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Everything posted by JoeWeber

  1. Poor Coreece, always the martyr. Give it up, yo, who has "directly or indirectly expressed hope for the deaths of older conservatives whose world view hinders their twisted and hypocritical liberal agenda"? What makes you sick is living in a world where your, and Ron's, beliefs no longer get the lifetime pass from examination that made your day's so easy. Sorry, dude, someone turned the lights on.
  2. Indeed. And considering the apparent reverse causality between the rise in atmospheric CO2 and the drop in long term treasury yields since 2000 (CO2 371ppm-411PPM and LTR 6.94%-1.77%) it seems obvious that simply borrowing less money will lower CO2 levels. Why has no one thought of that?
  3. Come on, man, it's Nürburgring. If you want to impress, be impressive.
  4. You haven't read about it? They cancelled ice fishing for Pickerel at The Forks this year. Them boy's in the Peg are on thin ice, for sure.
  5. Um, good about herself? Maybe she'll believe she's as good and capable as anyone else. Maybe her whole life will have a meaningful purpose or maybe she'll just get a job or admission that would otherwise never have happened. Maybe she'll feel so fulfilled she won't feel a need to find an online forum where she can beat the same damn drum every day. I am curious about one thing, are there any Swedes here who can tell us if a mother saying her daughter is mentally ill has a different connotation or social meaning than in the US? Is there a translation issue perhaps?
  6. That's what I'm thinking. After all, recycling will save the world, right?
  7. "Please go back to arguing your own arguments. There will always be some idiot thing to refute, just go back through my posts if you have doubts. Seriously, ejaculations like the above are like a phantom twitch; an absolute nothing that feels real to you alone." See? It fit's again.
  8. Please go back to arguing your own arguments. There will always be some idiot thing to refute, just go back through my posts if you have doubts. Seriously, ejaculations like the above are like a phantom twitch; an absolute nothing that feels real to you alone.
  9. Engaging in public policy isn't accomplished by the sort of green shaming and trivializing you find funny. I don't have an electric car, a single solar panel on our house, I'm not a vegan and I don't ride a bike to Whole Foods toting a hemp bag. It's not that I wouldn't or because I think it's stupid to do so, I just don't. I suppose if I had a more regular life and was as clever as Bill I might sort out a solar/EV solution just for giggles and if the Whole Foods wasn't 20 miles away I might ride my bike. Going Vegan holds no appeal but I can definitely see the point and the observable health benefits. The impact of those particular individual decisions, especially when multiplied as the practices become accepted by society is not ZERO. In terms of reduction of CO2 output against the whole the effect is inarguably de minimis. However, as the ideas gain acceptance, as demonstrated by practice, they will likely become drivers of public policy on things that do have real effect. That, I'm pretty sure, is what engagement actually looks like.
  10. Plain logic say's that worse news about vaping will soon come. But, just as everyone who sprays Roundup doesn't become a statistic nor will every Vaper suffer harm, in their lifetimes. In the meantime let's encourage all smokers to do whatever it takes, short of voting Republican, to get off their smokes. And that means supporting them even if we don't like the solution.
  11. Brent, you aren't educating anyone here. We warmist, alarmist, hysterical and blindered nincompoops are too hypnotized by foolishly perceived developing climatic conditions not the play by play action that informs your world view. You agree the planet is warming. You also acknowledge that human activity plays a role. You simply believe there is more good than bad for a certain, but yet, undefined while. Also, you are comfortable being wrong when you are long since dead. We prefer, if there is any possibility, to be right when we are dead. And we are willing to pay up now for that unlikely possibility. We aren't changing our views and neither are you. So how about we just fade this, and any irreconcilable second amendment differences for that matter, and move on? Surely there are other things that inspire you.
  12. Well you tickled me and I thank you.
  13. This is interesting: Apparently, Generations Y and Z are already moving to where they definitely need to go. If it's only the cost of moving holding them back maybe that's where the money should be spent. I mean, does anyone not know at least one Millennial they wouldn't pay to be rid of? I didn't think so.
  14. Seriously, I wasn't being serious. If anything Bill should send them a few more bucks. Great study, though. Now we know that we all consider everyone one not like us to be uninformed dipsy doodles. I couldn't have worked that out on my own, that's for sure. So did this More in Common think tank that did the study fire all of their college educated researchers before or after they published the findings?
  15. Goddamnit Bill, you need to back off. Did they not teach disconnected realities at MIT? Maybe we should go get your money refunded.
  16. We aren't the only consistently boring people on SC. You fancy yourself clever, have you ever considered buying a new pony?
  17. Well, they do have a product to sell.
  18. And they are damn good at it. Hopefully we’ll learn, too .
  19. So what? Another $1,000,000 gets blown to send 20 of our most advanced fighter jets off to attack a small island with 40 of our most advanced bombs. No one seems to have guess how many, if any, bad guys were killed for the effort. headoverheels on SC (above) got the number of 25 KIA from somewhere. For giggles, let's take that number. So we spent $40,000 per KIA and that would be just for the bombs, Jet-A and maintenance. But for many, it was worth every penny just so some guy can post "Get sum!" on an obscure blog somewhere. After all, we're now only at 3.2% of GDP spending on our military which is way less than the 25% that collapsed the Soviet Union. Lucky for us there aren't millions of bad guys to bomb, right?
  20. No worries, we're just happy to get you on your slow days.
  21. Indeed, it was inciteful.
  22. Because it's "SHOW TIME!".
  23. If that's true it's just another flag waving, yellow ribbon whoopsiedoodle event. Sir, it's just a river island, probably next to zero kids around, definitely some bad guys are there and it'll all make sense and look professional because we can be sure all the bombs will hit the island. Sir, no fuck up this time for sure.