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Everything posted by JoeWeber

  1. When I traded in my last F-150 during cash for clunkers it was awesome. The thing was so trashed I wouldn't drive it off the airport and made the sales guy come get it. I think I got a Ford $1000 credit, I financed it with Ford for another grand-and paid it off the next week-and got another $2500 for some bullshit reason. I was so opposed to the entire program, given that I needed a free new car like a sharp stick in the ear, that I didn't go in until the last minute when ethics don't matter. I was the last cash for clunkers deal in Oregon, I was told.
  2. Now that is funny shit, yo.
  3. You mean like Brent's Shale leases or fracking investments or wherever he has an economic interest in big oil? Seriously, he's like a mom who can not stop herself from defending her dumb shit kid. There must be a reason.
  4. Man, you really need to think a little deeper. They are bribing me because they need me to buy one. I drive an F-150. The F-150 is the biggest selling truck in history. Do you honestly believe those double first geniuses at Ford haven't worked out why that is? Besides, it'll likely cost me 10 grand to clean my current truck just to trade it in. Hey, you think I'll get another credit?
  5. I really want to not like it because, even as beat as my 2009 F-150 is, I don't need a Super Cab. But, $40K and less $7500 Federal and $2500 Oregon tax credits get me to $30K. Write a check at the dealership and then write it off that year and I have one for $16K. Sure seems that it was me they had in mind when they set this up.
  6. As someone who has struggled mightily to screw up as much as possible and came from a family that didn't have money or education I never gave privilege a passing thought. It wasn't until someone came along and explained that I wasn't the F-up I seemed to be and gave me a chance, a lot of mentoring, and expressed confidence in me that I discovered I had a couple of interesting knacks. From then on everything started going easier. It has never been lost on me that without that help things may well have worked out very differently. I am keenly aware of how privileged I am.
  7. Some folks just love denial.
  8. Well stated, thank you. Sadly, I fear the majority of those who would benefit from a close reading of your post view privilege as the simple, natural order of things not as something in need of recognition and understanding. Such efforts would be unnecessary expenses of time that could never yield them benefit in the here and now.
  9. "Hello, Central Committee, should we stop the race? This is Chen. Please call +86 16742264298 soonest." At least 16 people were killed and five more are missing after extreme weather hit runners taking part in a 100km cross-country mountain race in China, state news agency Xinhua said on Sunday (May 23). 5 are still missing. Seriously? Probably 21 dead and there was no one who could see the possibility and stop the race? This, Trump voters, is what autocracy looks like.
  10. Nope. You'd womb up. It's like having the rock when those of us with scissors think we've got the game won.
  11. I'll take stubbornness for $2000, Ken.
  12. I don't think it would be weakness and I'm out of pride. Are there more choices?
  13. Not enough connections? Agreed on Bill. I just refuse to suck up to a mod.
  14. Ken, I was most specifically thinking of Keith. Everything he has posted here, to my eye, reads decency and honor.
  15. He's a man of honor who would carry the entire load if he could. As someone who would never turn his back on a solemn responsibility he, quite naturally, feels that he should have a legitimate right to a say. If the woman wanted the baby and he didn't I suspect strongly that he'd just man up and own the responsibility. The problem is that the sentiment just does not scale out very well. The reality is that the woman's and the baby's fate must never be left to the lowest common douchebag denominator. Hence, the only viability question must center on the one person who will be left holding the diaper bag. From a moral or policy perspective nothing else fits the truth of things.
  16. Which is only to say it is the woman's decision, no period.
  17. Which is why I'm never running for office or going to church.
  18. Who'da seen it coming? Our first named storm, Ana.
  19. JoeWeber


    Just a heads up, so is every Christmas tree.
  20. I'm thinking it isn't called Brent Crude for no reason.
  21. Apparently those forecasters aren't complete yo's.
  22. JoeWeber


    Hadn't considered that. Several years back I put on a couple of Australian TM's. On a windy day I asked one if he'd like to come shag a few tandems. Talk about big eyeballs.
  23. JoeWeber


    Nope. We just need laws that require doggers to keep their drooling, crotch licking, cat turd eating machines at home and away from airlines, restaurants and Home Depot.