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Everything posted by loumeinhart

  1. mine are always landing a baglock, sometimes tracking with it, playing with it or doing ep all the way to the ground, but it's always a baglock - i had one last july maybe that's why??
  2. got up at 7am, 4" snow on the road, got hit by a plow truck --SHREDDED my tire! I called sherry butcher said I'll be late - arrived at 11:20 - sherry handed me a FREE JUMP CERTIFICATE becuase i won the drawing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. i'm the only fool at cavs/heat game looking for mals instead of trying to grab the 'parachuting lotto tickets' from the ceiling - saw a few wraps and one ticket had some broken lines
  4. loumeinhart

    Weather sux

    woke up this morning, a HUGE FIREBALL in the sky!!! akron ohio is freaking out !!!!!!!!
  5. thank you so much! 411 does the same thing, the robot asks for a name "mark jones" robot: "Walmart, is that right?"
  6. EDIT-should have posted on old att/cingular thread ok- called cingular cust service for the first time, ROBOT LADY "are you having problems with email or internet?" ME "no" ROBOT LADY "I'm sorry, I didn't understand your reply, are you having problems with email or internet? [B]ME "uhh neither" ROBOT LADY "I'm sorry, I didn't understand your reply, is you would like to change your service press 1, if you like to make a payment press 2, ME ROBOT LADY "are you still there?" ****** by now I'm hitting zero and cursing**** ROBOT LADY "I'm sorry we are having trouble, please hold and your call will transferred to a customer service representive..... ME[/B] "THANK YOU!!!!" ROBOT LADY "I'm sorry, I didn't understand your reply, are you having problems with email or internet?
  7. yea pretty much what I do, then all the snow from my hood blows in my face and i cant breathe - now i feel bad after what kingbunky said ... i drive by a school too -but by then my defrost has melted everything off
  8. i was doing this and thought am i the only one? : chiseling 1/2 ice off your windshield, do you do the whole windshield or just a fist-sized hole to see out of?
  9. yea I took a girl out for coffee and had to hide my nails -i gotta STOP!
  10. my fingers look GREAT after about a week then somehow I start again -- It's a DISGUSTING habit and they sting when I turn on the shower. A buddyjust quit cold turkey and he's pretty pleased got me motivated. I wonder why certain people do this? My dad used to offer me $20 if I quit for 1 month, if he caught me deal was off!
  11. Big thing with Cleve Clinic, administration allowed a Mcdonalds in the foodcourt and some furious doctors are fighting it - I keep up on it and am still torn down the middle, I get the health thing, but It's also a business....in a hospital -- I dont know ???
  12. thats AWESOME !!!!!!!! how was O2 ?
  13. how can I make brown rice taste like food? I found some with seasoning packs but it sucks
  14. right,.... in highschool we made zig-zags on the bubble tests
  15. I'm a light-weight guy who plays piano at sun moring church..... went out dringing tonight, didn't want to frive home so I came back to the office, Has anyone done this before??
  16. for what it's worth, I read his book "Airframe" last year. I couldn't put it down and finished in 4 days. - it's about defective parts on an airliner -very freaky
  17. angel from heaven? http://www.cnn.com/2005/LAW/02/09/teacher.charged.ap/index.html
  18. we've had those "one of the guys" types and they don't even last, this one sings in her Sunday mornin' choir, hey it should all work itself out though!
  19. agreed! I'm just gonna be nice and hope I'm not one she calls 800-ethics on in a month. --- it's different now, no more farting, belching, tastelss sick jokes, internet sound clips, or awesome "guess what I did last night" stories...IT'S ALL GONE!!!
  20. This is great, the same 8 guys have been in my office for the past 10 months. All of the sudden......a new hire!! A pretty girl in her mid-twenties (our age). It's amazing what's going on right now, 2 guys are arguing how to kill with their bare hands, one has already asked her out for a drink, another is acting COMPLETELY different (we're all looking at him like ?????) and one is leaning over her desk bragging how he gets free tickets to anywhere in Cleveland. IT's HILLARIOUS!! - I wonder If girls are used to this
  21. I get bad coughs - tea & honey work great, and my doctor turned me on to otc drug MucinexDM
  22. yea I'd be pissed too, maybe that's why the bad guys always shoot the guy that pushed them off as they fall! aaaaaaaaahhhh!!! rat tat tat tat tat tat tat