. Judging by your posts in other threads, I can see how the "thinking" part of canopy operation wouldn't appeal to you. You seem to be more of a, "Hey - I'll yank on this and see what happens", kind of guy. _____________________________________ Dude, you are so awesome... Can I be on your ash jump ?
  14. This whole discussion has such a tedious deja vue look to it. Jeez. If you do a search on "Ted Nelson", you could almost paste in each comment and each reply, word for word. Ted went in, sorry to say. he was proclaiming his "Mad Skilz" right up to the time he dug his own shallow grave in a bad swoop. I'd never wish the same on anyone. But, as to DocPop, I couldn't care less. His badassery is between himself and the ground. May the better win. Whoever runs his DZ is probably figuring on a bump in Tandem Rides for a couple weeks after the fatality runs in the local paper. Unless he completely snipes me from behind, I figure I could get away from him. That's really my only concern about his flying. Hey - maybe he will defy the odds and go on to become the next great swooper. Ted didn't, but that's statistics for you. The news always rocks out about the Lotto winner. There's not much of a story covering the zillion who have nothing but a worthless ticket in their pocket. Everyone thinks they are the , "Golden Child". Maybe that's DocPop. If not, somebody will wait till the ambulance leaves (slowly, with no siren), kick the sod back into the crater and get on the next load. Another DGIT passes the final exam. This has all played out so many times, I'm surprised at the energy some of you have to continue your part in the play. Kevin Keenan Florida
  15. The SDR podcast is great to download and listen to on the way to and from work. _____________________________________ Dude, you are so awesome... Can I be on your ash jump ?
  16. Here's another shot of the CRW load.
  17. Yeah, all we needed was a CRW jump at 37,000 ft., and we could have had that angle. Stupid Otter.
  18. Six people had a better seat for this launch...bit they're in orbit now.
  19. kkeenan

    Life Coach

    I'm sure everyone who reads BF regularly has different ideas who this may be. However I'll bet that the majority are thinking of the same person.
  20. kkeenan

    Life Coach

    WTF. I am trying to keep from being amazed by the increasing gullibility of humanity, but this is one modern phenomenon that really cracks me up. How much extra disposable income must one have in order to spend money paying someone to sort out their life? It it further amazes me that people have the nads to put themselves up as the ones to collect money for same. There have always been con artists of all sorts throughout history, and there has never been a shortage of marks for them to scam. So I guess this is just the current revision of the species. Reading the advice column of one of our skydiving colleagues published in a well-known skydiving publication has pushed me to express my thoughts. I suppose its a sign of old age that I feel compelled to comment on life's anomalies. With respect to this one, all I can say is WTF. Kevin K. _____________________________________ Dude, you are so awesome... Can I be on your ash jump ?
  21. "Wings in Orbit", is a new book detailing the 30 years of development and operation of the Space Shuttle. There are contributions by engineers, astronauts, and many others who have had an intimate view of the program since the beginning. This has all been compiled by Wayne Hale, flight director for many years, and later Associate Administrator at NASA. Wayne is a very good writer, and knows the shuttle very well. http://www.nasa.gov/centers/johnson/wingsinorbit/index.html
  22. I always honk my horn at dogs who are in the middle of taking a dump. They probably think I'm a jerk. _____________________________________ Dude, you are so awesome... Can I be on your ash jump ?
  23. Very interesting and eye-opening. Thanks for the link. it's interesting how he compares info to "vegetables" and "desert". It takes focused effort to take in information or points of view that you do not agree with, when it is much more comfortable to surround yourself with those with whom you agree. Kevin K.
  24. CRW is great for reminding you how you felt on your first jump... Kevin k. _____________________________________ Dude, you are so awesome... Can I be on your ash jump ?
  25. Congratulations Aussie women. I hope that the judges complete a successful examination to determine that they are all women. Kevin K.